Selling Real Estate You Don t Own
Post on: 27 Май, 2015 No Comment

You Can Get Filthy Rich.
WHO really makes money in Real Estate?
The Seller makes money. The Real Estate agent, Bank, Appraiser, Lawyer, Insurance Agent, and even the City, County and State (tax collectors) make money — but — the BUYER pays (even if the ‘lucky’ buyer buys a distressed fixer upper for no money down, he pays).
But, each year, poor slobs across this country who want to ‘Get Rich in Real Estate’ fall for the same old sucker-pitch and pay out millions upon millions of dollars for courses, tapes, manuals and books on ‘How To’ — buy distressed properties — buy with No Money Down — buy tax lien properties — buy fixer uppers.
Real Estate BUYERS are the ones who have to make the monthly payments (if they can get the financing to begin with); pay the interest; pay the taxes and assessments; pay the cost of upkeep and maintenance; and pay the commission to the Real Estate agent when they decide to sell. (How do you get rich paying?)
Doesn’t logic tell you that to make money in Real Estate, you MUST be on the ‘selling’ side of the deal?
How can you ‘sell’ something if you don’t own (buy) it first??
You could become a Real Estate agent/broker and ‘earn’ commissions for selling — but — being a Real Estate agent/broker is a full-time job and allows few (if any) opportunities to build a Real Estate empire — unless you do a lot of ‘buying’ for your own account (there’s that costly word; ‘buying,’ again).
If you aren’t a Banker, Appraiser, Lawyer, Insurance Agent, or Tax Collector, and you want to be on the ‘profitable’ selling side (as opposed to the ‘costly’ buying side) in building your Real Estate empire, the only real alternative you have is using Real Estate Options.
What is a Real Estate Option?
A Real Estate Option gives you ‘control’ of a piece of Real Estate WITHOUT BUYING IT! — By having an option on a piece of Real Estate property, you have the exclusive right to either buy that property, or NOT to buy it. The choice (option) is yours.
It is an ‘exclusive’ right. — That means that NO ONE ELSE can buy or sell that Real Estate property during the term of your option. — If that isn’t ‘control’ I don’t know what is.
And (in most cases), the owner keeps paying all of the inherent costs of the property. taxes, assessments, upkeep & maintenance.
What could be better than ‘controlling’ a Real Estate empire WITHOUT BUYING ANY REAL ESTATE? Let the owner keep paying the inherent costs. And, either ‘sell’ the property, or ‘sell’ the option itself, for a profit.
If the seller sells the property to someone else, while you hold this exclusive option, you are entitled to any monies the seller receives over the price you have agreed to pay for the property — or — if the seller sells the property for less than what he agreed to sell it to you on your option, you can collect the difference from the seller.
‘Exclusive’ means ‘exclusive’ under the law.
No one. not even the owner of the property. can ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ that property, legally, without first satisfying your option.
You own the exclusive right to buy that property, or not buy that property, or sell that property to someone else, or sell the option itself to someone else.
When you use an option, you are NOT BUYING REAL ESTATE; you are buying the exclusive right to buy (or not buy) that Real Estate. That means you also have the exclusive right to sell the property as well.
Using an option, you also have another advantage.
You will usually be dealing with ‘prime’ (or at least acceptable and presentable) Real Estate properties. Whereas, if you deal with ‘distressed’ properties, 9 times out of 10, you are dealing with ‘garbage’ Real Estate.
Leave the ‘garbage’ properties for the distress property buyers; no money downers; and buyers of fixer uppers.
When an owner decides to sell, who do they go to? — A Real Estate agent, or their lawyer, or their banker. — If the deal is good, these insiders pass it along to their cronies, or act on it themselves. But.

Just one simple classified ad can make YOU an insider. And, the sellers will be calling you BEFORE they call the Real Estate agent, lawyer, or banker.
This classified ad — plus — the boiled down essence of how to use Real Estate Options to control a Real Estate empire; without buying any Real Estate, is REVEALED FOR THE FIRST TIME in our all new Special Report, entitled, How To Get Filthy Rich SELLING REAL ESTATE YOU DON’T OWN!
This is the way the insiders make their money in Real Estate. You won’t find them buying Real Estate; until after they have already sold it. — It’s done every day by people-in-the-know.
When you finish reading How To Get Filthy Rich SELLING REAL ESTATE YOU DON’T OWN! you will KNOW how!!
Order your copy today. — It’s only $29.95
Get in-the-know. — As you read, your mind will begin to bubble with reasons and purposes for Real Estate properties that other people have overlooked for years.
NOW is the time to start controlling your own REAL ESTATE EMPIRE. Without Buying Any Real Estate. — Order your personal copy of How To Get Filthy Rich SELLING REAL ESTATE YOU DON’T OWN! — today!!
Yours for Real Estate Profits,
J.F. (Jim) STRAW
P.S. — This Special Report also tells you.
How Anythin g That Can Be Bought Can Be Controlled With An Option.
That’s right, anything you can buy. Equipment, Closeout Inventories, Machinery, Aircraft, Boats. anything. can be controlled using an option — IF YOU KNOW HOW! This report tells you exactly how to use this technique to gain control of just about anything you can imagine. — Order TODAY!