How Currency ETFs Simplify Forex Trades
Post on: 28 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

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Forex investors must learn strategies for limiting risk without drastically diminishing the profit potential of their investment endeavors. For this reason, more investors are opting to diversify their holdings with currencies by entering the forex market. Some currencies are often aided by factors that might prove detrimental to stocks. Trading successfully on the forex market, however, can be a very challenging task. It is therefore important for new market entrants to learn how currency ETFs simplify forex trades.
The Forex Market
The forex market is the most liquid market out there. It is also the biggest. Currency ETFs or currency exchange traded funds help people to better understand this market. They also help investors to use forex trades to lower their risk through diversification.
Different Types Of Risk
There are two basic types of risk that people face when making trades. These are systemic risk and idiosyncratic risk. Systemic risk is the risk of having the stock market crash, whereas idiosyncratic risk is the risk of having an individual stock price drop. With idiosyncratic risk, people stand to lose considerable sums of money on any specific stock that they have invested in, while systemic risk is the risk of having dynamic losses all throughout the portfolio. Diversification over a number of stock options can hedge against idiosyncratic risk but it will not be sufficient for hedging against systemic risk.
In order for investors to protect themselves from the conditions of a bear market, traders need to either manage forex accounts in addition to their stock accounts or choose to use currency ETFs to hedge against systemic risk instead. This provides basically the same diversification benefits as having both various stocks and an active forex account, but it is a much easier investment system to manage and much less complex. This is how currency ETFs simplify forex trades.
Investing In Currency ETFs
Currencies are held in a fund by ETF management companies and shares can be bought and sold much like stocks. ETFs are used by investors to profit from the exchange rates for the dollar versus other forms of currency. Changes or trends in currency pairs can positively or negatively impact the profitability of these endeavors. Given that each currency is reflective of a specific economy, economic and government policy are the two most likely factors to have an impact on currency pairs.
Ultimately, currency ETFs simplify forex trades thereby enabling investors who are focused on other trading activities to use these to diversify their holdings. With engagement in multiple markets, stock traders have the best opportunity to hedge against both idiosyncratic and systemic risk. More importantly, ETFs negate the need for traders to invest significant amounts of time into studying and learning the forex market. For those with more market knowledge and greater experience, ETFs can also provide the opportunity to generate substantial profits in a nominal amount of time. /%