The Alternative Minimum Tax Sweet Spot
Post on: 5 Май, 2015 No Comment
![The Alternative Minimum Tax Sweet Spot The Alternative Minimum Tax Sweet Spot](/wp-content/uploads/2015/5/the-alternative-minimum-tax-sweet-spot_1.jpg)
My income is around a half a million dollars, and I’m in Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Its annoying, and I feel trapped.Now what?
Image by 401K via Flickr
The best move may be to increase income, and pay even more AMT! What do you think your tax rate is? That’s easy – high income folks pay 35%, right? Well, not in AMT. AMT’s top tax rate is 28%.
Many high income taxpayers are in Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). AMT’s name is descriptive: an alternative tax system designed so everyone pays at least a minimum tax. Behind the scenes your tax is computed twice: in the regular tax system and in the AMT system. Naturally, you pay the higher of the two. You would rather not be in AMT, but now that you are, can you turn it to your advantage? The AMT you have paid so far this year is like an upscale eating club with a high fee to get in the door, but once inside the meals are tasty and cheap.
The US income tax system is “progressive” – as income goes up marginal tax rates go up. The tax rates form stairsteps as income increases. The regular tax system rates start at 0% and step up to 10%, 15%, 25% and on to 35%. But the regular tax system includes dozens of deductions, exemptions and credits which phase out as income rises. Phaseouts change the simple stairsteps into a bumpy picture of big jumps and valleys. Some situations produce effective marginal tax rates (the effective increase in tax for the next dollar of income) more than twice what the tax bracket, a.k.a. marginal tax rate, indicates it would be.
If you are subject to AMT, your tax bracket is 28% for AMT taxable income over $175,000. But your effective marginal tax rate is typically 35% for incomes of $300,000 to about $500,000. As income goes even higher, the effective marginal rate often drops to 28% for the next several hundred thousand dollars of income. But then the 35% marginal tax rate comes back as income rises further and you move back to paying regular tax. These higher incomes taxed at 28% are in what I call the “AMT Sweet Spot.” Sweet because here’s a high income taxed at only a 28% tax bracket.
Why does AMT effective rate hit 35% and then drop back to 28%? AMT has only three nominal marginal tax rates: 0%, 26% and 28%. Similar to the personal exemptions and standard deduction in regular tax, AMT has a large personal exemption: $74,450 for married couples filing jointly. The exemption is subtracted from income to get AMT taxable income. Above $150,000 of AMT taxable income the exemption shrinks, phasing out at 25 cents for every dollar of more income. As AMT taxable income rises over $175,000 the next dollars are effectively taxed for AMT at 35% (28% + 0.25* 28%). The exemption is completely phased out at $447,800 of AMT taxable income where the AMT effective marginal tax rate takes a step down from 35% to 28%. This point is the bottom of the AMT Sweet Spot.
Over in the regular tax system, at these income levels the regular tax amount is computed at a 35% marginal rate – what most people think all high income is subject to. As incomes grow, the regular tax bill indeed grows at 35 cents for every dollar of more income. However AMT grows more slowly, at the 28% rate. Finally regular tax gets as big as your AMT tax, and the two are the same. Where the two tax amounts are equal is the top of the “AMT Sweet Spot”. For a dollar less income you pay 28 cents less tax, but for a dollar more you pay 35 cents.
A simple example is a married couple with no kids who deduct $60,000 in state, local and real estate taxes. Their AMT Sweet Spot stretches from incomes of $447,800 to $680,400. At the bottom of the Sweet Spot their tax bill is $121,884. At the top it is $187,012. Across this Sweet Spot where $232,600 of income is taxed at 28%, their tax bill went up only $65,128.
Ok, now you are in the AMT Sweet Spot. How do you take advantage of it? For now, let’s focus on the upper end of the Sweet Spot – higher incomes.
As you are in a relatively low tax bracket the standard planning advice applies: consider accelerating income toward the top of it. Roth IRA conversions are an intriguing way to accelerate income (and can be undone by recharacterizing the following year if you did too much). People over age 59.5 might do withdrawals from retirement plans. Heirs might do larger withdrawals from inherited IRAs. Corporate employees might exercise stock options this rather than next year. Or do 83(b) elections on restricted stock grants. For next year, don’t defer so much income. Business owners or those on commissions might recognize income early or defer paying expenses. Do an extra surgical procedure. Work on your accounts receivable or collect a debt.
The top of the AMT Sweet Spot is where regular tax starts to control your tax bill, and its 35% marginal rate comes into play. To maximize your benefit of accelerating income, an ideal spot to hit is the cross-over point, where the last dollar of income is taxed at 28% in AMT, but the next dollar of income is taxed at 35% in regular tax. At this exact point, all your deductions reduce your tax by 35%, but all your income is taxed at 28%. This sounds impossible, but true. All your deductions brought your total tax bill down to that point, and all your income brought your total tax bill up to it. At the top of the Sweet Spot you are not losing any deductions to AMT.