Mutual Fund Risk Risk Factors
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Value research rating
Value Research Fund Ratings are a composite measure of historical risk-adjusted returns. In the case of equity and hybrid funds this rating is based on the weighted average monthly returns for the last 3 and 5-year periods. In the case of debt funds this rating is based on the weighted average weekly returns for the last 18 months and 3-year periods and in case of short-term debt funds — weekly returns for the last 18 months. These ratings do not take into consideration any entry or exit load. Each category must have a minimum of 10 funds for it to be rated. Effective, July 2008, we have put an additional qualifying criteria, whereby a fund with less than Rs 5 crore of average AUM in the past six months will not be eligible for rating.
Five-stars indicate that a fund is in the top 10% of its category in terms of historical risk-adjusted returns. Four stars indicate that a fund is in the next 22.5%, middle 35% receive three stars, the next 22.5% are assigned two stars while the bottom 10% receive one star. The number of schemes in each category is mentioned alongside the categories name. Equity: Large Cap (47), Equity: Large & Mid Cap (54), Equity: Multi Cap (39), Equity: Mid & Small Cap (51) Equity: Tax Planning (28), Equity: Infrastructure (19), Equity: Banking (10), Hybrid: Equity-oriented (25), Hybrid: Debt-oriented Aggressive (13), Hybrid: Debt-oriented Conservative (41), Hybrid: Arbitrage (15) Debt: income (62), Debt: Gilt Medium & Long Term (32), Debt: Short Term (19), Debt: Ultra Short Term (139), Debt: Liquid (101). These Fund Ratings are as on October 31, 2011.
The Value Research Ratings are published in Monthly Mutual Fund Performance Report and Mutual Fund Insight. The Ratings are subject to change every month. The Rating is based on primary data provided by respective funds; Value Research does not guarantee the accuracy.
ICRA mutual fund awards disclaimer
IDFC Premier Equity Fund – Plan A has been ranked as a Seven Star Fund in the category of ‘Open Ended Equity Diversified — Aggressive’ schemes for its 3 years performance till December 31, 2010.
The rank is an outcome of an objective and comparative analysis against various parameters, including: risk adjusted return, fund size, company concentration and liquidity. The ranking methodology did not take into account entry and exit loads imposed by the Fund. There were 81 schemes considered in ‘Open Ended Equity Diversified — Aggressive’ category for the ranking exercise. The rank is neither a certificate of statutory compliance nor any guarantee on the future performance of IDFC Premier Equity Fund – Plan A.
Ranking Source & Publisher: ICRA Online Limited
ICRA credit risk rating
IDFC money manager fund - Treasury Plan: “Credit Risk Rating AAAmfs” — The Fund carries the lowest credit risk, similar to that associated with long-term debt obligations rated in the highest-credit-quality category.
IDFC money manager fund – Investment Plan: “Credit Risk Rating AAAmfs” — The Fund carries the lowest credit risk, similar to that associated with long-term debt obligations rated in the highest-credit-quality category.
IDFC cash fund: “Credit Risk Rating A1+mfs” — The highest-credit-quality short-term rating assigned by ICRA to debt funds. Debt funds rated in this category carry the lowest credit risk in the short term and are similar to that of fixed income obligations of highest-credit-quality category with maturity of up to one year. This rating should however, not be construed as an indication of the performance of the Mutual Fund scheme or of volatility in its returns.
IDFC super saver income fund - Short Term Plan: “Credit Risk Rating AAAmfs” — The Fund carries the lowest credit risk, similar to that associated with long-term debt obligations rated in the highest-credit-quality category.
CRISIL credit quality rating
IDFC Super Saver Income Fund — Investment Plan: “Credit Quality Rating AAAf” — The assigned rating AAAf is valid only for “IDFC Super Saver Income Fund — Investment Plan”. The rating of CRISIL is not an opinion on the Asset Management Company’s willingness or ability to make timely payments to the investor. The rating is also not an opinion on the stability of the NAV of the Fund, which could vary with market developments.
CRISIL credit quality rating methodology
CRISIL’s credit quality ratings are based on the analysis of the credit risk of securities held by the fund. CRISIL has developed a Credit Quality Matrix to evaluate fund’s overall level of protection against losses associated with credit default. The matrix is a set of credit factors and credit scores derived scientifically from CRISIL’s rating default and transition rates.
