Active ETFs v Funds Highlighting Critical Differences
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

by Michael Johnston on June 6, 2011 | Updated December 8, 2014
When discussing the various vehicles available for accessing a certain asset class or strategy, it isnt uncommon to hear advisors or investors discuss the comparisons of ETFs vs. active management or dive into the merits of mutual funds vs. passive indexing. Such comparisons reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of the nuances that distinguish exchange-traded fundswhether active or passivefrom traditional mutual funds.
For starters, there is the misconception that mutual fund and active management are synonymousjust as ETF and indexing refer to identical concepts and strategies. In reality, there are a number of index-based mutual funds that seek not to beat a specified benchmark but to replicate one (and there have been for decades; Vanguard introduced its S&P 500 Mutual Fund in 1976). The correct comparisons are between investment styles (e.g. active vs. passive) and vehicles (mutual funds vs. ETFs). The late 2000s and early 2010s have seen growth in the number of active ETFs, securities that allow investors to access a management team through the exchange-traded structure that boasts a number of potential advantages [ETFs vs. Mutual Funds: The Ultimate Guide ].
Active ETFs are often assumed to be largely similar to mutual funds, since both are associated with alpha-seeking active managers. But any meaningful comparison of active ETFs and mutual funds should leave investment strategies aside, and focus simply on the structural difference between two types of securities. As such, a comparison of active ETFs and mutual funds flows much like a comparison of passive ETFs:
Generally speaking, active ETFs are more expensive than their passively-indexed counterparts. Employing an active strategy will require more significant overhead (such as the team of portfolio managers) that translates into higher fees for investors. But the assumption that active ETF expenses are comparable to mutual funds is an erroneous one. At the end of May 2011, there were 34 active ETFs available to U.S. investors. The high end of the expense range touched 1.85%or about 180 basis points higher than the cheapest ETFs on the market. On average, that group of active ETFs charges about 72 basis points annually in total expenses, with some going as low as 0.18%. By comparison, the average for the mutual fund industry is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.4%. So while active ETFs are more expensive than their passive counterparts, the difference is not all that significant; indexed ETFs charge about 0.57% on average, or about 15 basis points less than active funds. Moreover, active ETFs are, generally speaking, far cheaper than comparable mutual funds.
The price gap between active ETFs and mutual funds arises out of the manner in which these products are created and maintained. The mutual fund structure requires significantly more overhead; when investors purchase a fund, they interact directly with the fund company. Cash is sent to the company, which then keeps records of the position established. And at the close of business on each trading day, mutual fund administrators tally up the portion of gains and losses attributable to each position. Closing out mutual fund holdings similarly triggers record-keeping, which translates into fees that are eventually passed on to shareholders.
The ETF structure is far simpler. Most ETF transactions take place between market participants and in no way involve the company that created and market the product. When Joe Smith sells 500 shares to Jane Doe, the ETF issuer has no involvement or visibility into the transaction. While ETF companies obviously maintain some overhead to support creations, redemptions, and other regulatory requirements, the extent of administrative requirements is considerably less than among mutual funds [Mutual Funds: Breaking Down Expense Ratios ].
Another major difference between active ETFs and actively-managed mutual funds relates to transparency. Just like their passive counterparts, most active ETFs publish their holdings on a daily basis, allowing investors to see exactly what is in the underlying portfolio (some ETFs, both passive and active, may publish only the creation basket, which can technically vary from the underlying ETF). Mutual funds, on the other hand, are required to reveal their holdings with far less frequency (on a quarterly basis).
This distinction has both potential advantages and drawbacks. The transparency of ETFs allows investors to know exactly what they own, a feature that can be a convenience in all environments and extremely valuable in othersimagine being clueless as to the allocation of a mutual fund to Enron in the fall of 2002 or in Lehman Brothers in the second half of 2008.
The disclosure requirements that create this transparency also contribute to what is often called the disclosure dilemma of active ETFs. By revealing their holdings daily, active ETFs risk tipping off the market to their outlooks on certain securities, which can lead other market participants to front run that trade and establish sizable positions in anticipation of an ongoing buying spree. Suppose, for example, that an active ETF is attempting to purchase 1,000,000 shares of a small cap stock deemed to have promising potential. The fund manages to buy 500,000 shares in a single session, and then discloses that position in its daily update. Savvy investors may take note of the sudden position in the stock, and begin buying up shares based on the bullish outlook of the active ETFs manager. That may result in a higher purchase price for the remainder of the shares desired, as other parties flood in to replicate the funds positions [ETFs Vs. Mutual Funds: Three Keys To Winning The War ].
Liquidity & Execution
Perhaps the most significant difference between active ETFs and mutual funds relates to liquidityand the distinction between the two is simple and straightforward. Whereas positions in mutual funds can only be established or closed out once daily (at the end of the trading session), active ETFsjust like indexed exchange-traded productstrade just like stocks. That means that trades can be executed throughout the daya feature that generally becomes increasingly valuable in volatile markets.
The ability to trade throughout a session with other investors (as opposed to the fund company) has other potential ramifications for active ETFs. Trades in mutual funds occur at the end of the day at a value determined based on the value of the underlying securities of a fundthe net asset value (NAV). ETFs, both passive and active, are different in that the execution price of a trade is less certain. Because trades occur between market participants, special consideration must be paid to the presence of other individuals or institutions looking to take the opposite position of a trade. There is no guarantee that a transaction will be completed at or near the NAV of the fund; ETF investors risk buying in at a premium or selling at a discount [see The Ten Commandments Of ETF Investing ].
Limit orders present a relatively easy way of avoiding any undesirable execution, but ETF investors should take note of the potential to trade at a less-than-optimal price.
Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.