The Iron Condor_1

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

The Iron Condor_1


Over the last 10 years hedge fund returns have averaged just 3% a year which is barely above annual inflation rates.  Couple that with the fact that over 80% of fund managers fail to outperform simple index funds  and its no wonder the average investor is feeling disheartened and downright resentful of the financial industry.  I understand the sentiment.  They collect large fees, receive huge bonuses, yet they dont return a significant amount of money to investors.  Are they just churning our money in unprofitable investments and collecting fees?

Since we have no power to change the system, the only question we need to ask ourselves is:  What can we do about it?   Sticking with what weve always done and hoping things get better probably isnt a winning strategy, so as I see it the two best choices people face are the following:

1)  Invest your money yourself

Through the use of index ETFs you could set up a passive fund of dividend equities and fixed income investments that would be suitable to hold long-term and would require very little maintenance.  Your returns wont be spectacular of course but if done right you could achieve that 5 7% a year range that most financial advisors talk about but in the long run very rarely actually deliver on.  Now this may be easier said than done.  Click here to find out why.

2)  Invest in something similar to my Umbrella Fund

I have always managed my own investments and now Ive provided a method for people to track my results with their own money.  So the only difference between managing your own money and you tracking my Umbrella Fund comes down to how much better you think my returns will be compared to what you can reasonably expect to achieve on your own.  I invite everybody to learn more about my fund and then make their own decision.

I dont follow the rules defined by the financial industry.  I dont trade the same products they do or employ the same outdated portfolio management techniques that clearly arent working.  I refuse to play their rigged game and I hope you choose to do the same.

The Iron Condor_1

Introducing the Umbrella Fund and the Advantage Fund

The Umbrella Fund is my active fund which is comprised of four separately traded and uncorrelated option strategies that combine each month to create a diversified fund.  The Advantage Fund is my passive strategy that focuses on diversification and long term dividend growth, and is suitable for tax advantaged accounts such as IRAs and RRSPs.  I dont use any slick marketing tricks and I dont have any fancy sales pitches to influence peoples investment decisions.  Hopefully my long-term results will speak for themselves.

Im just presenting a potential alternative to the status quo.  Please explore the rest of my website and learn more about each of the strategies that make up the funds.

I also invite you to subscribe to my website so youll receive the monthly update videos as well as any new content as its made available.  My Umbrella Fund and my Advantage Fund represent an exciting new direction for personal investing and I invite everyone to follow along.

Simple, Safe, and Profitable  Helping you achieve your investment goals

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