Gold Prices To Soar On Financial Crisis Says Author Bob Wiedemer

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Gold Prices To Soar On Financial Crisis Says Author Bob Wiedemer

The stock market faces another major financial crisis that will crush stocks and boost gold prices, says Robert Wiedemer, who foresaw the 2008 meltdown. He and the co-authors of New York Times best-seller Aftershock have released a sequel published by Wiley in September.

In The Aftershock Investor, Wiedemer explains why he sees a multiasset bubble collapse looming and which ETFs investors must buy now to protect their money from the coming chaos.

Wiedemer serves as managing director of Absolute Investment Management in Bethesda, Md. with $300 million in assets under management.

IBD: What leads you to believe that the world is on the brink of a multiasset bubble collapse?

Wiedemer: Actually, we already saw the first big multibubble burst in 2008 and 2009, when the stock, real estate, consumer spending and private-debt bubbles all popped.

The markets and the economy in general have stabilized somewhat since then, but it’s only because two additional bubbles government-debt bubble (massive borrowing) and the dollar bubble (massive money printing) have been inflated to keep the other bubbles inflated.

Once those two bubbles pop, which they inevitably will, there are no options left. And we have no choice but to suffer the consequences of a massive multiasset bubble collapse.

Gold Prices To Soar On Financial Crisis Says Author Bob Wiedemer

The government can keep printing money and borrowing money for a while to keep those bubbles inflated, but eventually inflation sets in, and inflation is Kryptonite for a bubble economy. At that point, printing more money only makes the situation worse.

Many are quick to point out that we have yet to see significant inflation. But even if we ignore the fact that official measures of inflation can be misleading, there is a natural lag time between money printing and inflation.

That lag-time might be short in a country like Argentina, which has a long history of inflation, but it will be longer in a country like the U.S. which does not have the same long history of inflation.

Timing the onset of inflation can be difficult, but the recent announcement of quantitative easing or QE3 a limitless round of money printing is a turning point. I think expectations are beginning to change.

I estimate that in 2014 or 2015, we will begin to see significant inflation over 5% and eventually much higher. In the precarious multibubble economy that we currently have, inflation nearing 10% will be enough to trigger major corrections in the markets and send investors running.

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