Don t Be Fooled by Currency This Earnings Season

Post on: 13 Май, 2015 No Comment

Don t Be Fooled by Currency This Earnings Season

Key Points

    Europe’s projected earnings growth is much stronger than that of the United States and is significantly affected by the large currency moves boosting European earnings and weighing on those of U.S. companies. Don’t be fooled into thinking European earnings growth is supported by economic fundamentals. A weaker currency is no substitute for a stronger economy.

Despite rising just 3% last year, earnings per share for the companies in the STOXX Europe 600 Index are expected to have jumped 26% in the fourth quarter versus a year earlier, according to the Thomson Financial-tracked analyst consensus. Meanwhile, in the United States, the S&P 500® Index is expected to post 4% growth in the fourth quarter, capping a year of 7% profit growth.

For 2015, analysts predict an increase of 10% in European earnings compared with 6% for the S&P 500, despite the still-sluggish outlook for European economic growth.

What is behind the strong earnings, and will it mean continued outperformance for European stocks in 2015? We believe that, rather than better relative economic performance, a meaningful portion of the anticipated superior earnings growth in Europe is coming from a weaker euro—something investors should be cautious about.

The euro has fallen below $1.14 for the first time since 2003, and is down 18% from last year’s high in March. The Japanese yen has fallen a similar amount over the same time period, but has stabilized over the past couple of months, while the euro has continued to decline. The drop in the euro was accelerated by growing expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise U.S. interest rates in 2015, the European Central Bank announcement that it will begin large-scale government bond purchases, and concerns that Greece may leave the eurozone.

The slide in the euro also reflects the weak economic outlook in the eurozone relative to the United States. However, in January, the STOXX Europe 600 outpaced the S&P 500, measured in both euros and dollars. The currency move appears to be supporting a turnaround in European corporate profit growth that may be helping to lift stocks.

Lovin’ the lower euro

To illustrate how a weaker currency can lift company profits, let’s look at an identical good produced and sold in different countries: the hamburger. McDonald’s patrons in Switzerland must pay the equivalent in Swiss francs of nearly $8 for a Big Mac, more than customers in any other country surveyed. Of course, that’s partly due to the franc’s climb as investors looking for a safe haven from the euro have piled into the currency.

In contrast, in Russia—where the ruble has plunged—Big Macs cost around $1. While we may be unwilling to order our lunch to be delivered from Russia to save money, it is easy to see how companies whose goods become pricier due to currency appreciation may lose out to those whose currencies fall in value.

Currency lovin’

Price of a Big Mac in selected countries (in U.S. dollars)

Source: The Economist, McDonald’s, Thomson Reuters, Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. as of 1/22/15.

While the cost in euros for a Big Mac has changed very little over the past year, its price in dollar terms fell 14% in January 2015 from a year earlier, from $4.96 to $4.26.

For Europe, the decline in the euro means that products made in Europe, like Big Macs, now cost less in dollars, while those imported from the United States into Europe are more costly. This relative shift in prices favors European producers. The gain in global market share can have a meaningful impact on companies’ sales and profits.

Don t Be Fooled by Currency This Earnings Season

Gained in translation

A falling currency can also boost earnings of multinational companies through its effect on the reporting of profits earned abroad. European companies’ U.S. revenues translate into more euros than they did a year earlier. The same dollar amount of sales now would be worth about 20% more euros than it was a year ago.

This translation effect can have a powerful impact on reported profits. For example, according to France’s biggest drug maker, every 1% drop in the euro versus the dollar adds 0.5% to earnings per share. Unlike a boost to profits from additional sales, the gain in earnings per share from a mere change in reporting from one currency to another is not something investors should get excited about.

Higher cost offset

Some industries may see costs rise in euros, offsetting the boost in profits from a weaker currency. A weaker currency means it may cost more to import materials and components made in other countries. In addition, the cost to employ workers in another part of the world may also rise.

Beyond the costs of production, the costs of financing may also increase. Companies that borrow in dollars and report earnings in euros now have a greater debt burden and interest costs. As an example, Germany’s largest telecom company saw its net debt increase by $1.3 billion euros in the first nine months of last year because of currency effects.

Don’t be fooled

As the dollar rises, the United States is facing the opposite effect seen in Europe. The dollar’s surge is reducing earnings at U.S. companies that derive a large portion of their revenue from abroad. Of course, some businesses hedge currency movements, but to others it may come as a surprise or as a regular cost of doing business.

Understanding earnings can be tricky, but don’t be fooled into thinking that double-digit European earnings growth is supported by economic fundamentals. The much stronger earnings growth expected for Europe is significantly affected by the large currency moves that are boosting European earnings and weighing on those of U.S. companies. A weaker currency is no substitute for a stronger economy.

I hope this enhanced your understanding of the changing value of the euro and its effect on corporate profits. I welcome your feedback—clicking on the thumbs up or thumbs down icons at the bottom of the page will allow you to contribute your thoughts. (If you are logged into, you can include comments in the Editor’s Feedback box.)

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