5 Awesome Penny Stock Setups
Post on: 2 Май, 2015 No Comment

WARNING: The content of this post are for you and you alone to profit from. Do not share this with friends or family or you risk them becoming obsessed with you and wanting more knowledge from youas I have learned the hard way
As you can see from my trades during the first two weeks of November, Ive made over $30,000 (see the trades here) and my trading challenge students have made $50,000+ on these stocks tooand its all come from just a few AWESOME chart setups.
Normally I would say apply to become one of my trading challenge students or watch these 7 free video lessons to get started learning my strategy, but it occurs to me that most of you reading this are lazy and you still wont study so I have to write this post to help inspire you.
After all, I posted the best penny stocks charts to trade 2 years ago and only a handful of you screw ups even understand what brokers to use (see the best penny stock brokers here ) to actually short these pumps and dumps.
Heck, only 25% of my PennyStocking Silver subscribers even bother to watch ANY of my now 730+ video lesson library, let alone these top 30 video lessons. which is just pathetic given the amount of good information theyre wasting.
The fact that my students have now made $5+ million with my strategy in just a few short years speaks volumes about how good the strategy is, not how good my students are.
But its cool, Im used to dealing with the laziest, poorest and dumbest people in the world and Im still gonna teach youthis is why I now have a dozen subscribers of my 4 newsletters who have earned over $100,000 with my strategy.
So here are the SPECIFIC setups that made me $30k the past 2 weeksmemorize:
1. I made $8,000 HERE buying a stock with an expected upcoming positive news catalystSAME EXACT SETUP as a trade I did in 2000 where I made $100,000+ in one weekend as a college freshman, detailed here for free in Chapter 6 of my book An American Hedge Fund
2. I made over $10,000 shorting HGSH as it was a delisting playEXACTLY the same as a delisting play HMNA at $3/share back in 2010 and a few dozen other delisting plays all of which dropped in the EXACT same manneryup, its the same principles/patterns over and overjust a question of you being ready to profit off them or not.
My top trading challenge student also shorted 12,000 shares at $2.88ish and covered somewhere in the low $2s for another $8,000+ish profit to add to his $500,000 in profits with my strategy he has yet to post his trade on Profitly because as he said via email hes at a golf tournament in Jamaica (tough life, right!)
Another one of my top students (who not-so-coincidentally has watched ALL my video lessons, not just once but twice) truly gets it and he made a quick $1,300 as you can see here.
3. I made $7,000+ buying the afternoon earnings breakout in RCONEXACTLY as detailed in this blog postand the EXACT same pattern as MERU which I similarly sold too soon, but on which my subscribers of my 4 newsletters and I made $15,000+ on as you can see here.
4. I made roughly $2,300 shorting the blatant pump and dump WNYN as it exhibited a perfect morning panicI have literally hundreds of morning panics catalogued, most comprehensively in my PennyStocking Framework DVD, but also in this blog post from September 2010 it never changes, most of you are just too lazy to have the right broker or dare to be prepared to actually short such low priced pieces of shitsyour loss.
Two of my top trading challenge students banked on this pattern $2,000 HERE and $1,400 HERE because they know the pattern and ARE preparedyoud think Id be happy but after shouting about this pattern in hundreds of webinars, video lessons and DVDs, its truly pathetic that more of you arent studying enough to actually get it. P A T H E T I C. Ive done all I could and Ill keep teaching because I know there are more dedicated students out there, hopefully I can reach you sooner than later.
5. HGSH had a sympathy play in CADCEXACTLY like when subscribers of my newsletters made $100,000+ shorting LTUM which was a sympathy play of LEXG back in April 2011 as detailed in this blog post.
I correctly shorted and made just under $2,000 HERE inside of an hour as not one but two of my preferred brokers had shares to short (IB had 700,000 shares available) and one of my top students made nearly $6,000 as you can see HERE trading it far better than I did.