Point and Figure Method of Anticipating Stock Price Movements

Post on: 31 Март, 2015 No Comment

Point and Figure Method of Anticipating Stock Price Movements



Volume 1


As we now publish this classic stock market book online in the year 2009 I cannot help but to draw parallells between DeVillier’s and Taylor’s foreword and the market we are facing today. When the book was first published, in the beginning of the 20th Century, the world had recently witnessed the stock market crash of 1929 and the following great depression. Today, 80 years later, we are again in the midst of a global recession, following the Financial crisis when stock prices crashed from the all time high of 2007.

Again, many investors and traders now turn to the literature of economics and market technique in order to get a better understanding of the principles underlying stock price movements.

We are delighted to present this method of stock charting and trading to a wider audience than ever through the Internet. The method we are presenting is as valid today as it was one decade, as well as one century ago. Unfortunately, with today’s stock charting softwares and methods the underlying principles of stock price movement have been forgotten. Instead traders and investors are foolishly lured into believing that the bells and whistles of some of the stock charting softwares will make them profitable in their stock market campaigns. We would instead like you to forget about the flashing lights, the colorful indicators and lines, and instead begin focusing on the stock price itself like the professionals. The forces of supply and demand determine the stock price movement — let the same forces guide your way.

Unlike the times of the great traders like Jesse Livermore, R. Keene, W.P. Hamilton, Charles Henry Dow and others who had to keep track of the stock prices by hand or in their memory we now have the possiblity to follow their methods of making millions while utilizing the power of the computer. Along with this book we are delivering point and figure charting software. This means we are combining the proven methods of trading with modern ways of working with computers to simplify tedious repetitive tasks. We are publishing two types of computer software explicitly intended for point and figure trading. The first one is called Bull’s-Eye Broker, and the other one is called Point and Figure for Microsoft Excel.

We now urge you to join the group of stock market professionals. Read this classic book, it’s teachings are as valid today as ever before. Download the free trial of the software we are publishing. Let the point and figure method of trading become your own way of speculating successfully in stocks, commodities, currencies and forex.


Wall Street, New York City

October 2009


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