TREC Sales Agent Renewal Information
Post on: 5 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Renewing Your Sales Agent License
Very Important!
Fingerprint Requirements for Brokers and Sales Agents applying or renewing on or after January 1, 2008
Background Check Fee - All license holders who have been fingerprinted for TREC must pay the $29.75 background check fee with each subsequent renewal or application.
Pay Your Renewal Fee and File Early — To renew your license timely you must have your Continuing Education (CE) completed and posted to your record at the time the renewal fee is paid. The renewal fee must be paid within 90 days of the license expiration date. Effective January 1, 2015, if Commission records do not show that you have completed your CE at the time you submit your renewal application, you must pay a $200 CE deferral fee, or renew in INACTIVE status. Paying the deferral fee will allow you to continue to be active in real estate activities and give you an additional 60 days from your expiration date to complete your CE.
24 Hour MCE Rule — As of September 1, 2007, a license holder who takes an online CE course will not be allowed to complete an online course in less than 24 hours.
I want to renew and my license is currently.
Steps to Renewing Your License
License Renewal
- Note the Renewal Filing Deadline
This deadline date will be printed on your renewal notice, which is sent to the email address of record for both you and your sponsoring broker, approximately 90 days before your renewal filing deadline. If you are on an inactive status, the notice will only be sent to the sales agent.
For Salespeople Who Applied On or After September 1, 2012
All active and inactive sales agents, who are under the Sales Agent Apprentice Education (SAE) requirement, must show evidence of having completed a minimum of 90 hours in qualifying real estate education prior to the first two year license term, so that a total of 270 classroom hours have been completed by the end of the second year of licensure. Evidence of successful course completion must be posted to the TREC computer system prior to the online renewal process or the license will expire. Evidence of course completion cannot be submitted during the online renewal process. You may use the SAE Cover Sheet . and you must submit your hours at least 10 days prior to the date you wish to renew online. Course completion certificates may be emailed to or faxed to TREC’s Education Section at (512) 936-3863. Please allow 10 business days for processing.
All active sales agents not subject to Qualifying Education requirements are required to complete CE for an active license renewal. The CE requirement is 15 classroom (clock) hours of TREC approved CE courses. At least six of the 15 hours must consist of a three hour legal update course and a three hour legal ethics course created for and approved by TREC to satisfy the six legal hours of continuing education required by Occupations Code 1101.455. A license holder cannot obtain credit for a course that was not approved for CE at the time the course was conducted, except as listed in item #4 below. A course may not be repeated for credit during the same license period. Providers are allowed 10 days to submit proof of course taken.
A sales agent that completes a qualifying real estate course to satisfy 9 elective CE requirements, must file the course completion certificate with TREC.
Texas license holders who hold a license in another state and have completed continuing education to renew the out of state license may have those courses evaluated for CE elective credit. A CE Credit Request for an Out of State Course form and the course completion certificate, should be submitted to request such credit.
Sales Agents who complete real estate courses of at least 1 hour in length which are approved by the State Bar of Texas for MCLE participatory credit, can apply to TREC for elective credit for those courses. An CE Credit Request for State Bar Courses form and the course completion documentation should be submitted to request such credit.

Effective January 1, 2015, if Commission records do not show that you have completed your CE at the time you submit your renewal application, you must pay a $200 CE deferral fee, or renew in INACTIVE status. Paying the deferral fee will allow you to continue to be active in real estate activities and give you an additional 60 days from your expiration date to complete your CE.
You’ll receive your License Renewal Notice approx. 90 days before the renewal filing deadline.
Note: You must pay a renewal fee to renew your license.
Inactive Sales Agent Licenses
A sales agent whose license is inactive who returns to active status, must complete the CE hours during the two years prior to requesting the active status. The sale agent must establish a sponsorship relationship with a broker through the online Relationship Management Tool (RMT) of file a Sales Agent Sponsorship Form through an active broker.
Expired Sales Agent Licenses
- Expired 6 months or less
For an ACTIVE renewal of a license that has been expired 6 months or less: A sales agent whose license has been expired not more than 6 months, who files an application to late renew on active status must pay the applicable renewal fee, have the CE hours completed, and file the RENEWAL OF REAL ESTATE LICENSE – TIMELY OR EXPIRED LESS THAN SIX MONTHS application. If the CE hours have been completed by the license expiration date, no additional fee will be due. If the hours are completed within 60 days of the license expiration date, a $200 CE deferral fee will be required. If the hours are completed between 61 – 180 days of the license expiration date, the deferral fee and late reporting fee (total $450) will be required.
For an INACTIVE renewal of a license that has been expired 6 months or less: A license holder may file a late renewal application and renew a license on INACTIVE status without a lapse in INACTIVE licensure and without submitting CE. A license holder cannot engage in real estate activity with an inactive license.
A sales agent whose license has been expired more than 6 months but less then 2 years, who files an application to reinstate that license on active status, must complete the 15 hours in CE during the two year period prior to filing the Application for Reinstatement of a Sales Agent License or Broker license by an individual If the license is being renewed on inactive status, the CE is not required.
Please Note: If a broker’s license expires or is placed on inactive status, all sales agents sponsored by that broker will be placed on inactive status.
A sales agent whose license has been expired more than 2 years, must reapply for licensure. The applicant must meet sales agent application requirements (including education), file an original Application for Inactive Sales Agent License and pass the sales agent licensing exam.
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