Mergers Acquisitions White Case LLP Alert
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Mergers & Acquisitions December 2010
United Arab Emirates Offset
Program Bureau Adopts
New Policy Guidelines
In June of 2010, the Offset Program Bureau (“OPB”) of the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) If you have questions or comments about
announced new policy guidelines for the UAE’s Offset Program for international defense this Alert, please contact one of the
contractors (the “New Guidelines”). While, at least for the time being, the complete lawyers listed below:
guidelines are confidential and not available to the public, the OPB has issued a summary Neal Grenley
highlighting the key terms of the New Guidelines, as well as the main differences from the Partner, New York
guidelines previously in effect. According to the OPB, the New Guidelines are the result of a + 1 212 819 8890
more than two-year initiative, including surveys conducted with major defense contractors [email protected]
and a review of offset programs in other countries, designed to make the UAE’s offset
Philip J. Power
program more flexible and transparent and to improve the options for defense contractors to
Partner, Abu Dhabi
satisfy their offset obligations, while at the same time catering to the economic and
+ 971 2 495 0134
commercial needs of the UAE by creating strategic and sustainable projects in the country. [email protected]
Key Objectives of the New Guidelines Richard Burke
Counsel, Washington, DC
Many of the features of the New Guidelines will be familiar to defense contractors + 1 202 626 3687
acquainted with the UAE’s former offset policy (or, indeed, with similar offset programs in [email protected]
any of the approximately 122 countries around the world that maintain such programs).
Deema Ghosheh
Broadly speaking, the key objectives of the New Guidelines are:
Counsel, Abu Dhabi
■■ Maximizing program fulfillment by incentivizing defense contractors to fulfill their + 971 2 49 50 131
obligations through “high-multiplier” projects, such as partnering with the local [email protected]
private sector through joint ventures to create profitable and sustainable enterprises
in strategic sectors.
■■ Improving transparency by ensuring that offset requirements are communicated at an
early stage in the procurements process, and enabling contractors to have greater
visibility into the offsets program and more open dialogue with the OPB.
1155 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
United States
+ 1 212 819 8200
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Overview of the UAE Offset Program The UAE’s Offset Program is designed to further incentivize
defense contractors to fulfill their offset obligations in projects
The UAE’s Offset Program was established in 1992, after the and sectors that the UAE deems strategically or commercially
Gulf War highlighted the need for the UAE to develop its armed important, by applying various multipliers to offset credit values
forces by purchasing modern defense equipment and arms. earned for specific projects. Thus, under the New Guidelines,
The program applies to any defense procurement contract having “input-based” projects, such as equity contributions and
a cumulative value exceeding US$10 million in any five-year period. technology transfers, carry a maximum multiplier of 2.0x, whereas
Under the New Guidelines, the procurement and offset processes “output-based” projects, such as joint ventures with UAE-based
proceed in parallel. Thus, a defense contractor will be informed commercial partners, carry multipliers of between 2.0x and 5.0x.
of the requirement to enter into an Offset Agreement during the The New Guidelines reflect the fact that Abu Dhabi is currently
bidding process, and the defense contract award will be linked focused on developing capabilities in supplier products and
with the signing of an Offset Agreement setting out the details services, such as advanced material parts, technical services,
of the contractor’s offset obligations. The basic obligation of the precision manufacturing and advanced electronics, as well as
Offset Program is that defense contractors who are awarded related end-user products, such as large- caliber tank guns, military
significant procurement contracts are required to earn Offset tanks, air/gas compressors, water desalination systems, vehicle
Program credits in an amount equal to at least 60 percent of the suspension systems, transportation and equipment, oil and gas
value of the defense contract award. In the New Guidelines, the separator systems and oil drilling rigs.
OPB indicated its belief that this 60 percent figure is at the lower
end of the spectrum, compared with contractor obligations under Milestones and Liquidated Damages
comparable offset programs in other countries.