Morningstar rating
This Morningstar-sourced information is provided to you by IDFC AMC and is at your own risk. Morningstar is not responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Also, this information must not be relied upon without appropriate verification. IDFC AMC informs you as follows: (i) no investment decision should be made in relation to any of the information provided other than on the advice of a professional financial advisor; (ii) past performance is no guarantee of future results; and (iii) the value and income derived from investments can go down as well as up The Morningstar fund rating methodology is based on a fund’s risk-adjusted return within a given Morningstar category. Morningstar ratings are calculated every month for the 3 year, 5 year and 10 year period. Within each rating period, the top 10% funds receive a five star rating, the next 22.5% earn a four star rating, the next 35% get three stars, the next 22.5% receive two stars, and the bottom 10% get one star. Loads are not considered for the rating purpose. The rating is based on NAV provided by respective funds. The current fund rating is for the 3 year period as of Oct 31st, 2011. IDFC Premier Equity Fund Growth has been rated 5-Star fund in the category of Small/Mid Cap schemes (152 Schemes), IDFC Sterling Equity Fund Growth has been rated 5- Star fund in the category of Small/Mid Cap schemes (152 Schemes), IDFC Imperial Equity Fund Growth has been rated 4-Star fund in the category of Large Cap schemes (293 Schemes), IDFC Dynamic Bond Fund Growth has been rated 4-Star fund in the category of Intermediate Bond schemes (117 Schemes), IDFC Gov Sec PF Fund Growth has been rated 4-Star fund in the category of Intermediate Government schemes (67 Schemes), IDFC SS Inc M/T Fund Growth has been rated 4-Star fund in the category of Short-term Bond schemes (99 Schemes), IDFC SS Inc IP Fund Growth has been rated 4-Star fund in the category of Intermediate Bond schemes (117 Schemes)

Lipper fund awards, india, 2010
IDFC premierequity fund – plan A
Classification averages are calculated with all eligible share classes for each eligible classification. The calculation periods extend over 36, 60, and 120 months. The highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value within each eligible classification determines the fund classification winner over three, five, or ten years. There were 189 funds under the category — Global classification. The lowest average decile1 rank of the three years’ Consistent Return measure of the eligible funds per asset class and group will determine the asset class group award winner over the three year period. In cases of identical results the lower average percentile rank will determine the winner. The decile ranking is obtained by the percentile ranking according to the formula: INT(((( Percentile Rank – 1 ) * ( 1 – s0.01 )) / 10 ) +1 ).
Although Lipper makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Lipper. Users acknowledge that they have not relied upon any warranty, condition, guarantee, or representation made by Lipper. Any use of the data for analyzing, managing, or trading financial instruments is at the user’s own risk. This is not an offer to buy or sell securities.
Mutual Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks, reinvestment risk, changes in political, economic environment and government policy and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the Scheme/s will be achieved. The NAV of the Scheme/s can go up or down depending on factors and forces affecting the Securities Market including fluctuation in interest rates, trading volumes and reinvestment risk. Past performance of the Sponsor/AMC/Mutual Fund is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of the Scheme/s and may not necessarily provide a basis for comparison with other investments. IDFC Classic Equity Fund (IDFC — CEF), IDFC Equity Fund (IDFC — EF), IDFC Infrastructure Fund (IDFC-IF), IDFC Imperial Equity Fund (IDFC — IEF), IDFC Nifty Fund (IDFC NF), IDFC Premier Equity Fund (IDFC — PEF), IDFC Arbitrage Fund (IDFC — AF), IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund (IDFC — APF), IDFC Sterling Equity Fund (IDFC — SEF), IDFC Strategic Sector (50-50) Equity Fund IDFC-SS (50-50)-EF, IDFC India GDP Growth Fund (IDFC-IGGF), IDFC Super Saver Income Fund — Investment Plan (IDFC — SSIF-IP), IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund (IDFC TA-ELSS), IDFC Super Saver Income Fund — Medium Term (IDFC-SSIF-MT), IDFC Super Saver Income Fund — Short Term (IDFC-SSIF-ST), IDFC Cash Fund (IDFC-CF), IDFC Money Manager Fund — Treasury Plan (IDFCMMF- TP), IDFC Money Manager Fund — Investment Plan (IDFC – MMF-IP), IDFC Asset Allocation Fund – Aggressive Plan (IDFC-AAF-AP) IDFC Asset Allocation Fund – Conservative Plan (IDFC-AAF-CP), IDFC Asset Allocation Fund – Moderate Plan (IDFC-AAF-MP), IDFC Dynamic Bond Fund (IDFC – DBF) are names of the Schemes and do not in any manner indicate either the quality of the Schemes, their future prospects or returns. The Sponsor or any of its associates is not responsible or liable for any loss resulting from the operation of the Schemes beyond the corpus of the Trust of Rs.`30,000/-. Terms of Issue & Load Structure: IDFC-CEF, IDFC-IEF, IDFC NF IDFC-PEF, IDFC-AF, IDFC — EF, IDFC-APF, IDFC-SEF, IDFC-SS(50-50)-EF,IDFC – IF, IDFC-IGGF, IDFC-SSIF (IP), IDFC-SSIF (MT), IDFC TA( ELSS ) IDFC-SSIF (ST), IDFCCF, IDFC-MMF-TP,IDFC-MMF-IP,IDFC-AAF-AP IDFC-AAF-CP, IDFC-AAF-MP, IDFC-DBF:
