DayTrader1 Teaching Investors How To Day Trade With A Day Trading and Swing Trading System
Post on: 17 Май, 2016 No Comment

We have to use actual market quotations to illustrate exactly what we are doing and why we are doing it. Otherwise, the diaries and its entries of will be misleading and not educational. The spirit of this website is to teach the market daytrader how to trade successfully by using real-time quotes and any attempt to duplicate these trades is not a guarantee to make money. These trades are our teaching tools and at the end, are only examples. Copying these trades are in fact beyond our control and we are not responsible for any trading losses borne out from this type of action.
We do not give investment advice on this website but only attempt to show you some of what we trade and how we trade it. Treat this website as reading a professional traders trading journals or diaries. Past performance is not indicative of future profits nor are our opinions guaranteed to be successful. We do not make markets in the stocks that we illustrate and we may buy and sell any stock at any prices regardless of our commentaries. And due to unforeseen web or network related technical problems, we can be down for an indefinite amount of time without any prior notice.
We reserve the right to cancel any subscription and/or withhold our email service towards people reselling our information, copying parts of our site and claiming that our original work is theirs, or just any other kinds of abusive action taken against this website. There will be no refunds for this type of behaviour.
The use of our username and password will be deemed as an acceptance and understanding of the purpose of this website as outlined in the above disclaimers. Again, this website is not a guarantee to make money but a teaching diary of how we setup and exit trades. By entering our subscriber page with the use of our username and password, the subscriber will then waive all rights to sue and any other companies associated or related on this will not be held liable for any loss of money from trading as we do not give any advice or recommendations as to what to trade but only try to teach and illustrate how we trade our own funds in real-time trading. Again, we do advise against copying our daily trade examples as it is not a guarantee to make money.

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