Is this really the N pick across the entire Motley Fool universe
Post on: 5 Август, 2015 No Comment

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Your friendly neighborhood Gumshoe is on vacation this week and celebrating Independence Day, but weve gotten so many questions about this pick that we cant resist sharing it with you.
The Motley Fool has hyped up this same pick several times this year quite profitably so far, though Ive not been along for the ride.
Heres how theyre pitching it this week:
Not only has Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner named this remarkable company both a Core holding and a Best Buy Now for June 2013 in our growth-focused Motley Fool Rule Breakers newsletter
Hes also recommended it to his Rule Breakers members on three separate occasions and even put real money behind it not once, but twice, for his cutting-edge Motley Fool Supernova service (and every one of these positions is already beating a white-hot S&P 500 by double-digit percentages).
Irregulars Quick Take
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Former hedge-fund guru Ron Gross (who beat the S&P 500 by 145% between 2000 and 2008) has also purchased this stock multiple times for our Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio service calling this a rare transformational company whose growth potential is limited only by its imagination.
But David Gardner and Ron Gross arent the only ones doubling down on this one-of-a-kind opportunity
Davids brother, fellow Motley Fool co-founder and CEO, Tom Gardner, has actually bought this stock on FOUR separate occasions over the past year.
And not just for the Everlasting Portfolio he runs inside of his elite $7,500/year Motley Fool ONE service, mind you but also for his own personal portfolio.
In fact, this stock is our CEOs largest personal holding!
And this isnt just a rehash of the pitch they made for this newsletter back during ski season, theyre actively touting it at the current price today:
Shares have already soared 49% this year, so were all sitting on a nice paper gain, but were convinced the big money is still yet to be made. And obviously were not alone
- Forbes just ranked this company No. 1 on its list of the 25 fastest-growing technology firms and noted that it blew away other Fast Tech 25 firms with three- to five-year estimated earnings per share growth of 51%.
- Credit Suisse analysts just began covering this company and have conservatively set a price target nearly 35% above the current share price
- And, investment legend George Soros recently snapped up 60,000 shares

Meanwhile, Tom Gardner says we could see this company at least quadruple in value over the next decade.
Which is why he just named it as his TOP stock pick for June 2013 in our flagship Motley Fool Stock Advisor newsletter where the average pick has beaten the S&P 500 by a 75% margin over the past 11 years.
So yep, this No. 1 stock pick across the entire Motley Fool universe is still LinkedIn (LNKD)
And no, I dont own it. Or much like using the service though Im probably a bit of a misanthrope and I dont really like the regular cocktail party version of networking, either, and Im not hiring or looking for a job, so what I think may not count too much. Ive covered this a few times and theres only so many ways you can say, hey, this is really expensive! and gee, I wish Id bought it so I could have that 50% gainer this year.
But more importantly, Im on vacation so you can toss your own opinion on the pile with a comment below.
Or check out what readers said when we unveiled this teaser the first time around here. or when Tom Gardner called it the #1 pick after it rose 50% from there just a month later. And theres actually a good Bloomberg video interview with LinkedIns CEO here that might help you decide to drink the Kool-ade. Its hyper growth, and you pay for at least a big chunk of that anticipated growth if you buy it today.
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