Real Estate Marketing Tips for the Hot Sellers Market

Post on: 14 Октябрь, 2015 No Comment

Real Estate Marketing Tips for the Hot Sellers Market

After the housing bubble burst in 2008, many realtors found themselves in hard times. Foreclosures, decreased home values, and an unstable job market prompted many people to reconsider whether they should buy or sell their homes. What was a realtor to do?

But five years later, confidence in the housing market is coming back. Take L.A. and Orange County areas as examples: although housing inventories are relatively low, the demand for homes are running high. And home prices around the country have been on a steady increase. If youre a realtor, it’s the perfect time to seize the opportunity and make sure all your marketing materials are in tip-top shape.

Here are ways to give your real estate advertising a boost while the market is hot.

Out with the Old, In with the New – Revamp Your Branding

A renewed market is your chance to give all your marketing materials a fresh look. Consider a design re-brand to show your current clients that you’re ready for the changing times! An up-to-date design is also a great way to appeal to prospects who want a realtor who is in-touch.

Take a look at your realtor business cards. sell sheets. brochures. letterhead. and other real estate advertising materials. Does the design look outdated? Is your headshot from five years ago? If so, it’s fairly easy to modernize your design simply by using more contemporary colors, fonts, and a new picture of yourself. You don’t necessarily need to do a complete overhaul on your branding. Just a few simple new touches will be enough for people to notice – and enough to show you can easily switch gears when needed.

Reach Out to Prospects with Direct Mail Postcards

You probably know postcard campaigns are the most affordable and effective ways to get business. So why not raise awareness for your services now, while consumer confidence is high?

Send postcards using Every Door Direct Mail and target nearby neighborhoods within a five-mile radius. Direct mail postcards really work because you can send them to every mailbox, and nearly everyone reads their mail. For example, just sold postcards are an easy way to show prospects why it’s a great time to buy or sell. Think about the people who are hesitant to sell their home after a rocky economy. Maybe they need just a little confidence from a real estate expert that nows their best opportunity to sell above their asking price. But how will they know, unless you reach out to them?

Send Customers and Prospects a Neighborhood Newsletter

One of the best ways to establish yourself as your area’s leading realtor is by showing people you know your community. A neighborhood newsletter is the perfect way to keep in touch with your clients and show prospects you have valuable local information!

In your newsletter, include local news, helpful articles for homeowners, a listing of events, recipes – anything you think people in your community will find useful. Consider adding success stories of your clients: who have you recently helped to find a new home? Whose homes have you sold above the asking price? People love to know! Don’t forget to include your listings, too. And if you’ve got space, consider including photos of your community’s popular spots.

Update Your Presentation Folders and Sell Sheets

Has your neighborhood changed over the last few years? Are median home prices different than they were three years ago? You’ll want to make sure your presentation folders and sales materials are all up-to-date. Consider updating these common realtor materials:

Real Estate Marketing Tips for the Hot Sellers Market

• Mortgage applications

• Contracts

• Disclosure statements

• Info sheets on neighborhood statistics and demographics

• Homeseller/homebuyer checklists

• Business listings of local cleaners, inspectors, and repair services

Additionally, be sure your presentation folders are consistent with the design and branding of your other materials. And keep in mind, your clients may keep these folders for reference, so consider getting them printed on quality, long-lasting materials.

Bonus Tip: Dont forget to share your success with your fellow small business owners! Contact local restaurants, shops, landscaping companies, repair service providers, and other businesses and ask if they have any coupons or gift certificates they’d like to offer to your clients. If you send customers their way, they may return the favor!

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