The #1 Stock to Own Right Now
Post on: 5 Август, 2015 No Comment

As youll discover below, by a couple standards of measure, right now is one of the best times in at least 10 years to buy what we consider to be the #1 stock to own right now.
If youre a long-term investor, and youre looking for a recession-proof, sleep at night kind of investment with a strong history of paying increasing dividends through both thick and thin, then this stock should be at the core of your portfolio.
As the worlds largest retailer, its competition simply cant hold a candle to its dominant pricing power.
As a result, the company has been able to grow its earnings and boost its dividends throughout even the most uncertain economies.
History shows the best-performing stocks over the long haul are dividend stocks and not only has this company never once skipped a dividend payment, but its also boosted its dividends every single year since it first started paying them back in 1974.
If this sounds like the kind of investment you could benefit from, then right now could be the perfect time to get started
In short, the company is making more money than ever today, yet the stock price isnt keeping up.
In addition, if you buy now, you can lock in one of its highest yields in history.
Two of the richest men in the world are already cashing in, and SEC filings released November 14, 2014, reveal that one of them continues to load up on shares
Warren Buffett, bought another 1,588,034 shares- in the third quarter of 2014. Hes expecting his 60.3 million shares to pay Berkshire Hathaway over $28.2 million on the next dividend payout date.
Bill Gates, the second richest man in the world, added 500,000 shares of this stock in the fourth quarter of 2013. All told, he now owns 11.6 million shares for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust. By our math, the Foundation should collect over $5.5 million in dividends from this holding within the next three months alone.
Even our elected officials cant resist the urge to collect the safe and ever-growing income stream this company offers its shareholders: according to the latest data out of the Center for Responsive Politics. 30 members of Congress own this stock (9 Democrats, 21 Republicans).
You may want to consider following their lead especially when you take into account this stocks long-term income potential on shares purchased today.
For example
If the company keeps growing its dividends at the same rate at which it has since 2000 — which equates to a 15% annual boost — then in 10 years from now you could be collecting a 9.5% annual yield on the shares you buy today.
Hold for another 10 years and you could collect a 38.6 % annual yield … from dividends alone.
The table below shows you what this could look like. Can you see why its so important to get started early?
You may think this scenario is far-fetched, but when you consider the companys ultra-safe 39% payout ratio and the rate at which its been growing its earnings and dividends these potential yield-on-cost figures are entirely possible.
But even if the company only grew its dividend at half the rate at which it has historically, youd still be collecting an outsized income stream on your original shares.
In short, this is the ideal stock to buy and forget about.
In case you havent guessed it by now, the company were talking about is Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) the King of Retail.
Dan Ferris one of the analysts we follow here at Daily Trade Alert is the one who originally brought this opportunity to our attention.
While the stock price has risen since then, it certainly hasnt kept up with the increase in earnings.
Consider this: since 2000, Wal-Mart has hiked its quarterly dividends by 717% and grown its annual earnings per share by 261%.
Take a look
At the same time, the company has spent $70.7 billion buying back its own stock.
With these factors in mind, youd think the share price would be through the roof but its not.
In fact, at around $83/share, shares are only trading hands for about 22% higher than they did back in early 2000.
But back then, Wal-Mart was incredibly overvalued trading around 45 times earnings.
Remember though, earnings have since soared 261% and were now looking at nearly the opposite situation in the companys valuation. Trading for around 17 times earnings, the stock is nearly as cheap as its been in over a decade.
In addition, anyone who buys right now can lock in a 2.3% yield a near-historic high for Wal-Mart.
Take a look Action to Take: If you’re a long-term investor… and you’re interested in creating what could be the ultimate portfolio for a lifetime of safe, reliable and ever-increasing income… then consider making Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) one of your core holdings today.
Good investing!
Daily Trade Alert
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