During the continuous offer the AMC calculates and publishes NAVs and offers for sale and redemption of units of the Scheme on all Business days. Entry Loads – Nil for all the schemes. Exit Load — For all the equity schemes (other than IDFC Arbitrage Fund, IDFC Arbitrage plus Fund and ELSS Schemes of IDFC): All investment including SIP/STP/Micro SIP/STP/FOF if redeemed / switched out within 365 days from the date of allotment-1%. No Entry Load/ Exit Loads/CDSC shall be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the scheme. IDFC-AF — (Plan A & Plan B): is an Open Ended Equity scheme. 0.25% if redemption / switch is requested within 30 days from the date purchase during on going period. IDFC-APF — (Plan A & Plan B): 0.50% of NAV on investors who purchase / switch and seek to redeem / switch out such investments within 365 days from the date of effecting such purchase / switch in. IDFC-SEF: The scheme is converted into open ended scheme w.e.f. September 11, 2009. After then during the Ongoing Offer Period load will be charged as follows: If redeemed within 1 year from the date of purchase(s) applying First in First out basis (including purchase made through the STP/SIP) -1.00%.No exit load /CDSC will be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the schemes. IDFC-NF: All subscriptions including SIP/STP if redeemed/switched out (to any non equity scheme of IDFC Mutual Fund) within seven days (7days) from the date of allotment, exit load of 1% shall be charged (w.e.f 07 Nov,2011). IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund: Nil. India IDFC-SSIF Investment Plan (IP) – Plan A Plan B, plan C & Plan F — 1% of NAV on investors who purchase / switch and seek to redeem / switch out such investments within 365 days from the date of effecting such purchase / switch in. Investors opting for PEP / Dividend reinvestment option / SWP or switch between options within the plan will not be levied an exit load. IDFC –DBF (Plan A & Plan B):-Nil, IDFC-SSIF Medium Term Plan (MT) Plan A. Plan B& Plan F: 0.25% of NAV on investors who purchase / switch and seek to redeem / switch out such investments within one month from the date of effecting such purchase / switch in. Investors opting for PEP / Dividend reinvestment option / SWP or switch between options within the plan will not be levied an exit load (w.e.f July 25, 2011). IDFC-SSIF Short Term Plan (ST) – Plan A, B, C, D & F: 0.50% of NAV on investors who purchase / switch in and seek to redeem / switch out such units within 6 months from the date of effecting such purchase / switch in. Investors opting for PEP / Dividend reinvestment option / SWP or switch between options will not be levied an exit load. (w.e.f. March 01, 2011) IDFC –CF – Plan A & Plan B; Nil. IDFC MMF TP (Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, Plan D & Plan F) –Nil, IDFC-MMF-IP-(Plan A, Plan B & Plan F): Exit Load for all investment including SIP/Micro SIP/STP shall be 0.25% of the applicable NAV if redeemed / switched out within One Month from the date of allotment. (w.e.f. March 01, 2011), IDFC-AAF-AP, IDFC-AAF-CP, and IDFC-AAF-MP: 1.50% of the NAV shall be applicable if investors who redeem / switch out such investments within 18 months from the date of subscription applying First in First Out basis, (including investments through SIP/STP). Switches between Plans (within the scheme) shall not attract load. IDFC-IF: 1% if redeemed within 365 days from the date of allotment/investment. Investment Objective: IDFC – CEF: The investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate long term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-IEF: The investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to generate capital appreciation and/or provide income distribution from a portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related instruments. There is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-PEF: The Scheme shall seek to generate long-term capital growth from an actively managed portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-AF & IDFC APF: The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate capital appreciation and income by predominantly investing in arbitrage opportunity in the cash and the derivative segments of the equity markets and the arbitrage opportunity available within the derivative segments and by investing the balance in debt and money market instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. The recurring expense of the scheme is in addition to the expenses of the schemes in which the Fund of Fund scheme makes investment. IDFCEF: The investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate capital growth from a portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related instruments (including equity derivatives). The scheme may also invest in debt and money market instruments to generate reasonable income. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-SEF: The investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to generate capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments. The Scheme will predominantly invest in small and midcap equity and equity related instruments. Small and Midcap equity and equity related instruments will be the stocks included in the CNX Midcap index or equity and equity related instruments of such companies which have a market capitalization lower than the highest components of CNX Midcap Index. The Scheme may also invest in stock other than mid cap stocks (i.e. in stocks, which have a market capitalization of above the market capitalization range of the defined small midcap stocks) and derivatives. On defensive consideration, the Scheme may also invest in debt and money market instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-SS (50-50)-EF: The investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in Equity and Equity related instruments. The investment objective of the fund shall be achieved by investing up to fifty percent