Stock Market and Investment Guide
Post on: 11 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Use these resources to learn about stocks, the stock market. investing, markets, exchanges and other personal finance related topics. These articles provide a wealth of knowledge and where appropriate they also provide references to reputable sites on the internet to get more information.
Stock Market and Investing
These cover basic topics on investing and stocks. Start here if you are a beginner and as you gain understanding and proficiency, you will be able to formulate your own investment strategy and seek proper guidance if necessary.
- Stock Market Game Various resources to help you practice investing using simulated stock market game
- Stock Market Terminology for Beginners basic stock market terms for beginners
- Investing for Teens A brief guide and set of resources to get teen investors get started in the stock market in the right way. An educated investor is the best investor
- How to Read the Stock Market Introduction to the stock market from a behavioral perspective
- The Great Depression The Stock Market Crash and Beyond Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression
- A Guide to Stock and Commodities Exchanges Stock markets and commodities exchanges around the world
- Investment Careers: How to Become a Financial Planner If you want a career in investments you may want to learn about how to become a financial planner

Personal Finance and Economics
The following resources address key personal finance topics that should help you to manage your household and help your children learn basics of money.
- Financial Organization Guide Key financial planning topics
- Credit, Loans & Savings: Maintaining and Balancing a Budget Budgets, loans, credit all the necessities of todays lifestyle
- Teaching Kids How to Count Money Get your kids started early with learning about money
- Kids Guide to Money More resources for kids to learn about money and money management
- Determining Your Value: Negotiating Your Salary You bring value to the market. Find how to get compensated properly
- How to Save Money By Recycling Recycling saves money for you as well as the society at large
- 50 Economics Resources for Educators Great resources to learn about economics and keep abreast of economic developments around the globe
Other Resources
These resources are useful for people trying to manage and grow their own businesses or invest in intangibles that have monetary value that cant be quantified. It is important to pay attention to all sources of value in your personal and professional life.
- Investing in Gifted and Talented Children Children are our best resource. Learn how to identify talent and nurture it.
- How to Write an Effective Business Plan New businesses are the drivers of the economic engine. If you are working on a business, you should pay attention to developing a strong and effective business plan
- Fun Investments Coin Collecting for Beginners Investments come in many forms. What better way to invest than in money!
- The Many Values of Paper Paper Mache
About Value Stock Guide
Officially launched in early 2011, Value Stock Guide has quickly become an invaluable resource for stock market investors and beginners alike. We focus on fundamental investment analysis and prefer stocks undervalued in the Buffett/Graham tradition. Various stock screens are produced and we recommend undervalued stocks to buy after a careful analysis and due diligence. has this to say in their Value Stock Guide review :
Mastering value stocks and value investing is easy when you have a site like The Value Stock Guide assisting you at every turn.