CBOE Volatility Finder

Post on: 28 Май, 2015 No Comment

CBOE Volatility Finder

Searching for a new way to identify potential buying or selling opportunities?

CBOEs new Volatility Finder lets you scan for stocks and ETFs with volatility characteristics that may forecast upcoming price movement, or may identify under- or over-valued options in relation to a securitys near- and longer-term price history.

Why is searching by volatility important? When volatility jumps outside its historical price pattern (or exhibits non-standard behavior), such moves may indicate that an event or series of events may be imminent that may significantly affect the securitys share price.

Additionally, comparing a securitys implied volatility (or a securitys volatility as implied in its options) versus the securitys historical volatility may reveal whether certain options are cheap or expensive relative to the price of the underlying security.

Volatility Forecast Scans?

Volatility Forecast scans may help you find securities with increasing or decreasing volatility characteristics over the short- and long-term. Low implied volatility against high historical volatility may indicate that the options are under-valued; conversely, high implied volatility against low historical volatility may indicate that the options are over-valued.

Implied Volatility Moves

Implied Volatility Moves may help you find securities exhibiting the largest moves in daily and monthly implied volatilities. Sizable moves in implied volatility may signify that an upcoming event may significantly impact the price of the security.

Implied Volatility Scans

Implied Volatility scans are based on the simple ranking of 20-day Implied Volatility values. Use these scans to find securities with high or low risk characteristics relative to its historical price.

CBOE Volatility Finder


TradingBlock options analytical tools and options strategy scanners are provided by TradingBlock, and are located on the TradingBlock website. All content, tools and calculations provided herein are for educational and informational purposes only. TradingBlock uses industry-standard valuations to calculate all present and future values. Calculated future values are based on the stock price, time horizon, and implied volatility input parameters provided by the end-user. All prices shown are at least 15 minutes delayed.

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