Monday Mailbag When to Buy Stocks

Post on: 24 Июль, 2015 No Comment

Monday Mailbag When to Buy Stocks

Monday Mailbag: When to Buy Stocks

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If you buy stocks at the wrong time, you’re going to lose money.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a long-term value investor or a short-term trader. When you’re dealing in stocks, timing isn’t everything — it’s the only thing.

As I was sorting through the mailbag this weekend, I found that many of your questions were about when to buy into a stock or a big investment idea. Today, I want to look at some of the potential trades and investments on your collective radar. I’ll analyze the charts and tell you if you’re looking at a solid buying opportunity — or a potentially disastrous trade

Let’s get started:

What do you think of Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) and Silvercorp Metals (NYSE:SVM)? Is now a good time to buy shares of both?

Here’s what Cisco looks like right now:

Yikes. Cisco is more or less a household name. But this chart is just awful. No one wants to own this stock — and with good reason. The company issued terrible earnings just last week — as evidenced by the massive gap down from $18.50 to $17.25. This gap will now act as resistance. So even though we’re seeing a decent rebound today to the high $16’s, I wouldn’t count on this stock recovering past the mid $17s anytime soon.

Any way you look at it, this thing is toxic. I would avoid it at any price.

Next is Silvercorp:

Here we see a very similar chart — minus the big gap lower. Still, a strong downtrend remains intact. Before you pull the trigger on an investment, draw a line connecting two or more peaks in the price. That’s where you’ll find resistance. Until your stock can break out of its downtrend, chances are it will continue to move lower

Both of these examples could be considered falling knives. Neither CSCO nor SVM has indicated that it has put in a solid bottom. The important takeaway here is that an out of favor stock needs to time to consolidate after a move lower. Unless you see legitimate signs of life, the stock will probably see additional downside/sideways action before it begins to recover.

As far as questions go, I have one that may fall into your “it’s a bad stock, run away” category. Cameco (NYSE:CCJ), the world’s largest uranium miner. It got hammered after the accident in Japan, and I bought in about a week later. So, you can see what has happened since then. Personally, I still feel that nuclear power is an important cog in the energy machine, and I expect it to return. My question is: is that a rational view, and, if so, is it smart (for the long term) to even consider adding to the position?

Yes, you are expressing a very rational view. Unfortunately, there is nothing rational about the stock market.

Monday Mailbag When to Buy Stocks

Here’s a long-term look at Cameco:

I think you’re analysis is sound. Nuclear is and will remain an important source of energy. But this sentiment is not shared by the market right now. That’s your problem. While you are able to project a stronger future for nuclear energy, the market has yet to move past the events in Japan and the reactions that followed.

Solid analysis will occasionally produce substandard investment results. This is why timing is so important. In this case, you jumped back into nukes way too early. Think of it this way: the market continues to deal with the residual effects of the 2008 financial crisis to this day. And were’ only about a year removed from the nuclear crisis in Japan

As far as adding to your position — I generally do not advocate averaging down. However, some longer-term investors are fine with buying more shares at lower prices in the hopes that the stock will eventually rebound. It’s more about your investing personality than anything else. As long as you can sleep at night without worrying about your portfolio, you’re probably doing something right.

Keep sending me your charts, questions and concerns to


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