The EDGAR System for EDGAR_Online (EDGR)

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The EDGAR System for EDGAR_Online (EDGR)

EDGR Topics The EDGAR System

These excerpts taken from the EDGR 10-K filed Mar 23, 2009.

The EDGAR System

EDGAR, the acronym for Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval, is the SEC’s electronic filing system. Public entities use this system to submit statements, reports and forms required by the SEC. The SEC established the EDGAR system to perform automated collection and acceptance of submissions and to make them available to the public. The SEC has announced plans to replace the EDGAR system with a new XBRL enabled platform called IDEA. EDGAR Online licenses its name from the SEC and was the first company to publish real-time SEC filings directly onto the Internet for consumption by individual investors.

To power our subscription and data products, EDGAR Online subscribes to a feed of real-time SEC regulatory filings from the SEC’s dissemination agent, Keane, Inc. The data sets we extract from the raw EDGAR filings are processed independently by our proprietary software, stored in databases, posted to our web sites and distributed in multiple formats via our production servers to clients and third parties with whom we have distribution contracts. Additionally, all company primary financial statements are processed and tagged in XBRL within hours of their submission and available to clients in this same time frame. We maintain a historical relational database of EDGAR submissions back to 1993 that supports complex search and retrieval mechanisms to access these filings and the data we have parsed and stored from both the SEC and that which we have integrated from other sources. Our proprietary document processing systems create multiple representations of the original SEC documents, including XBRL, HTML, RTF, PDF and Excel. These value-added versions of the original document are a vital part of serving our customers’ needs to efficiently view, print and analyze the content reported in the SEC filings and also allow us to always provide a direct link back to the original filing for line item verification.

The EDGAR System

FACE=Times New Roman SIZE=2>EDGAR, the acronym for Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval, is the SEC’s electronic filing system. Public entities use this system to submit statements, reports and forms required by the SEC. The SEC

established the EDGAR system to perform automated collection and acceptance of submissions and to make them available to the public. The SEC has announced plans to replace the EDGAR system with a new XBRL enabled platform called IDEA. EDGAR Online

licenses its name from the SEC and was the first company to publish real-time SEC filings directly onto the Internet for consumption by individual investors.

FACE=Times New Roman SIZE=2>To power our subscription and data products, EDGAR Online subscribes to a feed of real-time SEC regulatory filings from the SEC’s dissemination agent, Keane, Inc. The data sets we extract from the raw EDGAR

filings are processed independently by our proprietary software, stored in databases, posted to our web sites and distributed in multiple formats via our production servers to clients and third parties with whom we have distribution contracts.

Additionally, all company primary financial statements are processed and tagged in XBRL within hours of their submission and available to clients in this same time frame. We maintain a historical relational database of EDGAR submissions back to 1993

that supports complex search and retrieval mechanisms to access these filings and the data we have parsed and stored from both the SEC and that which we have integrated from other sources. Our proprietary document processing systems create multiple

representations of the original SEC documents, including XBRL, HTML, RTF, PDF and Excel. These value-added versions of the original document are a vital part of serving our customers’ needs to efficiently view, print and analyze the content

reported in the SEC filings and also allow us to always provide a direct link back to the original filing for line item verification.

The EDGAR System

FACE=Times New Roman SIZE=2>EDGAR, the acronym for Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval, is the SEC’s electronic filing system. Public entities use this system to submit statements, reports and forms required by the SEC. The SEC

established the EDGAR system to perform automated collection and acceptance of submissions and to make them available to the public. The SEC has announced plans to replace the EDGAR system with a new XBRL enabled platform called IDEA. EDGAR Online

licenses its name from the SEC and was the first company to publish real-time SEC filings directly onto the Internet for consumption by individual investors.

FACE=Times New Roman SIZE=2>To power our subscription and data products, EDGAR Online subscribes to a feed of real-time SEC regulatory filings from the SEC’s dissemination agent, Keane, Inc. The data sets we extract from the raw EDGAR

filings are processed independently by our proprietary software, stored in databases, posted to our web sites and distributed in multiple formats via our production servers to clients and third parties with whom we have distribution contracts.

Additionally, all company primary financial statements are processed and tagged in XBRL within hours of their submission and available to clients in this same time frame. We maintain a historical relational database of EDGAR submissions back to 1993

The EDGAR System for EDGAR_Online (EDGR)

that supports complex search and retrieval mechanisms to access these filings and the data we have parsed and stored from both the SEC and that which we have integrated from other sources. Our proprietary document processing systems create multiple

representations of the original SEC documents, including XBRL, HTML, RTF, PDF and Excel. These value-added versions of the original document are a vital part of serving our customers’ needs to efficiently view, print and analyze the content

reported in the SEC filings and also allow us to always provide a direct link back to the original filing for line item verification.

This excerpt taken from the EDGR 10-K filed Mar 17, 2008.

The EDGAR System

EDGAR, the acronym for Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval, is the SEC’s electronic filing system. Public companies and their insiders, mutual funds and financial institutions use this system to submit or file statements, reports and forms with the SEC. The SEC established the EDGAR system to perform automated collection and acceptance of submissions by companies and others who are required to file disclosure documents with the SEC, and to make them available to the public. EDGAR Online licenses its name from the SEC and was the first company to publish these SEC filings directly onto the Internet for consumption by individual investors.

To power our subscription and data products, EDGAR Online subscribes to a Level 1 feed of real-time SEC regulatory filings from the SEC’s dissemination agent, Keane, Inc. This feed is sent to our primary technology facility in Rockville, Maryland. We create a historical archive of original, unaltered SEC filings dating back to 1993. The financial statements in this archive are processed and tagged in XBRL within hours of their submission. We maintain a relational database that supports complex search and retrieval mechanisms to access the filings archive and the data we have parsed and stored from both the SEC and other sources. The data sets we extract from the raw EDGAR filings are processed independently by our proprietary software, stored in databases, posted to our websites and distributed in multiple formats via our production servers to clients and third parties with whom we have distribution contracts. Our proprietary document processing systems create multiple representations of the original SEC documents, including XBRL, HTML, RTF, PDF and Excel. These value-added versions of the original document are a vital part of serving our customers’ needs to efficiently view, print and analyze the content reported in the SEC filings, and allow us to always provide a direct link back to the original filing for line item verification.

This excerpt taken from the EDGR 10-K filed Mar 16, 2007.

The EDGAR System

EDGAR, the acronym for Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval, is the SEC’s electronic filing system. Public companies and their insiders, mutual funds and financial institutions use this system to submit or file statements, reports and forms with the SEC. The SEC established the EDGAR system to perform automated collection and acceptance of submissions by companies and others who are required to file disclosure documents with the SEC, and to make them available to the public.

databases, posted to our websites and distributed in multiple formats via our production servers to clients and third parties with whom we have distribution contracts. Our proprietary document processing systems create multiple representations of the original SEC documents, including XBRL, HTML, RTF, PDF and Excel. These value-added versions of the original document are a vital part of serving our customers’ needs to efficiently view, print and analyze the content reported in the SEC filings, and allow us to always provide a direct link back to the original filing for line item verification.

This excerpt taken from the EDGR 10-K filed Mar 20, 2006.

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