Under the New Guidelines, contractors are generally required to
How Does a Defense Contractor Fulfill its fulfill their offset obligations over a seven-year period, in
accordance with the following milestones: 5 percent of the
Offset Obligations?
required offset credits must be earned in year 1, 10 percent in year
Contractors may earn credits to satisfy their offset obligations 2, 10 percent in year 3, 15 percent in year 4, 15 percent in year 5,
in a variety of ways, such as making direct investments in UAE 20 percent in year 6 and 25 percent in year 7 This represents a
commercial enterprises, transferring technology or know-how, change from the prior guidelines, under which offset obligations
providing export or marketing assistance to UAE entities, were generally required to be fulfilled over seven years on a
providing technical training to UAE nationals and partnering with straightline basis, and reflects the OPB’s greater focus on more
UAE entities to establish joint ventures and other commercial complex start-up ventures and R&D projects, for which the path to
enterprises in the UAE. These offset projects may or may not profitability and sustainability is frequently more back end-loaded.
be related to the subject matter of the underlying defense Another feature of the New Guidelines is that OPB may, in its
procurement contract. However, the New Guidelines draw a discretion, grant grace periods for the achievement of milestones
distinction between “input-based” projects, for which offset on a case-by-case basis, depending on the complexity of a
credits are awarded based upon the value of the contribution by particular project. The OPB assesses liquidated damages of
the contractor, and “output-based” projects, for which credits are 8.5 percent for a contractor’s non-performance of its offset
awarded based upon the “value” created for the UAE economy, obligations, which are imposed on the unfulfilled portion of the
which may be measured by the net profits, export sales and/or obligation as of each milestone. Payment of the liquidated
number of UAE nationals employed by the project entity. damages fulfills 50 percent of the obligation due. The remaining
The New Guidelines provide that no more than 30 percent of a portion is carried forward to a separate account to be fulfilled after
contractor’s offset obligations may be satisfied through “input fulfillment of the last milestone. Accumulated liquidated damages
based” projects, and the balance (at least 70 percent) must be are repaid to the contractor upon conclusion of the program and
satisfied through “output-based” projects. The rule that at least fulfillment of all milestones.
70 percent of a contractor’s offset obligations be fulfilled through
“output-based” projects is technically a new requirement, since Offset Committee and Defense
the former Offset Program guidelines did not specify a minimum Contractors Council
percentage, although in practice the OPB has always expressed a
preference for offset projects that create profitable and sustainable The New Guidelines provide for the establishment of an “Offset
commercial enterprises in the UAE and thereby contribute to Committee” to serve as a liaison between the OPB and the UAE
the development of the UAE’s economy and the employment Armed Forces General Headquarters. The Offset Committee is
of UAE nationals. comprised of three OPB officials—the CEO, Director of the Offset
Unit and Offset Program Manager, and three officials from the
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General Headquarters—the Chief of Logistics, Director of project to attain such value may in fact be substantially lower than
Purchasing Department and Director of Contracts Finance. the value amount. Thus, defense contractors seeking to maximize
The New Guidelines also provide for the creation of a “Defense their offset credits through minimum cash outlay would do well
Contractors Council” comprised of representatives of the OPB, to consider partnering with UAE-based commercial enterprises
significant defense contractors and others. The stated purpose through joint ventures and co-investments.
of the Defense Contractors Council is to ensure “more open
dialogue” between defense contractors and the OPB, improve Joint Venturing in the UAE
the offset program and “strengthen transparency” .
Under the UAE Companies Law, in order for a foreign company
to establish a limited liability company in the UAE, it must enter
Illustrative Example into a joint venture with a UAE national or a company wholly
To illustrate how the UAE offset program would apply in a typical owned by UAE nationals whereby the UAE party’s ownership in
case, take the example of a US$1 billion contract for the the company constitutes a minimum of 51 percent of the share
supply of fighter aircraft. This creates an offset obligation of the capital. Notwithstanding the requirement of majority UAE
seller in the amount of US$600 million, which might be ownership, quite frequently foreign entities seeking to do business
satisfied as follows: with a UAE local partner will reach an understanding that the local
partner will essentially act as a “silent” partner with no active
involvement in the operations of the venture. In addition, it is
relatively common for profits and losses of the venture to be
Offset Project Actual Value Multiplier Credit Value
contractually allocated among the joint venture parties on a basis
Foreign direct US$75 million 1.0x US$75 million
other than proportionate share ownership (e.g. through “total
return swaps” and similar devices). However, because the main
Export US$30 million 1.5X US$45 million
purpose of the UAE Offset Program is to contribute to the
marketing development of the economy of the UAE and the employment and
training of UAE nationals, it is unlikely that such arrangements
Total US$135 million US$180 million
“Input- would be favored by the OPB or result in any meaningful credits
Based” toward the satisfaction of a contractor’s offset obligations. One of
Joint venture US$30 million 4.0x US$120 million the clear implications of the New Guidelines is that the value of an
with UAE “output-based” project such as a joint venture, for purposes of
company to awarding offset obligation credits, will be measured in terms of
provide aircraft the venture’s commercial viability, profits generation and
contribution to the UAE economy over time, and that objective is
Joint venture US$60 million 5.0x US$300 million
likely to be satisfied only by ventures in which the UAE local
partner has a meaningful economic stake and plays a significant
develop airport role in management and operations.
