Kerala What makes it as next emerging real estate hot spot in Asia

Post on: 13 Октябрь, 2015 No Comment

Kerala What makes it as next emerging real estate hot spot in Asia

The article explains how the most literate and gender equitable place in Asia is benefited by the current economic boom and pushes itself as the next real estate hotspot.

Kerala the beautiful southern state of India is one among the third worlds longest-lived, healthiest, gender equitable literate region. This almost match with the developed worlds human development indices. As of now this is the best in the nation.  Kerala has a lot of unique characteristics that brought it to the prominence way back from the history. Kerala is sharing a long seashore with Arabian sea and is historically known for its spice trade with the Arabs and other countries. Kerala cultivates a wide range of agricultural products and nearly half of the people are directly depending on agriculture for income. The major crops include some 600 varieties of rice, coconut, tea, coffee,  rubber, cashews, and spices—including pepper, cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Kerala, situated on the lush and tropical Malabar Coast, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. Named as one of the ten paradises of the world and 50 places of a lifetime by the National Geographic Traveler magazine, Kerala is especially known for its ecotourism initiatives. It has a mixed economy allowing a greater participation by the free market and foreign direct investment.  Its GDP growth is robust compared to historical averages. The per capita GDP is significantly higher than the national average. Kerala’s Human Development Index and standard of living statistics are the nation’s best. Currently the service sector along with agriculture and fishing industries dominate Kerala economy.

As INDIA is growing rapidly to become the next global power, Kerala is showing the way to the nation by balancing the distribution of wealth, education and other basic needs among its citizens when comparing to other states in INDIA.  As a recent study reveals Kerala has the least corrupted state in INDIA. The people in Kerala are highly political aware and used to actively participate in the elections. Kerala’s major problem is the whopping unemployment rate among the highly educated people. This has led to the migration of millions of people to other countries and the major metros in INDIA. Almost 20% GDP is contributed through overseas payment by this non-resident Keralites.

Kerala What makes it as next emerging real estate hot spot in Asia

Every year more than 20,000 qualified engineering graduates are passing out from the Kerala universities, and much more malayalees are passing out from the neighboring states. Most of these professionals where absorbed by the IT industries in the major cities like bangalore, hyderabad, chennai,mumbai, pune etc. Now this has resulted a virtual in the metro economies and the cost of operating started to soar. This along with the pool of highly educated English speaking professionals started the global players to move to the cheaper destinations and they have found the potential of Kerala and started pumping millions of dollars to the Kerala industry. Mega projects like smart city, vallarpadam container terminals, vizhincham harbor, economic zones are boosting the kerala economy in a never seen fashion.

This current trend has made the Kerala real estate property investment as one of the most profitable in kerala. This along with the billions of rupees sent through overseas remittance has been spent on buying real estate properties has made the property prices to increase in many folds in recent times. As Kerala is projected to be one of the top tourist destination in the near future, the local  administration is promoting the eco-tourism through out kerala and it has made the entire state as an investment hot spot. Though Kerala government want to project the whole state for investment most of the investments are being located in Eranakulam, Thiruvanthapuram, Trissur and Calicut Districts. There are enough opportunities available to invest on eco-friendly resorts, villas and appartments throughout kerala.  Though kerala is a small coastal state. it has three international airports and world class sea-ports that has direct links with the major cities in the world. The communication and transport facilities are excellent.

Source: Free Articles from

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