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DD Research Tools & Dividend Candidate Lists
Dividend Detective offers the following tools to aid subscribers who want to do their own research.
Special Dividend Announcements. Special dividends are unexpected one-time payouts. Our Special Dividend report provides information required by subscribers following a dividend capture strategy. Dividend capture involves buying a stock before the ex-dividend date (date new buyers are not eligible to collect the dividend), collecting (capturing) the dividend and then selling the stock for the same price or more than you originally paid. Dividend capture strategies are a controversial topic and there is no consensus that they are profitable. Nevertheless, many D.D. subscribers claim to have found success implementing them.
Our Special Dividend Announcements page includes two sections; Breaking News and Investable Announcements. Breaking News are near-real time special dividend announcements from a third-party news supplier. Investable Announcements lists specials that D.D. deems the most investable. To qualify, the issuer must be an ongoing business, the payout must be in cash, and 1) the payout must be at least $2/ share, or 2) the payout must be at least $0.50/share and the yield must be at least 7%. D.D. has not developed a consistently profitable dividend capture strategy and does not know if trades made with stocks listed in this report will be profitable.
Ex-dividend Calendar: This report, also intended for subscribers employing dividend capture strategies, lists all stocks going ex-dividend over the four weeks. The reports lists all information required to implement capture strategies for each listed stock. The list, updated after the market close each day, comes from a third-party data supplier and frequently contains errors. Data on foreign stocks traded as ADRs on U.S. exchanges is especially error prone. We highlight in bold stocks where the current dividend is 3% or more of the recent trading price. D.D. does not research th e securities listed does not know whether they are suitable for a dividend capture strategy.
Dividend News. Lists breaking dividend news such as announcements, dividend raises and dividend cuts from a variety of wire sources. This report is an important resource for all subscribers looking for dividend stock candidates to research on their own.
What’s Hot Now? : Successful investing is as much about picking stocks or funds in a hot sector as it is about picking a stock with the best fundamentals. We have identified more than 60 market categories (industries, etc.) of interest to high-dividend investors. For each category, we list the highest dividend yielding stocks (or funds) making up that category.
The table lists total returns (share price changes plus dividends received) for the past month, year-to-date, and last 12-months for each category. It also lists the average yield for stocks making up each category plus a trend score intended to reflect trend strength. The higher the trend score, the more powerful the recent share price trend. Click on an category name to view the same information for each of the stocks or funds making up the category. Optionable stocks are indicated by a checkmark. This is another important resource for subscribers looking for dividend stock candidates to research on their own.
Monthly Dividend Scoreboard: Many income investors prefer to receive monthly dividends. Similar to the What’s Hot Now. this report, updated daily, list the same information for 200+ stocks and funds that pay monthly dividends.
Research Center: Use this feature to look up fundamental information such as a business summary, earnings forecasts, financial strength indicators and more about any common stock. The page also includes instructions for using the information to evaluate stocks (not usable for funds, ETFs, or preferred stocks).
Screens are programs usable for finding stocks and funds that meet specific requirements. Here are lists of promising stocks and funds derived from Dividend Detective’s proprietary screens. Keep in mind that screening programs can only go so far. Unless they also appear in our Industry or Specialty portfolios, listed stocks or funds have not been individually researched by Dividend Detective.
Dividend Monsters: The fifty highest-yielding stocks that meet our screening requirements.

Monthly Monsters: 25 highest yielding monthly payers
Monthly Paying Preferreds: All known preferreds paying monthly.
High Dividend ETFs: All dividend paying exchange-traded-funds, sorted with the highest yielding funds at the top.
Dividend Hotshots: High dividend stocks with solid dividend growth track records that are expected to continue their winning ways.
Preferred Monsters: Twenty-five highest yielding preferred stocks that are credit-rated investment quality by S&P.
Foreign Stocks Trading in U.S.: High-dividend foreign stocks trading as ADRs on U.S. stock exchanges.
Top Yielding Aristocrats: The S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats index includes members of the S&P 500 Index that have increased their dividends every year for at least the last 25 consecutive years. Here are the Aristocrats paying at least 2.5% dividend yields.