’S esoteric studies Eventbrite
Post on: 10 Октябрь, 2015 No Comment

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W.D. Gann made some astounding – and well documented – forecasts in his time. Each year, in November, Gann would release his ‘curve’ for the market for the following year, the shape he expected the Dow to take, (in addition to other markets), what days each month he expected the Dow to change trend and importantly, the date he was expecting for the high and the low of the year. Gann’s 1929 forecast, released in November of 1928, can be seen here: www.webtrading.com/gannforecast.htm
The forecast can also be seen at the back of his “Truth of The Stock Tape and Wall Street Stock Selector ” book published (as two books in one) posthumously by Billie Jones in the early 1980’s. In this forecast, Gann suggested most US stocks would peak in August of 1929, that the index would see highs in early September, from which a substantial decline would then take place.
Such a suggestion flies in the face of all reason and certainly the established opinions about markets these days, despite the fact that a lot of effort is made around the world by various economists and institutions to forecast future market activity. So how did Gann do it?
Join Phil Anderson for an examination on October 7 of just this question. We will do the following:
An introduction by way of Gann’s books, including a quick study of the habits of stocks, examine some chart patterns and look at the concept of overbalance
Then we will get stuck into what Gann had to say about the all-important concept of time, including:
How the business / real estate cycle times itself (you will never again have to worry about what the US economy will do next)
Angles and planetary time
Seasonal and monthly trend change calculations
The Dow curve and how Gann did this
360 and the division of the circle
And also, importantly, how and where Gann found all his information for his incredible forecasts.

You are assured of an exceedingly challenging and totally absorbing day of fascinating esoteric information. In order to prove that it is possible to forecast markets in advance, we will finish with a few of our own market forecasts that you can take away with you and follow for yourself what happens.
A highly intensive 7 or so hours of tuition is assured and comes with a money back guarantee; any attendee who feels the class did not live up to the claims made above, will receive a refund, in full.
Class is organized and run by KAT PR, with Phil Anderson as the tutor.
Phil Anderson. author of The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking. is Managing Director of Economic Indicator Services (EIS), an economic forecasting service operating out of London and Melbourne. EIS is an expert in the area of business, real estate, stock market and commodity cycles. Subscribers to the EIS service are educated to the movements of these cycles in the economy and stock markets.
Phil is also himself an active trader and investor and long-time student of the works of W.D. Gann.
Any Questions may be directed to Katalin Toth at
katalin@katpruk.com or directly on 0753 173 3222.