How to Understand Bond Yields (5 Steps)

Post on: 22 Февраль, 2017 No Comment

How to Understand Bond Yields (5 Steps)


Know what a bond is. Corporations and governments issue bonds to borrow money. Most bonds are issued for periods of 1 to 30 years. A corporate bond is usually for $1,000, while local (municipal) bonds may be for as little as $100, and U.S. Treasury bonds often have face values up to $10,000 or more.

Know what the coupon rate is. Bonds pay a fixed amount per year, called the coupon rate. The name comes from the practice of using coupons attached to bonds. In the past, the bondholder would redeem the coupons to receive the money paid on the bond.


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How to Understand Bond Yields (5 Steps)

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Corporate bonds are notes, usually in denominations of $1000 or $5000, which companies issue to borrow money. The denomination (called the face.

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Bonds are sold by corporations and governments to borrow money. Each bond has a face (or par) value that is the amount.

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