Gold IRA Helper Investing Rules and Rollover for Precious Metals

Post on: 28 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Gold IRA Helper Investing Rules and Rollover for Precious Metals

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Gold IRA Investing or are you waiting for your worst financial NIGHTMARE!

You could be one of  many who thought they had a solid retirement plan, only to find out that they only have $30.000 or less for their retirement. People like you. Dont believe me?

Look at what the New York Times has to say about it: In 2010 75% of all retired people were facing this reality.

They are confronted with the reality that they are literally going to have to deal with a $5 daily food budget. Is this what you want?

If you have the wrong IRA. this could become your reality as well as government rules, financial disasters, inflation, prices of houses drop and internetional events and crisises are becoming more and more a real thread of becoming DEPLETED.

The value of paper money, US dollar bills, stock and funds is fake. The value can vaporize in literally minutes!.

How about what is happening in Greece for example. This is happening right now.  People are becoming poorer by the minute, but they THOUGHT they had everything in order. It happened to Yugoslavia in the past. Just imagine how many people have suffered from this.



But you assume that this will not be the case for you, right?

Well, wake up and smell the coffee!.

This is the reality for many at this present moment..worldwide. What makes you different?

I dont believe you are not aware of these facts, but maybe you think you have everything in place; your IRA is safe..


It really is time to wake up and look at your options.

The bottom line is,

does your IRA have physical gold or precious metals, like silver. platinum or palladium ) in it as an asset at a custodian.

If you do have physical precious metals in your IRA, stop reading as you are covered.

But if you dont have it, I am certain that this page could be the golden nugget of your life you ever read!.

Gold is the first choice among precious metals

Your probably not surprised, but why?

First of all the history of 3000 years has proven that gold gives the best security. Essentially, the value of gold is not determined by economical events or companies. The value is based on supply and demand of physical gold. And whenever everything else is going bad, the value of physical gold (or other precious metals) rises.

Having gold in your IRA will create a hedge between you and whatever happens in the world. You simply cannot lose everything overnight!.

You need to realize this. Having gold in your IRA secures your retirement.

This is what 75% of the retired people in 2010 didnt know yet. They had their savings in stock, funds and trusts, but not in gold.

Dont be like one of them and think this is out of your reach. Having physical gold or precious metals IRAs are very easy to obtain.

By the way, have you noticed that Goverments of various countries are buying gold in bulk. Why do you think they do. It will provide them security!.

But.your Government is not promoting to do this as a citizen as if everybody does that, the price of gold will rise. They want to buy it cheap. And secondly, they dont want you to have this power; they want to control the amount of precious metals. Your Government is well aware, that when disaster hits, they will profit. Not you!.

I may sound like a doomscenario man, but really I am not. I am just facing the facts and at least I like to control my fate wherever I can.

Me and my business partner have created this site that is dedicated to provide you with the best possible information for those who understand that investing in Gold backed IRAs are a wise and strategic way to face and turn around your future reality in regards to your retirement.

Fill in the dates and you get real-time results of the gold price!.

But before I want to give you the details, it is important for you to understand what the recent happenings that occured have to do with you and your family now.

You are not having physical gold or any other precious metals in your IRA and this means that your Retirement Problem is a FACT and this problem is taking place NOW !

I wouldnt wonder if your case is not different than that of millions of other Americans. Youve worked had to build your IRA. Have you ever questioned whether or not your retirement years are going to give you the comfort you want when you are going to retire?

To question this is quite normal, as who wouldnt want to be able to afford a retired life without a good monthly withdrawal from your IRA?

But in order to feel secure about this, you will need enough assets in order to be able to pay for these comfortable golden years.

This is where your IRA becomes important, whether or not it is a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or a 401k you are contributing to.

Some are having assets in a private coin collection or a having equity in a home or their own business as a retirement asset. Others keep a good supply of liquidity, either on the bank or in an old mattress.

The thing is, almost all of them, regardless the kind of IRA they have, are HOPING that this asset will give them the security they are looking for when they retire.

But these newsheadlines are the reality

Many and frequent market crashes!

Losing of millions in minutes!

Thousands of Home Forclosures!

Chances are that your assets wont have the same value as today. Most likely, the value will be way lower than you expected. The power of inflation; you dont buy the same amount of things for the same amount of money. Even with funds, your money can vaporize overnight; a scenario that happened to many others before in the last few year.

This is something that could happen to you as well. Have you ever thought about the consequences that could mean for you and your family?

Realize this: The Whatif question still applies to you, as you are not retired yet.

So lets put the real question to the plate:


Bear in mind that this isnt the whole danger for your retirement yet, as there is more to come.

To give you a practical example of what can happen if you dont listen to wise advice.

One day I was told by an insider to consider investing in Silver as the prices were going up. I was too busy and not really listening, which led to not taking action.

I wish I had taken action immediately!

This took place somewhere in the year 2000. The insider repeated his advice many times as he was sure that history was about to repeat itself. He was convinced that the prices for silver would take a steep upward course. At that given time, the price for gold was around $5-$6 per ounce.

Contrary to what I did, this insider followed his own advice. He invested a huge amount of money in silver. He even gave his action a name: His Silver Insurance Policy.

During the following 8 years the value of one ounce climbed to more than $20. Three years later, 2011, the price became $48 per ounce.