of the assets of the scheme in a chosen sector (sector specific exposure) while the balance amount may be invested in companies across market capitalizations and across sectors (diversified exposure). The scheme may also invest in debt and money market instruments. There is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the scheme will be realized and the scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns. IDFC –IGGF: The investment objective of the scheme is seek to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in Equity and Equity related instruments. The scheme aims to capture the growth in India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The scheme would endeavour to represent the growth in GDP by capturing the growth in the constituents of the GDP. The scheme may also invest in Debt and money market instruments. There is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the scheme will be realized and the scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns. IDFC-IF: The investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate long-term capital growth through an active diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related instruments of companies that are participating in and benefiting from growth in Indian infrastructure and infrastructural related activities. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC — SSIF-IP: Seek to generate stable returns by creating a portfolio that is invested in good quality fixed income and money market securities.
However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC TA (ELSS): The investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to generate long term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related securities. There can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC – NF: The investment objective of the scheme is to replicate the S&P CNX Nifty Index by investing in securities of the CNX Nifty Index in the same proportion/weightage. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the scheme will be realized and the scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns. IDFC – DBF: Seek to generate optimal returns with high liquidity by active management of the portfolio; by investing in high quality money market & debt instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-SSIFMT: Seek to generate stable returns with a low risk strategy by investing in good quality fixed income securities and money market securities. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-SSIF-ST: Seek to generate stable returns with a low risk strategy by investing in good quality fixed income securities and money market securities. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-CF: IDFC-CF is an open-ended liquid fund with an objective to generate optimal returns with high liquidity by investing in high quality money market and debt instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-MMF-TP& IDFC-MMF-IP: Seek to generate stable returns with a low risk strategy by creating a portfolio that is substantially invested in good quality floating rate debt or money market instruments, fixed rate debt or money market instruments swapped for floating returns and fixed rate debt and money market instruments. However there is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. IDFC-AAF-AP, IDFC-AAF-CP, and IDFC-AAF-MP: The primary objective of Scheme is to generate capital appreciation through investment in different mutual fund schemes primarily local funds based on a defined asset allocation model. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized. The recurring expense of the scheme is in addition to the expenses of the schemes in which the Fund of Fund scheme makes investment. IDFC MIP: The primary objective of Scheme is to generate regular returns through investment primarily in debt securities. The secondary objective of the Scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing a portion of the Scheme’s assets in equity securities. Monthly income is not assumed and the same is subject to availability of distributable surplus. IISL Disclaimer: “S&P®” and “Standard and Poor’s®” are trademarks of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”), and have been licensed for use by India Index Services & Products Limited in connection with the S&P CNX Nifty Index. “The Product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by India Index Services & Products Limited (IISL) or Standard & Poor’s, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (S&P). Neither IISL nor S&P makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the Product or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Product. Please read the full Disclaimers in relation to the S&P CNX Nifty Index in the Offer Document / Prospectus / Information Statement. Statutory Details: IDFC Mutual Fund has been set up as a trust by Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited (IDFC) (liability restricted to corpus of Trust of `30,000) with IDFC AMC Trustee Company Ltd as the trustee and IDFC Asset Management Company Ltd as the investment manager. Investors in the scheme(s) are not being offered any guaranteed or assured rate of return. Copy of Scheme Information Document and Key Information Memorandum along with application form for all the schemes may be obtained from the office of IDFC Mutual Fund, One India Bulls Centre, 841, Jupiter Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg. Elphinstone Road, (West), Mumbai 400 013. Contact 1-800-2666688 for details.
For details please read the respective Scheme Information Document (SID) (including those of FMPs)/ Offer Document (OD) / Statement of Additional Information (SAI) carefully before investing.