The Franciscos’ Investment Options CASE 1 Hector Francisco is a successful businessman in Atlanta
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The Franciscos’ Investment Options CASE 1
Hector Francisco is a successful businessman in Atlanta. The box-manufacturing firm he and his wife, Judy, founded several years ago has prospered. Because he is self-employed, Hector is building his own retirement fund. So far, he has accumulated a substantial sum in his investment account, mostly by following an aggressive investment posture. He does this because, as he puts it, “In this business, you never know when the bottom’s gonna fall out.” Hector has been following the stock of Rembrandt Paper Products (RPP), and after conducting extensive analysis, he feels the stock is about ready to move. Specifically, he believes that within the next 6 months, RPP could go to about $80 per share, from its current level of $57.50. The stock pays annual dividends of $2.40 per share. Hector figures he would receive two quarterly dividend payments over his 6-month investment horizon. In studying RPP, Hector has learned that the company has 6-month call options (with $50 and $60 strike prices) listed on the CBOE. The CBOE calls are quoted at $8 for the options with $50 strike prices and at $5 for the $60 options.
a.How many alternative investment vehicles does Hector have if he wants to invest in RPP for no more than 6 months? What if he has a 2-year investment horizon?
b.Using a 6-month holding period and assuming the stock does indeed rise to $80 over this time frame:
1. Find the value of both calls, given that at the end of the holding period neither contains any investment premium.
2. Determine the holding period return for each of the 3 investment alternatives open to Hector Francisco.
c.Which course of action would you recommend if Hector simply wants to maximize profit? Would your answer change if other factors (e.g. comparative risk exposure) were considered along with return? Explain.
Case Problem 15.2 Jim and Polly Pernelli Try Hedging with Stock-Index Futures
Jim Pernelli and his wife, Polly, live in Augusta, Georgia. Like many young couples, the Pernellis are a 2-income family. Jim and Polly are both college graduates and hold high-paying jobs. Jim has been an avid investor in the stock market for a number of years and over time has built up a portfolio that is currently worth nearly $375,000. The Pernellis’ portfolio is well diversified, although it is heavily weighted in high-quality, mid-cap growth stocks. The Pernellis reinvest all dividends and regularly add investment capital to their portfolio. Up to now, they have avoided short selling and do only a modest amount of margin trading.
Their portfolio has undergone a substantial amount of capital appreciation in the last 18 months or so, and Jim is eager to protect the profit they have earned. And that’s the problem: Jim feels the market has pretty much run its course and is about to enter a period of decline. He has studied the market and economic news very carefully and does not believe the retreat will cover an especially long period of time. He feels fairly certain, however, that most, if not all, of the stocks in his portfolio will be adversely affected by these market conditions—though some will drop more in price than others.
Jim has been following stock-index futures for some time and believes he knows the ins and outs of these securities pretty well. After careful deliberation, Jim and Polly decide to use stock-index futures—in particular, the S&P MidCap 400 futures contract—as a way to protect (hedge) their portfolio of common stocks.
a.Explain why the Pernellis would want to use stock-index futures to hedge their stock portfolio, and how they would go about setting up such a hedge. Be specific.
1. What alternatives do Jim and Polly have to protect the capital value of their portfolio?

2. What are the benefits and risks of using stock-index futures as hedging vehicles?
b.Assume that S&P MidCap 400 futures contracts are currently being quoted at 769.40. How many contracts would the Pernellis have to buy (or sell) to set up the hedge?
1. Say the value of the Pernelli portfolio dropped 12% over the course of the market retreat. To what price must the stock-index futures contract move in order to cover that loss?
2. Given that a $16,875 margin deposit is required to buy or sell a single S&P 400 futures contract, what would be the Pernellis’ return on invested capital if the price of the futures contract changed by the amount computed in part b1, above?
c.Assume that the value of the Pernelli portfolio declined by $52,000, while the price of an S&P 400 futures contract moved from 769.40 to 691.40. (Assume that Jim and Polly short sold one futures contract to set up the hedge.)
1. Add the profit from the hedge transaction to the new (depreciated) value of the stock portfolio. How does this amount compare to the $375,000 portfolio that existed just before the market started its retreat?
2. Why did the stock-index futures hedge fail to give complete protection to the Pernelli portfolio? Is it possible to obtain perfect (dollar-for-dollar) protection from these types of hedges? Explain.
d.What if, instead of hedging with futures contracts, the Pernellis decide to set up the hedge by using futures options? Fortunately, such options are available on the S&P MidCap 400 Index. These futures options, like their underlying futures contracts, are also valued/priced at $500 times the underlying S&P 400 Index. Now, suppose a put on the S&P MidCap 400 futures contract (with a strike price of 769) is currently quoted at 5.80, and a comparable call is quoted at 2.35. Use the same portfolio and futures price conditions as set out in part c to determine how well the portfolio would be protected if these futures options were used as the hedge vehicle. (Hint: Add the net profit from the hedge to the new depreciated value of the stock portfolio.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using futures options, rather than the stock-index futures contract itself, to hedge a stock portfolio? is a premium custom Research and essay writing company that is committed to delivering 100% original and on time papers. Place your custom order with us and experience the difference; You are guaranteed of getting a premium paper which meets your expectations, 24/7 customer support and communication with your writer. Enjoy a great discounts by ordering a paper from us today!