What Is a Property Deed

Post on: 7 Май, 2015 No Comment

What Is a Property Deed

Types of Deeds

There are several types of property deeds, each of which has its own function. In a grant deed, the seller transfers the title of the property outright to the buyer. A quitclaim deed transfers your rights in a parcel of real estate to another person. This deed is commonly used between family members. A warranty deed transfers your property to another with assurances that you own the property free and clear. A warranty deed provides compensation to the person you transfer the deed to if there are problems with the deal. Theres also the deed of trust. This provides your lender quick recourse if you default on the loan. These deeds usually provide for a quick, non-judicial foreclosure process.

Other Paperwork

When you file any kind of property deed, any paperwork connected to the property is also filed. This can include your mortgage agreement with your lender, any easements on the property or any lawsuits. The function of this is that a property deed is a matter of public record. If someone were to search for the title, all of these documents would be available for perusal.

Making It Official

The most important hurdle to making a property deed official is the signature of a notary public. Your deed must be signed in front of a notary public. Your notary should affix his seal on the document, along with his signature. In case of dispute, a judge can throw out a deed if it is not correctly notarized. Once the deed is notarized, it is ready to be filed in the county clerks office.

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