Our Products & Services
Post on: 30 Декабрь, 2015 No Comment

Our Products & Services
We undertake stockbroking services for securities of government related and private companies which are quoted on The Nigerian Stock Exchange or traded over the counter in the stock market. MorganCapital Securities buys and sells shares for clients. This service is targeted at clients who have the time, knowledge and desire to manage their investments.
Acting under the mandate of clients, we perform the following functions:
- Execute trades on your behalf on The Nigerian Stock Exchange The Exchange;
- Nominal transfer of securities;
- Verification of share certificates;
- Revalidation of dividend warrants and reconciliation of shareholding with Registrars.
Our operations are technology driven, we operate an online dealing service through which you may view your account details and also place buy and sell instructions via the internet.
Whenever a transaction is executed on your behalf you will receive a systems generated email showing the details of the trade.
1. Portfolio Management Services
As the market becomes more complex many clients wish to be relieved of the time consuming search for, and analysis of, investments. This combined with the required day-to-day monitoring of their portfolio in volatile periods leads many investors to seek professional fund management expertise. Clients using this service will assign the active management of their portfolio (i.e. debt and equity instruments) to MorganCapital Securities subject to pre-agreed criteria. The main advantage of this service is that MorganCapital Securities is able to act on information being received from the market promptly rather than having to contact the client before taking action. Our investment policy is conservative and portfolios are reviewed continually to meet the investment objectives of the client.
2. Investment Advisory Services
We provide thorough and up to date reports in a timely manner to our clients for their discretionary use to assist them in making investment decisions and optimize returns on their portfolio. We frequently make presentations to client investment committees on general market dynamics or a specific investment allocations to ensure they act on a fully informed basis.
3. Nominee and Custodial Services
This service is targeted at institutions or individuals who seek anonymity: Nigerians resident abroad and foreign portfolio investors who do not want to be bothered with the paper work associated with investing in the stock market or who are not resident in Nigeria. The tedious monitoring or claiming of dividends, bonus issues and shares certificates is completed by MorganCapital Securities. MorganCapital fully complies with all tax disclosure and anti-money laundering regulations.
4. Margin Trading Facility

We provide short & medium term loan facilities to qualifying clients, who desire extra funds to invest in the capital market. The client will be required to make a contribution of 50% of the total funding required either in cash or acceptable shares of blue chip companies while MorganCapital, or our partner banks will make up the remaining 50%. The minimum security deposit required to open a margin trade account is N500,000 (if existing shares, it must be shares acceptable to MorganCapital Securities).
Features of the Margin trading account:
- Extremely fast response and processing time
- Once the facility is granted, you have an ability to make request for increasing the facility online
- Easy access to portfolio expansion funds and ability to maximize returns on your portfolio by contributing at least 50% of the expected loan.
- Ability to utilize existing shares as contribution and still being able to trade on them.
- Ability to acquire Primary Issues (Rights, Public Offers & some Private Placements) by increasing shares contribution to provide for the value within our list of acceptable securities.
- Monthly servicing of the interest portion of the margin facility.
First Margin call at 20% drop on the value of the facility and a Second margin call at 30% reduction in the value of the facility.
The shares in the margin account would be realized if the value of the portfolio falls below 70% and after the second margin call.
The facility is available for a maximum of 180 days and is renewable after expiration.
5. List of Acceptable Shares:
Shares acceptable to MorganCapital Securities would be selected based on the following Criteria:
- Prevailing & forecast Secondary Market Liquidity
- Good of fundamental analysis ratio of the shares of the company, as reported by our in-house Research team
- Forecast Growth in profitability of the company.
- Good quality management
6. Stockbrokers to Primary market issues
This service is targeted at companies seeking to issue equity or debt in the new issues market. MorganCapital Securities is well placed to build strong investor support and ensure a successful floatation for clients by providing sound advice based on our expert knowledge of the workings of the secondary market.
7. Stock Market Advisory Services
Shareholders are becoming more aware of their rights and are beginning to measure the performance of Management by the relative performance of their share price totheir industrial sector and the market as a whole. In response to the increased market sophistication, MorganCapital has delivered a new service offering to clients. MorganCapital advises reputable, quoted companies, on a continuous basis, how best to manage their relationships with the regulatory bodies, Stockbrokers, Financial press and the investing public to ensure that their share price at any point in time truly reflects the fundamentals and future prospects of the company.
8. Sponsoring stockbrokers to Listing by Introduction
MorganCapital Securities acts as sponsoring stockbrokers for companies that are seeking their first time listing on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. We help the company to liaise with the regulatory agencies (the NSE and the SEC) and ensure that all the regulatory requirements are met in a timely fashion.