The 3Step Stress Test For Your Portfolio
Post on: 5 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

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The Federal Reserve recently completed its annual stress test of 30 large financial institutions. The stress test attempts to evaluate how banks would weather another extreme financial crises. The test simulates a crises that includes “a deep recession with a sharp rise in the unemployment rate, a drop in equity prices of nearly 50 percent, and a decline in house prices to levels last seen in 2001,” according to the Fed. The results were positive.
With markets flirting with all time highs, it’s a good time to stress test our own portfolios. Like financial institutions, there are some things we as investors cannot control. The market is chief among them.
There are, however, several things we do control. The three key components within our control are asset allocation, costs, and tax efficiency. So borrowing a page from the Fed, here’s a quick 3-step stress test for your investment portfolio.
1. Asset Allocation
The allocation between stocks and bonds affects returns and risk more than any other asset allocation decision. As the chart below from Vanguard’s Framework for Constructing Diversified Portfolios shows, both the volatility and returns increase as a portfolio increases its exposure to equities.
For our purposes, the focus is on the worst annual performance of each stock/bond allocation. It is easy to forget about bear markets when the S&P 500 was up more than 30% last year. Yet the best time to assess your portfolio’s risk and your tolerance for that risk is when the market is on a tear. In the words of Indian diplomat Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, “The more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war.” Now is the time to sweat.
There are two questions to ask. First, can you weather the potential loss to your portfolio given its allocation to stocks and bonds? Second, can you attain your financial goals given the real returns you’re likely to achieve with your asset allocation.
You’ll notice the tension between these two questions. We dislike the risk in a stock-heavy portfolio, but need the returns that come with assuming the risk. Thinking long-term can help stomach the gut-wrenching drops in the market. The key for stress testing your portfolio, however, is whether you will stick to your asset allocation plan when the market drops.
Investing costs are a key component of successful investing. Even small increases in cost, multiplied over a lifetime of investing, can erode a significant portion of a portfolio. For example, a $100,000 portfolio that earns a 6% return and incurs 0.25% in expenses will result in a balance of about $530,000 at the end of 30 years. Increase the expenses to “just” 0.90% and the ending balance drops nearly $100,000 to about $438,000. Costs matter.

The good news is that investors are starting to pay attention. A 2013 white paper by Vanguard concludes that low cost funds have drawn the majority of investing dollars over the last decade.
The key in this stress test is to make sure your portfolio’s expenses are reduced to the minimum. A portfolio of low cost index funds should aim for a weighted expense ratio of no more than 0.25%. With some actively managed funds, the ratio should not go above 0.50%. Anything above these levels warrants close scrutiny.
Minimizing taxes is the final component of our portfolio stress test. For retirement, taking full advantage of 401k, 403b, and IRA retirement accounts is critical. These accounts enable investors to defer taxes on contributions and earnings for decades, thereby growing their nest egg faster. Roth retirement accounts are an ideal alternative for those in lower tax brackets.
For those with taxable investments, several considerations are in order. First, make sure that investments generating significant interest and dividends are kept in retirement accounts. Keeping an eye on asset location can greatly reduce current year taxes. Second, when capital gains generating sales must be made, look for opportunities to liquidate investments to offset the gains. Called tax harvesting, this approach also can reduce taxes.
Now is the time to evaluate a portfolio’s asset allocation, costs, and tax efficiency. With these three components well planned and executed, a portfolio will be better prepared to weather the next financial storm.