Forecasting Market Direction With PutCall Ratios

Post on: 17 Май, 2015 No Comment

Forecasting Market Direction With PutCall Ratios

United Dynamics Corp. utilizes a special licensed algorithm to track Ion Ratios in the air which are known to have large behavioral influences. With every breath of air you inhale you take in many charged particles known as ions, Negative charged ions are beneficial whereas Positive charged ions are detrimental. These Positive Ion concentrations can be influenced by the Full Moon. The Full Moon has long been suspected by Law Enforcement Officers, Paramedics, Nurses and Doctors as a trigger for abnormal behavior and increased problems. Extreme positive ion ratios, although strongly associated with the Full Moon, can happen at anytime of the month which is forecasted within the red Extreme Positive Ion Alert table.

These alerts are Forecasted and not guaranteed as actual Ion Ratio data, although high accuracy has been determined with previous forecasts, these alerts should be treated as the same way a weather forecast is treated, advanced warning that is not 100% correct.

Rate of attempted suicides increases by about 20% during positive ion conditions

This service has been envisioned as a way for Police Departments and officers to better prepare for Rapid Response often required during these expected higher occurrence periods with higher precautions, extra general duty officers, reserves / auxiliaries and utilizing community police programs such as Citizens Crime Watch Patrols.

These extra precautions should allow the Police to more effectively deal with increased volume and volatility associated with higher than normal positive ion ratios.

Israeli insurance agencies discovered traffic accidents could increase by 100% during positive ion winds.

Studies in Geneva in 1972 showed an increase in traffic accidents by over 50% during times of high positive ion ratios.

Hungarian scientists also noted accidents went from a peak of 1.6 per hour to 2.6 during times high positive ion concentrations.

An excess of positive ions produces unfavorable effects both physically (headaches, dizziness, fatigue, circulatory disorders etc.) and mentally (irritation, apathy, anxiety, depression etc). Negative ions can improve alertness, concentration and general body function. These findings are based on research with air ions from groups and organizations such as Oxford University, RCA Laboratories, U.S. Air Force, Mercedes Benz, the Swiss Bank… just to name a few of the 5000 plus studies. Negative ion generators/air purifiers are common household appliances found at many department and drug stores. The U.S. Navy uses similar ion generators on the bridges of their ships to keep the command watch alert and energized. Toyota is said to be installing negative ion generators in some of the 2002 Lexus models. In countries such as Israel, Russia, Germany and Japan negative ion generators are widely accepted among the general public.

United Dynamics Corp. main web site is forecasts the expected Ion Ratio a half week in advance, this advanced forecast is then later compared to Stock Markets, Stocks, Athletic performance, Triple Crown Horses and polling results for federal elections. Mathematical significance has been verified with these comparisons.

The service doesn’t provide early enough warning for Law Enforcement agencies to prepare for high Positive Ion Ratio days, so United Dynamics Corp. decided to create a service targeted for Law Enforcement with Police Ops is updated on approximately the 15th of every month with alerts for the upcoming month.

Positive Ions tend to cause the stock markets to move up (irrational decisions, risk taking is predominant with traders) and more Negative Ions tend to move the markets lower (level headed rational thinking, traders are more cautious). The algorithm, based on proprietary information, allows them to utilize these reactions based on ion charge (polarity) to forecast market direction.

Heart attacks approx. 50% higher during positive ion conditions. projects the direction of the markets beforehand and is accurate 60-85% of the time with about 80% of the large well known stocks and indexes using no financial tools and no money management skills, other than following the expected highs and lows projected by the algorithm. is also recognized as the world leader in Athletic Response Prediction and has shown significant accuracy on forecasting the performance of individual athletes in the NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB, NASCAR drivers and even Triple Crown Horses. Not all individuals are affected the same way by ions. 75% of athletes as well as the general population react favorably to negative ions but are adversely affected by positive ions, while the other 25% react in the opposite way and compensate for the stress caused by positive ions with sufficient adrenaline production. If 75% of the world reacts the same way to ion conditions then it is not a giant leap of faith to understand why the global stock markets exhibit cyclical trending to ion ratios.

United Dynamics Corp. has dedicated a simple and easy to understand Stock Market service at

To find out more about the Lunar effect go here: Full Moon Ion Effect

The Following dials represent Real Time (Geomagnetic and Solar Wind) data, which can override the Ion Ratio Forecast used to determine advanced Alerts and display unpredictable extreme Positive Ion events:

If the any of the dials move into the yellow, orange or red then there is a chance that positive ion ratios could be increasing and unpredictable high volume, high volatility shifts could occur. If the dials remain in the green then the forecast applies. This page will auto-refresh every fifteen minutes to keep the dials up-to-date. If no arrows appear on each dial then the satellite is temporarily not receiving or transmitting data.

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