Sector ETF Trader

Post on: 11 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Sector ETF Trader

WARNING. Dont even think of investing in ETFs until you read this special report.

The secret comes from the writings of an obscure economic organization that’s produced 16 Nobel Prize winners in Economics.

See how a select few are using this information to make an absolute killing with ETFs. Dear Reader,

’m writing today to tell you about an exciting investment strategy that could put an end to your money worries forever.

Although the ‘data’ needed to use this strategy has been around for decades, most investors know nothing about it. And even fewer tap its tremendous wealth-building ability.

That’s too bad, because this strategy is an absolute godsend for folks who want a safe, simple way to make big money in the markets… and also want to do it quickly.

You see, I’ve found a market pattern so accurate, it’s almost like the government is telling you where to invest your money.

Of course, that’s not going to happen. But if you know how to ‘read between the lines’, you can often predict with amazing accuracy which sectors of the market are about to take off.

And if you know which sectors are about to take off, you can practically print money. on demand, for yourself and your family.

But heres the best part. Just about anyone can use this information, regardless of age, occupation, or income.

So what exactly is this ‘secret system’? Why does it lead to such enormous profits? And how can you find out, in advance, which sectors are about to skyrocket?

I’ll explain all the details in this letter.

Just understand that what I’m about to show you could lead to some eye-popping ETF gains, despite all the problems with the economy and stock market. For example…

  • A quick 91% profit in the Market Vectors Steel Index — thatll nearly double your money in just a few months
  • A nice 78% gain in the iShares Oil Equipment and Services Index — enough to turn every $2,000 into $3,560 in less than 6 months
  • A 2-month windfall of 114% in the Market Vectors Goldminers Index — an initial $5,000 turns into $10,700

  • But before I describe this opportunity and why it’s so explosive… I want to tell you up front that it’s not for everyone.

    Don’t get me wrong… it’s not complicated. In fact, it uses one of the most straightforward techniques you’ll ever see and should only take a few minutes of your time each month.

    And it’s not because you need many thousands of dollars to start with. In fact.

    This Strategy Can Work With As Little As $400

    The reason it’s not for everyone is because some investors are unwilling to try anything ‘outside the box’ that could actually work.

    The total amount of money invested in ETFs has quadrupled in the past five years.

    -Investors Business Daily

    They’ve been brainwashed into believing that the only way to make money in the markets is to buy blue chip stocks and mutual funds — and hold them for 25 years.

    And because of this belief, they often miss out on amazing opportunities- just like this one- which could dramatically increase their wealth.

    But you’re not one of those people .

    You know that to discover real opportunity, you have to do what others aren’t. You have to break off from the herd before it goes off the cliff.

    You also know that the best way to make a fortune in the market is to get off the beaten path and look for unorthodox ideas.

    And what I have for you today fits the bill perfectly. It’s something that not a lot of people talk about because they just don’t know how to connect the dots.

    But that’s what this letter will do.

    When you’re through, you’ll know exactly how you can take a few hundred dollars and possibly turn it into thousands—or even millions – in much less time then youd think possible.

    I know you’re excited to get going, so let’s start at the beginning…

    How A Boring 89-Year Old Institution Could Make You Rich

    At first glance the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) sounds like a dull, quasi-government institution.

    They study and report on stuff that you probably don’t care a whole bunch about in your daily life. Things like the business cycle, gross domestic product, and employment growth…

    But the information detailed in these reports could make you rich. leading to trades like these:

    iShares Nasdaq Biotech Index: Annualized Return=216%

    Goldman Sachs Networking Index: Annualized Return=174%

    iShares DJ Transportation Index: Annualized Return=218%

    You see, the clues to find trades like these are found within the reports that the NBER routinely spits out. As you can see, this type of trading can take a little. and turn it into a lot very quickly !

    And what’s amazing is that the NBER publishes these numbers all the time. Most people just don’t have any idea how to use them to exploit the market for tremendous gains.

    Heres the thing, NBER basically tells us where the economy is and how it’s doing.