Total US$90 million US$420 million
At the same time, because the long-term viability and profitability
Based” of the venture is crucial to determining whether the contractor will
ultimately receive offset credits for its participation, it is essential
GRAND US$225 million US$600 million
TOTAL: that the contractor has sufficient protections as a minority
shareholder to ensure that the venture is being managed with a
As the foregoing example illustrates, defense contractors have a view towards enhancing profitability (at least during the period
strong incentive under the New Guidelines to earn their offset while the offset obligations remain outstanding), and that
credits through “output-based” projects, as the higher multiplier management is properly incentivized to achieve that result.
attached to such projects allows the contractor to earn a greater The UAE Companies Law provides for certain minimum minority
value in offset credits in exchange for a lesser amount of cash shareholder protections, such as requiring supermajority
outlay, as compared with “input-based” projects. In this respect, shareholder votes for the following actions:
it is worth noting that, since the value of an output-based project ■■ Any increase or decrease in the share capital of an LLC
(before the multiplier is applied) is measured based on factors (at least 75 percent).
such as net profits, export sales or number of UAE nationals
employed, the actual cash outlay by the contractor to enable the ■■ Any amendment to the articles of association of an LLC
(at least 75 percent).
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■■ Any proposal to dissolve or wind up an LLC an “as-requested” basis as can be further detailed under the
(unanimous approval or otherwise any majority specified in the articles of association of the joint venture company or the
Articles of Association of the LLC). management agreement appointing the general manager.
We would recommend that the shareholders agreement or
■■ Any resolution to increase the liability of any shareholder of
other governing document for the joint venture clearly provide
an LLC (unanimous approval).
that the general manager, as well as other senior managing
■■ The merger or amalgamation of the share capital of an LLC officers, serve under the direction and supervision of the board
with any other person (the approval threshold required for an of directors, and be required to report regularly to the board on
amendment to the articles of association which may be any financial performance and other significant operational matters.
percentage between 75 percent and 100 percent). Contractors may wish to seek the right to approve of the hiring
of senior managers, as well as the right to fire senior managers
■■ The conclusion of any loan agreement for a period in excess
without the approval of their joint venture counter-party, and
of three years; the sale or mortgage of the real estate or place
of business of an LLC; absolving debtors of the LLC of their whether such right should apply only in “for-cause” scenarios or
liabilities; and an agreement to proceed with mediation/ for any reason whatsoever. In addition, the shareholders
conciliation or arbitration, unless such matters by their nature agreement should specify significant actions or decisions that
form a part of the LLC’s objects or are permitted to be require approval at the board and/or shareholder level, and may
undertaken by the board of directors in the Articles of not be taken by the general manager acting alone.
Association of the LLC (at least 50 percent).
Veto Rights. While the ability of a contractor, as a minority
The foregoing minority protections represent a statutory shareholder, to negotiate significant veto rights will depend on
minimum, and joint venture parties in the UAE are free to contract the relative size of its stake in the venture, we would recommend
in the relevant shareholder agreement or other joint venture that, at least during the period when the contractor’s offset
governing documents for additional minority investor protections. obligations remain outstanding, the shareholders agreement
In addition, depending on the nature of the venture and the should provide the contractor with veto rights with respect to
industry in which it operates, foreign contractors in an offset significant transactions that could materially impact the viability
program venture should consider the following: or profitability of the venture during the offset period. Examples of
such significant transactions would include acquisitions or
Board Representation. While directors of a UAE company are dispositions of substantial assets, mergers, consolidations
understood to serve the interests of the shareholders, and do or recapitalization transactions, and incurrence of substantial
have certain specific duties under the UAE Companies Law indebtedness, as well as substantial investments in R&D, capital
(such as approving the annual financial results prior to a distribution expenditures, hiring and compensation of key employees, and
of profits), as a general matter, the concept of director fiduciary material deviations from approved budgets.
