Global Share Market
Post on: 21 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Global Share Market is one of the most happening and dynamic market of the entire world. In the entire globe the share markets are existent even in many communist states. This market acts as a router for channelizing the idle savings of the general public to the corporates for productive investments which ultimately helps in economic growth.
Global Share Market believes that market is supreme and it discounts every incident regarding (domestic economy, world economy, specific company news, tips, etc.) around the globe.
The underlying theory behind the functioning of Global Share Market is the supply side economics and emphasizes on the economic concepts important for it such as Laffer Curve. Global Share Market generally advocates the philosophy of laissez-faire and free market economy and always argue in favor of less restrictive import and immigration policies.
Universally, Investors (general public, institutional investors comprising both domestic and the foreign ones, banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, etc.) invest in the share market with the hope of capital appreciation. Investment in Share Market is not restricted only to shares but might be in derivative products such as futures, options, swaps, warrants, etc. where the underlying assets are the company shares.
Investment in Share Markets are possible either through Stock Exchanges, or Over-the-Counter. Stock Exchanges are organized market places where stocks, bonds and other equivalents are traded between the buyers and sellers in an organized market and the contracts are standardized ones. But in case of Over-the-Counter (OTC), the trade takes place through a network of dealers. Generally, the OTC contracts are bilateral customized contracts unlike the standardized ones.
There are two channels through which investment can be done in the share market, one is Primary Market and the other is Secondary Market. Primary Market deals with securities that are channelized through the Initial Public Offer (IPO) route. In the Secondary Market, investors trade the securities among themselves for the quest of profit.

Global Share Market originated in USA in the early 18 th century. Increasing costs of wars were emptying the government coffers and it needed the government to finance it through other means. Hence in 1789 the Congress met in Wall Street and started issuing government bonds to the general public for financing the war. Businessmen of Wall Street regularly traded stocks and bonds among themselves and used to leave their securities with the auctioneers and they used to get a commission
on every selling of stocks and bonds. The need of an organized stock exchange arose along with the increase in the number of stocks and bonds. On 17 th May 1792, 24 brokers came together and signed an inclusive document for enabling security trade among themselves for maintaining a fixed commission on these trades. This is considered as the foundation of NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). Some of the largest Stock Exchanges of the World.
Some of the leading Global Share Markets are :-
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)