Sovereign Man notes from the field to Admin
Post on: 7 Сентябрь, 2015 No Comment

Sovereign Man, notes from the fieldto Admin/CapeCoral
When will the Sleeping Giant begin to wake up.
My Country Tis of The
February 24, 2014
Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile
Its like 34 drunken sailors holding each other up. Thats the best way I can think of to describe the latest product from the good idea factory that is the OECD.
Over the weekend in yet another cushy five-star hotel, representatives from this unelected supranational bureaucracy announced plans for world governments to exchange all their citizens tax and financial data with one another.
The 34 members states of the OECD are enthusiastically supporting this measure. And it constitutes the end of whatever remains of financial privacy.
The premise behind the OECDs destructive pipedream is, as usual, to stamp out tax evasion. But this is a misnomer to being with.
Just about every multinational company out there employs strategies to reduce their current tax liabilities that are perfectly legitimate based on existing tax laws.
This is why companies like Google and Apple famously earn billions in profits but pay almost no tax. Theyre vilified. But its legal.
These companies have shareholders from all over the world. And their solemn responsibility is to maximize shareholder value not maximize the amount of funds that politicians in a single jurisdiction get to blow on wars and welfare.
There are also isolated individuals who are sitting on undeclared income stashed away in an overseas bank somewhere. But the aggregate amount is tiny compared to the $60+ billion that Microsoft alone has stashed away overseas, untaxed.
Youd think theyd get at the root cause of the problem and try becoming more competitive lowering tax rates and streamlining government operations (shocker!)
But no. Instead they resort to even more Draconian tactics to lord over private citizens financial records and unilaterally set aside long-standing international treaties.
Its a pathetic display of exactly the sort of tactics that governments embrace when they go broke. And most of these OECD countries ARE broke Italy, Japan, the US, Spain, Greece, etc.
So what we have now are a bunch of bankrupt member states who think that they are helping the other bankrupt member states raise revenue by terrorizing citizens (rather than actually fixing the problem).
Its genius. But what else can one expect from the OECD?
This is the same organization which said, in the same meeting over the weekend, that Germany should accept higher inflation so that the rest of Europe wouldnt suffer from deflation.

The arrogance is astounding.
This is the same logic as borrowing your way out of debt and spending your way out of recession brought to you by the same guys who completely missed all the warning signs of the Global Financial Crisis. Along with the IMF. The Federal Reserve (and every other central bank in the world). And every government out there.
Yet these are the rocket scientists who pull the levers that control the system.
It behooves anyone who can see the big picture to distance yourself as much as possible from this system.
This means, for example, keeping a portion of your savings in real assets that they cannot control, as opposed to paper assets that they conjure and manipulate.
Most importantly, it means not having all of your eggs in one basket. Bankrupt governments will resort to any measure they feel is necessary to maintain the status quo.
And if you live, work, invest, bank, run a business, own real estate, etc. all in one of these bankrupt countries, you are really taking on tremendous risk.
To your sovereignty,