George Soros Funds BDS Buys SodaStream Stock
Post on: 21 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Its no secret that lefty doesnt practice what he shrieks. Michael Moore had Haliburton stocks. Code Pinks deranged Medea Benjamin invests in companies that have a sizable presence in Israel. George Soros, a major funder of the Anti-Israel movement. including BDS, goes them one better by buying up a chunk of SodaStream while investing in other Israeli companies.
George Soros, the leftists’ billionaire version of Sheldon Adelson, has bought $24.3 million worth of shares in the Israeli-Based SodaStream company, which has a factory in the same Judean Desert claimed by the Palestinian Authority and for which Sorors has donated millions of dollars
After noting the attacks on Scarlett Johansson for doing an ad campaign for SodaStream
Now comes George Soros with an apparently hypocritical investment to make money in a Zionist enterprise in the “occupied territories” after he has tried to pave the way for chaos by investing much more money in groups such as B’Tselem and the New Israel Fund, which back a No Jews Allowed Palestinian Authority state.
Its doubtful that the leftist groups funded by George Soros which attacked Johansson will condemn their own backer. Just as Code Pink doesnt have a lot to say about Medea Benjamins investments.
This type of hypocrisy is typical. Like so many other leftist pieties, boycotting Israel isnt for the boycotters.
A subdivision of the global BDS movement is the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which calls on academics and intellectualsin the international community to comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions as a contribution to the struggle to end Israel‘s occupation, colonization and system of apartheid.
In fact, Omar Barghouti, a PACBI co-founder—who travels from campus to campus denouncing Israel as an apartheid state and opposing Palestinian-Israeli collaboration as providing a fig leaf covering up Israels crimes against the Palestinian people—is himself enrolled as a graduate student in philosophy (ethics) at Tel Aviv University.
When challenged about this blatant double standard, Barghouti dismisses it as irrelevant. My studies at Tel-Aviv University are a personal matter and I have no interest in commenting, he answered a Maariv reporter who questioned him about it.
Boycotting Israel is for someone else.