Investment Options Edvest Wisconsin College Savings Plan
Post on: 19 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Every family has different time frames, needs and goals. So we offer you a wide range of investment choices to help you build your 529 college savings strategy.
The Edvest 529 College Savings Plan offers a choice of 22 investment options. These options vary in their investment strategy and degree of risk, allowing you to select an option or combination of options that will match your investment style and savings goals.
For more information about the risks involved in investing in a particular investment option, and whether or not an option is appropriate for you, read the Disclosure Booklet (PDF). To learn more about your own investing style, take our risk quiz .
Changing Your Investments
Once you invest in a particular investment option, you can transfer contributions and any earnings to another investment option only twice per calendar year or upon a transfer of funds to an Edvest account for a different beneficiary.
Periodically Review Your Investments

It’s a good idea to periodically re-evaluate your investment strategy as your goals, investment horizon, and personal situation change — for example, annually at tax time, on a yearly basis if your income changes, or upon the birth of another child.
Age-Based Investment Options
The age-based investment options seek to match the investment objective and level of risk to the investment horizon by taking into account the beneficiarys current age and the number of years before the beneficiary turns 18. Depending on the beneficiarys age, contributions to these investment options will be placed in one of nine age bands, each of which has a different investment objective and investment strategy. The age bands for younger beneficiaries seek a favorable long-term return by primarily investing in mutual funds that primarily invest in equity securities (including real estate securities), which may have greater potential for returns than debt securities, but which also have greater risk than debt securities. As a beneficiary nears college age, the age bands invest less in mutual funds that invest in equity securities (including real estate securities) and more in mutual funds that invest in debt securities.
Each age band in the Age-Based Option will invest a larger percentage of its assets in mutual funds that invest primarily in debt securities than the corresponding age band within the Aggressive Age-Based Option. Likewise, each age band in the Age-Based Option will invest a smaller percentage of its assets in mutual funds that invest primarily in equity securities than the corresponding age band within the Aggressive Age-Based Option. Click here to view the underlying mutual funds in this Portfolio.