    Once their data is confirmed they’ll give specific dates of when a recession started, how long it went, and when it ended. They basically map out what business cycle the US economy is in.

    And if you know what cycle the economys in — well, thats when you can really start to make some serious money with ETFs.

    As many of you know, certain sectors do better, or worse based on what the economys doing.

    For example, right before a recession starts, consumer cyclicals usually do well. When inflation begins to pick up so do the oil and real estate sectors. The beginnings of an economic recovery usually ignites technology stocks. And on and on.

    The point is if you can decipher where we’re at in the business cycle, you can then use ETFs to move into sectors that are hot, and move out of those that aren’t.

    Put simply. These NBER reports, combined with the power of ETFs, allow you to safely capture huge gains based on what’s going on in the economy – without worrying about any individual stock or company.

    Here’s what I mean…

    A Simple Observation Generates An Easy 114.2% Gain. In Just 2 Months!

    Perhaps the best way to demonstrate how you can use market cycles to produce winner after winner is to show you a real-life example.

    Some time ago we noticed that the US economy was suffering in a pronounced way. We knew from reports coming out that the country was in a recession.

    We also knew that the gold sector tends to fare well at the outset of any recession. If you take a look at history, this trend is very easy to identify.

    So we decided to take a look an ETF called the Market Vectors Gold Miners Index (GDX). This particular investment gives you exposure to 32 different gold miners including:

    • Barrick Gold Corp
  • Newmont Mining Corp
  • Agnico-Eagle Mines
  • Yamana Gold Inc
  • Coeur dAlene Mines Corp
  • Hecla Mining Co
  • Vista Gold Corp

  • This way, we knew we could capture a big gain if our analysis was correct. And we wouldn’t have to worry about any one individual stock (since our money was spread out over 32 of them).

    Anyway, here’s what the gold miners did over the next 2 months.

    As you can see, the sector shot up 114.2%. All while the S&P 500 gained a piddly 3.1%.

    On an annualized basis, that’s a 684% gain- enough to turn every $5,000 into $39,200! Its not hard to imagine the kind of wealth that can be accumulated when youre making trades like this on a regular basis.

    But remember, this doesnt just happen to any old sector or industry. You must find the perfect situation that meets a number of criteria to give yourself the best chance of success.

    Fortunately, there are only 3 rules you must follow to regularly pluck huge profits from the ETF money tree. Here’s the first one…

    Profit Step #1: Identify What Cycle The Economys In. And Quickly Double Your Money

    First of all, you should know that the best way to make a killing with ETFs is to identify what major cycle the economy is in. And know that I’m not talking about little short-term hiccups that mean nothing.

    I’m talking about major cycles that have a big impact on the stock market and are supported by hard numbers. Not based on the whims of some TV reporter.

    These are the types of cycles that create mountains of money for those who spot them early enough- and know how to exploit them.

    Most investors have no clue about any of this when making their investment decisions. They aren’t aware that the economic cycle is like a roadmap that leads to enormous riches.

    Take the steel sector for instance…

    As you can see, the steel sector made a big move from January to May. But it wasn’t rocket science to see why it was moving…

    And if youd purchased the Market Vectors Steel ETF (SLX) early on January 22nd, youd have made over 91% in less than 4 months.

    Thats an annualized gain of 273% simply by identifying a major economic trend and taking advantage of it. Enough to turn every $2,000 you invest into $7,460.

    By now youre probably wondering how to identify these super cycles and how to make the most money once a trend is identified?

    That brings me to my next point.

    Profit Step #2: Drill Down To Identify Which Individual Sectors And Industries Are Set To Skyrocket

    Ok, so you have a pretty good idea of what part of the cycle the economys in. Now it’s time to make some money.

    Based on historical data, and a whole bunch of analysis, we know that there are certain sectors that do better than others given what the economy is doing .

    Did you know for example that technology tends to do very well when we’re in the worst part of a recession? Or that the consumer staples are a good place to be once the recovery is in full swing?