duties is relatively undeveloped in the UAE. However, we are
aware of precedents in which persons serving as directors of a Transfer Restrictions. Given the importance of having the venture
company have been held personally liable to third parties for achieve profitability and sustainability within the seven-year offset
actions of the company. While board representation may impart period, it is important that the shareholders agreement or other
greater visibility into management and influence over operational governing documents for the venture contain a general prohibition
decisions, contractors should bear in mind that, under the UAE against the transfer of shares, whether by the contractor or the
Companies law, minority shareholders already enjoy substantial local partner, during the offset period. However, in practice it will
informational rights with respect to a UAE company. Depending be necessary for the agreement to permit exceptions to the
on the size of the contractor’s stake in the joint venture and the general prohibition. For example, it is fairly common for many of
functional role that the board is expected to play in the operation the privately held commercial enterprises in Abu Dhabi to have
of the venture, the contractor should consider whether board overlapping ownership which is ultimately traceable up to the
representation is desirable, or whether its interests are Government of Abu Dhabi (informally referred to as “ Abu Dhabi
adequately protected through its statutory and contractual rights Inc. ). Thus, the local venture partner, if it is an “
” Abu Dhabi Inc.
as a shareholder. entity, may want the ability to transfer its shares in the venture to
other “ Abu Dhabi Inc. entities, and for the most part this should
Contractually Defined Role of Management. It is relatively not be objectionable to the contractor, so long as the other venture
common in the UAE for a company’s day-to-day operations and shareholder(s) and the business of the joint venture company are
decision-making to be conducted largely by a general manager, not negatively affected by such a transfer.
who may report to the board of directors only sporadically or on
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Exit Transactions. Many contractors will want to provide in the US Export Controls
shareholders agreement or other governing documents for their
eventual exit from the venture upon fulfillment of their offset Contractors that engage in exports of hardware or transfers of
obligations, particularly if the venture is not central to the technology from the United States to satisfy offset obligations
contractor’s core business or strategy and was entered into may be subject to licensing or other requirements pursuant to
primarily for the purpose of satisfying an offset obligation. US export control laws and regulations. There are two principal
Traditional exit scenarios, such as an initial public offering of the US export control regimes that could be of relevance. The Bureau
venture company, a private sale of the company to a third party or of Industry and Security (“BIS”) of the Department of Commerce
a sale of the contractor’s minority interest in the company, would controls the export from the US and re-export from third countries
customarily require the consent of the local venture partner. of listed “dual-use” commercial products and technology of
Other potential exit events that should be considered include a US origin. Contractors may need to obtain license authorization
forced sale of the contractor’s interest in the company to the before transferring goods or technology to foreign parties,
local venture partner at a predetermined price. including the transfer of technology to foreign persons in the US
or to overseas persons electronically. For example, transfer from
Management Incentive Arrangements. In light of the the United States to the UAE of advanced computers or
importance to the contractor that the joint venture achieve semiconductor manufacturing equipment may require BIS
sustainable profitability within the seven-year offset period, licensing. These license requirements are subject to frequent
contractors would do well to consider at the outset of the venture change due to changing foreign policy and national security
how best to incentivize key managers and employees to maximize priorities. Changes may impair the ability of companies to export
profitability over the relevant time period. As a matter of habit and and substantial civil and criminal penalties may apply where these
custom, equity-based incentive arrangements are not nearly as controls are violated.
commonplace in the UAE as they have become in the US and
Europe even for relatively small companies (although cash The Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
bonuses for good management performance are fairly common). (“DDTC”) administers the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
However, there is no impediment under UAE law to implementing (“ITAR”). The ITAR imposes export controls on Munitions List
equity-based incentive plans at UAE companies, and contractors items, i.e. items primarily designed for military applications.
should consider using such plans, whether alone or in combination Export and re-export of any items or technology on the Munitions
with other management incentive arrangements, particularly if a List to all destinations except Canada are subject to licensing
public offering or third-party sale of the venture is a viable exit requirements for both US and non-US companies. For example,
scenario, in order to ensure that management and shareholder the transfer to the UAE of technology for the design or use of
interests are aligned during the offset period. military items will require an export license from DDTC. Transfers
of technology may be authorized through several mechanisms,
including licenses and Technical Assistance Agreements, which
authorize a number of identified parties to exchange covered
know-how or engage in technology transfers over the course of a
specified period of time.
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