How To Evaluate A MicroCap Company_1

Post on: 3 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

How To Evaluate A MicroCap Company_1

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Startups & Micro Cap Companies in 2014 Learned Much, But They Have Much to Learn!

2014 was a monster year and 2015 will be even better. Here are we love to write about micro cap companies, penny stocks, startups, and entrepreneurs. And that is exactly what we did in 2014. Some of our best articles, or the articles we felt that gave more to entrepreneurs, are listed below:

When thinking about how to build a great company, Steven Blank gave a great interview about why you need to focus on Business Models rather than writing a Business Plan, see the article and video here .

Have you thought about going public? Many consultants online and in the micro cap companies sector tout that company public is as simple as filing S1 Form with the S.E.C. but it is not. Raising capital is not easier just because you registered you shares with the S.E.C. see the true cost of going public here .

Do you invest in penny stocks? Some companies may not last the week, nevermind the quarter. The Going Concern evaluation seems to be lost on Wall Street, especially the micro cap sector. We wrote an article last year about Evaluating a Micro Cap Company’s Going Concern Assumption, you can see that article here .

Micro Cap Companies definitely need to focus on business models rather than just business plans. And Sales cures all, regardless of whether you are a startup or a billion dollar organization. One of our best articles was a video by Google Ventures explaining how to build a scalable sales team. See this article here .

Another great video by Google Ventures was a video about how to raise your first million dollars, please be on notice that the video is more tailored towards tech companies, but nevertheless it has some great tips on approaching Venture Capital. See the blog post here .

In 2015, we will talk more about how micro cap companies and penny stocks can succeed. We will also talk more about S.E.C. filings, IPOs, and generally about how to build a great business from the ground up. If you think of any topics should write about, please comment below.

About the Author: Nicholas Coriano is a Business Consultant and Planning Guru. He is a graduate of The University of Connecticut Business School and the John Marshall Law School in Chicago. He has worked at Merrill Lynch, The New York Stock Exchange and as an Investor Relations Agent & Consultant to Micro Cap Companies and Penny Stocks. He is the founder and author of The a blog focused on providing information and advice to Micro Cap Company Executives and Investors. You can also find him blogging about Social Media, SEO, Web Development and Tech on

About MicroCapCompany.COM: MicroCapCompany.COM (The Blog) is a blog focused on providing articles, news and information on the micro cap sector and start-ups. The Blog is a free service offered by Cervitude Investor Relations (a micro cap investor relations firm) and offers compensated research reports and business plan writing services for micro cap companies and penny stocks. If there is a particular topic you would like to see covered on The Blog, email, If you would like to advertise on The Blog, click here.

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