Now we are in 2013 and the price has fallen a bit again, $31 per ounce, which still is 6 times the value of 2000. It only shows what the trend of precious metals is.

You dont need to be Albert Einstein or an insider in this market in order to see where this market heading for.

Needless to say, but I know now, what I should have done back in 2000.

Precious metals, especially gold and silver, are close relatives in regards to their value ratio. It always has been like this and it will always be. This means that gold bullion investments are always great.

Why do you think that governments and countries from all over the world are buying gold. They want to be gold backed, in order to back their contries currency. It is the safeguard for their economies.

Investing in gold is a good thing and this is reflected in the image below. Look at the upward trend of gold from 2000 thru 2013.

Investing in gold was and still is a good bet. The value of pure gold is 6 times higher than in 2000. Realize that so many times many firms and their stock have evaporated overnight. This is something many IRAs rely upon; stocks. And these are your assets you have to rely upon to have the same value when you retire.

Gold is just a very safe way to secure your retirement assets.

Well, this is something governments and countries are starting to realize more and more. So they buy gold. which is going to push the prices of precious metals up. Now, individuals, who havent retired yet, are starting to get the same insights. They are starting to buy more precious metals as well. This is reflected in the price of precious metals going up again.

From a historical point of view the US government has great interest in controlling the prices of precious metals, especially gold.

They also control the sale and its distribution to other entities, like individuals and other countries. They want this as this is their way to empower and balance the value of the US Dollar. When controlling this, they also have the power to try to make the US Dollar the standard by which other currencies can be measured. The result is that trading is mainly done in US Dollars.

The problem is that the value of the US Dollar is falling. Many reasons are accountable for this, but one of the main reasons for this is the fact that other developing countries, like China and India are buying huge amounts of gold in order to back up their currencies while their economies are booming.

It is believed by many experts that this massive buying of gold behavior of China is a strategical choice. These experts are convinced that China is trying to destabilize the US economy. Mind you, these experts are no nobodies. Forbes even reported on the emerging gold standard in China. And this will have huge consequences for the rest of the world, especially in America.

Have you ever looked at the US national debt clock? Does this give you a secure feeling? Even my daughter of 11, who only looked at these statistics for a few seconds, replied to me: Wow, daddy, that doesnt look good, isnt it?. She doesnt understand economics at all, but she was totally amazed by the numbers and at what speed the debt is growing.

But it is the reality, right now.

Oh, one more vital question to ask: Do you expect this to change for the better in the near future?

No way. It is one big, long dark tunnel with no end. It will only get worse.

It is time for you to act!.

You need to become pro-active; you need to start protecting YOUR (IRA) investmentsfast!.

Gold IRA investments are the thing to do. So many people are adding, converting or rolling over their ROTH IRAs, 401K and traditional IRAs to Gold IRAs, Gold Bullion or Gold coins. They realize that in order to fight the uncertainty of the value of their retirement assets, they need to build an ultimate hedge against the almost certain upcoming losses they face in regards of their retirement assets. They realize that this works for entire coutries, multi-millionairs and the great financial investment companies. Therefore it should work for them too.

Forget stocks and bonds. You dont want to have papers. You want gold in whatever form. Like I mentioned before, it always was and alway will be the best choice if you want to safeguard your comfortable retirement. Gold is the most popular and most stable in value precious metal in the world.

How much per Ounce of Gold?

It sounds unbelievable, but experts expect that the value of an Ounce of Gold may be priced $5.000 per Ounce in the near future!.

I am not surprised that you dont believe this, but go back in time. By the time that one Ounce of Gold was worth $300 per Ounce, nobody believed that this value would be $3000 in the near future. People thought that you have gone mad if you told them this back then.

Being pro-active now?

It is time for you to learn about the nuts and bolts about Gold. You want to know how Gold IRA investing works. You have to be interested in securing your retirement now.

You dont need to understand everything about the various option you have with IRAs, Roths or 401k. You should understand by now that a real and present danger is around the corner; paper money devaluing, global financial problems and emerging wars. This is not something you need to think long about. You need to act now.

One thing is for sure, at this moment you probably are already very busy in losing value in your assets with a concious mind, as you are now informed.

What do you think Bill Gates or any other billionair would be doing the moment he realized what is happening? He would take immediate action. So must you!.

On the market there are many financial firms who would like to help you. Many of them are in traditional IRAs or other specialized IRAs. Those are not the firms you want for your Gold IRA. For me there is only one firm who is the best in this area and that is Regal Assets.

It is not just me who believe that Regal Assets is the best. Many experts and respected publishers agree with me. They are an online firm, have a long and splendid reputation and are experts in the field of Gold IRAs.

Here is a summary of the things that are appealing to me and many satisfied customers:

  • More than 25 years of experience in transfers and rollovers to Gold IRA
  • No finelines in their contracts
  • No difficult explanations to you; they explain everything in plain English
  • They are experts in various retirement funding tax rules
  • They store your Gold and other precious metals legally
  • Their integrity and service level are the highest in the market
  • They try harder in every field they can; excellent service
  • They dont sell Gold only, they sell silver, platinum and palladium as well

I dont expect you to make the decision right now. You dont need to. But I do urge you to at least fill out the form on the upper right hand side of this page and ask for the free gold investment kit.

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