    This chart gives a very generalized idea of how it works:

    Using this information as a guideline, you can then really drill down into these sectors to find specific industries that are about to pop.

    And the best part is, these big moves typically materialize very quickly. That means you don’t have to wait years and years to see some really meaningful profits.

    You just have to keep unpeeling the layers of the onion until you find that perfect subsector of the market that is primed to take off. And there’s no better way to play this phenomenon than with sector ETFs.

    Take the Dow Jones Healthcare Providers ETF (IHF) as an example.

    First you have to understand that healthcare is a very cyclical industry. And also know that if you time it just right, you can scalp some quick profits on a fairly regular basis…

    As you can see, the index moved off its lows and shot up 26% in about 33 days.

    Now 26% might not sound like a lot to some people, but it’s not bad when you consider what the market was doing at that time.

    And if you take that 26% and annualize it over the year, that would equal a 309% return! I don’t know many people who couldn’t use a profit like that right now.

    To sum it all up. Once you have a basic idea of which sectors do what and when, you can then dig deeper into individual industries to really make the big bucks.

    Let’s see how…

    Profit Step #3: Use Very Specific Sector ETFs To Make A Killing

    Ok, you’ve identified a sector that looks like it’s about to skyrocket. What now?

    To really maximize your returns, and not take on too much risk, you’ve got to find the right ETF.

    You see, there are literally thousands of ETFs. And they’re all configured a little bit differently.

    Some contain a basket of 25-50 stocks, some just 5 or 6. Some cover a broad sector. Some get more specific.

    Luckily for us there are literally dozens of industry ETFs that fit perfectly into this strategy. Here’s just a few that are currently available:

    The trick is to narrow down all the ETFs out there to find the one perfect subsector that matches your analysis to the letter. Get this part wrong, and your whole trading idea goes up in smoke!

    The good news is if you do indeed pick the right sector and your research is on, you can collect an enormous windfall much quicker than you thought possible.

    With that in mind, we set out to create an ETF trading system that uncovers these ‘diamonds in the rough’. A system that incorporates the NBER reports, an ETF screening model and professional portfolio tactics that have been used for years to find blockbuster ETF trades.

    A system that rides the economic cycle and sector rotation to almost unbelievable riches…

    How You Can Finally Get In On The Action

    For an inner circle of savvy investors, the answer is surprisingly simple.

    The groundbreaking strategy I’ve been discussing is called Sector ETF Trader. Its a private research service that helps you find the most promising ETFs for immediate profit.

    Sector rotation may drive the next market upturn

    We’ll decipher the economic cycles, find out which sectors are set to explode, and pinpoint the exact ETFs that can help you turn a sizeable profit – over and over again.

    And please understand, the strategy is very easy-to-use, doesnt require a lot to start with and doesnt expose you to high levels of risk.

    I know from years of experience that there arent many strategies that give ordinary investors the chance to make extraordinary profits in a very short amount of time.

    Sector ETF Trader is one of them.

    Especially in times like these. You see, no matter what’s happening with the markets or economy, there are always a few sectors that are outperforming the others.

    Put simply. Regardless of whether the market as a whole is sinking or soaring, there’s always a sector ETF or two that we can exploit for serious profit.

    Once you understand a few of the basics of how Sector ETF Trader works, including… how ETFs work… which ones to buy… when to sell them. and a few other ‘insider’ secrets … there’s really no limit to the amount of money you can potentially make.

    Let’s see how right now…

    How The Right ETF Strategy Can Make You A Millionaire

    There’s no denying that ETFs are hot right now.

    In fact, the Wall Street Journal estimates the total value of all ETFs to exceed $600 billion dollars! And most of these things were created in just the last couple of years!

    With those kind of dollars being tossed around, you know there’s money to be made. It’s just a matter of getting your fair share.

    And thats what Sector ETF Trader is designed to do. Well show you how to follow the economic cycle when trading this very lucrative market. Well pinpoint with laser-like accuracy which ETFs give you the best chance for massive profits.

    The kind of profits that can take a few hundred or thousand dollars… and turn it into $1,054,855.

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