Stock Options Trading Education

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Stock Options Trading Education

Which Is Why It’s So Important for You

An Open Letter to Option Traders

Who Are Sick of All the


—by A.J. Brown, Trading Coach

& Investment Writer

Fort Collins, CO — If you want to learn foundational and advanced strategies for trading options, without the hype, lies or wild-haired (and frankly, illegal) claims you see whenever you open your email, then this report will show you how.

Let me explain:

My name is A.J. Brown. I have been trading options for 10 years now. I have also been interviewed by a number of notable authorities, including Dr. Letitia Wright, an award-winning entrepreneur whose television program reaches 3.8 million viewers.

Back when I was getting started, I immersed myself in the study of trading—theories, chart patterns, methods. you name it, I studied it. I followed all the experts of the day and spent a small fortune on training materials and seminars.

Then, in 2001, I had a breakthrough. I started an investment group with 8 other people whom I had met at seminars. This was a big deal because.

Finally I Had Accountability

I agreed to be the note-taker for the group. So every night, I would send out the notes for the day. This became a ritual for me. I still do it today.

Now, I paper-traded my account until 2004. I guess I got comfortable as the note-taker for the group, and it took me a while to build up the courage to trade my own account. In spite of my fear, here’s what happened:

I started with about a thousand bucks and quadrupled it in less than a month. I did it again a few months later. By May, my account had grown far beyond my expectations. Then, without any notice.

My Trading Group Vanished!

What happened?

Well, it’s a funny thing. They didn’t really disappear. They were simply stunned into silence by the gains I was posting. In fact, they had started forwarding my Nightly Newsletter to all their trading friends!

Before I knew it, I was getting emails from all kinds of people I didn’t know. They had questions. Lots of them.

I did what I could to answer them all, but it simply became overwhelming. The truth is, I was spending so much time replying to questions that I was having a hard time focusing on trading.

That’s when I got an idea. Why not create a virtual learning academy for options traders so they could gain access to my system and get all their questions answered?

I knew by creating such a community I would only have to answer a question one time and it would benefit everyone. This would save a lot of time, plus be a great service to new and veteran traders alike. So that’s how the Trading Trainer community was created.

A Trading Community Unlike Any Other

As you probably already know, there are many charlatans in the trading business, and I would not be surprised if you are quite cynical about the trading claims they make. Which is one reason why I don’t make any specific claims of my own (although if I were to publish my results, I’ve got plenty of proof to back them up).

The strength of the Trading Trainer community stands on the results of its members. Those are the results that really count.

Why might you consider joining?

Here are three reasons.

Tightly-knit trading communities provide safety.

If you’re trying to go it alone and do your own thing, chances are you are quite vulnerable. A tightly-knit trading community can at times reduce risk and potentially increase your chance of succeeding.

Access to an expert can prevent costly errors.

If you are like most traders, then you have burning questions that come up from time to time. Getting prompt answers from an expert can help prevent unnecessary losses.

Repetition & action inevitably lead to mastery.

By participating in a community such as ours, you are making a commitment to mastery. As such, you will learn certain lessons not one time only, but multiple times. This is intentional because repetition combined with experience is the only training method that guarantees you will fully absorb the material.

Bigger Winners, More Often

Part of what makes our community unique is innovation. We are not inclined to rest on our laurels. Rather, we seek to innovate, polish, and perfect everything we do.

As we speak, I’m developing an exit strategy more powerful than almost anything I’ve developed before.

Those who remain members benefit from these improvements for free. Their monthly membership fee never changes while they are a member, so the value they receive is increasing all the time.

Here Is a Real Example of a Trade

We Recently Made

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Stock Options Trading Education

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A Special Emphasis on


Many novice option traders tend to over-complicate things. I know this because I did it early on. And I’ve seen dozens of others do the same.

The temptation is to use too many indicators, patterns, and methods at once. At some point, nearly every novice trader believes that the best trading methods have to be complicated.

But the exact opposite is true!

The best trading methods are the simplest ones. My 10+ years in the market have taught me that. Here are a few reasons why:

Too many indicators, patterns, and methods is counterproductive. It is extremly confusing and can hurt your ability to spot good trades.

Mastering a few simple but uniquely powerful methods can produce all the information you need to make smart trades.

Armed with only a few simple and proven trading methods, you will be much more disciplined about following your trading and money management rules.

5 Simple Steps to


There is perhaps no better place to master the right option trading strategies than the Trading Trainer private membership community.


Because, quite simply, we combine five uniquely powerful elements to maximize our students’ success. These five elements are:

Education — More than 60 hours of audio training, plus a fast-paced options trading course accessible from inside the site.

Proprietary Trading System — Discover our proprietary rules for options trading that help to minimize risk and potentially maximize gains.

Watch Lists — See the underlying stocks that meet our filter criteria and become qualified candidates for option trading. (Updated daily.)

Accountability — Why do so many traders fail? Lack of accountability. That’s why we focus on connecting like-minded option traders so they can hold each other accountable. (Many traders have found this aspect of the community is worth the entire cost of membership.)

Weekly Q&A, Refreshers & Market Updates — Get immediate answers to your questions during weekly teleseminar Q&A sessions, as well as timely educational refreshers and frequent market updates.

Traders who have joined our community have candidly reported their reasons for sticking around. But instead of telling you what they said, why don’t you simply watch and see for yourself?

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