How To Set Up A Trust Fund If You re Not Rich

Post on: 19 Май, 2015 No Comment

How To Set Up A Trust Fund If You re Not Rich

If you’ve heard of trust funds but don’t know what they are or how they work, you’re not alone. For a large amount of people, they may know one key fact about trust funds: They’re set up by the ultra-wealthy as a way to give to their family, friends or entities after they pass away. But only part of the conventional wisdom is true. Trust funds are designed to allow a person’s money to continue to be useful well after they pass away, but trusts aren’t only reserved for ultra-high net worth individuals. Middle class citizens have the ability to set up trust funds too.

What Is a Trust Fund?

To understand how a trust fund works, let’s look at an example. You’ve worked hard all of your life and built up a comfortable savings cushion. You know that sometime in the future you’re going to pass away, and you want your hard-earned savings to go to the people you love, or the charities or causes that you believe in.

Now, what about loved ones who are not as financially savvy as you? You could be concerned about leaving them a lump sum gift because they might use it irresponsibly. Furthermore, you may even like to see your money carry over for generations to come. If this is how you feel, then you should set up a living irrevocable trust fund. This type of trust can be set up to begin dispersing funds when certain conditions are met. There is no stipulation that you cannot be alive when that happens.

You can place cash, stock, real estate or other valuable assets in your trust. You meet with an attorney and decide on the beneficiaries and set stipulations. Maybe you say that the beneficiaries receive a monthly payment, can only use the funds for education expenses, expenses due to an injury or disability, or the purchase of a first home. It’s your money so you get to decide.

Because it’s irrevocable, you don’t have the option of later dissolving the trust fund. Once you place assets in the trust, they are no longer yours. They are under the care of a trustee. A trustee is a bank, attorney or other entity set up for this purpose.

Since the assets are no longer yours, you don’t have to pay income tax on any money made from the assets. Also, with proper planning, the assets can be exempt from estate and gift taxes. These tax exemptions are a primary reason that some people set up an irrevocable trust. If you, the trustor (the person setting up the trust) is in a higher income tax bracket, setting up the irrevocable trust allows you to remove these assets from your net worth and move in to a lower tax bracket. (For more on trust, check out Can You Trust Your Trustee? )

Sounds Too Good To Be True

There are some downsides to setting up a trust. The biggest downside is attorney fees. Think of a trust as a human in the eyes of tax law. This new person has to pay taxes and the mechanics of the trust have to be written with an extraordinary amount of detail. In order to make it as tax-efficient as possible, it has to be crafted by somebody who has a lot of specialized legal and financial knowledge. Trust attorneys are expensive. A traditional irrevocable trust will likely cost a minimum of a few thousand dollars and could cost much more.


You could create a will for much less money, but your property is subject to a lot of taxes and it can easily be contested in a process called probate. Additionally, you won’t have as much control over how your assets are used. If the will is contested, attorney fees could eat up a large portion of the money that you wanted to see used in a way that would benefit others.

UGMA/UTMA Custodial Accounts

Similar to a 529 college savings plan. these types of accounts are designed to place money in custodial accounts that allow a person to use the funds for education related expenses. You could use an account like this to gift a certain amount up to the maximum gift tax or fund maximum to reduce your tax liability while setting aside funds that can only be used for education-related expenses.

The disadvantages to UGMA /UTMA Custodial Accounts and 529 plans is that the beneficiary may be attending college but using these funds for other expenses outside of your control. Furthermore, the amount of money in the minor’s custodial account is considered an asset and that may make them ineligible to receive needs-based financial aid. (To learn more about wills/trusts, read 6 Estate Planning Must-Haves .)

But I’m Not Rich

Traditional trust funds have long been used by high net-worth families, but even those with very little money can easily set up an irrevocable trust. The Kiss Trust is a product with lower net worth individuals in mind. It has all of the advantages of a traditional trust, it’s inexpensive to set up, and you can start the trust with as much money as it would take to buy a tank of gas. You can make a lump sum deposit or deposit regular amounts.

How a Kiss Trust Works

Just like our story above, you want to leave a lasting gift but you want to specify the beneficiaries and when and for what purpose the funds can be used. Your custom Kiss Trust document is prepared based on your wishes, and is held as a legal document until a disbursement condition is met. Maybe your grandchild is purchasing their first home.

As you make payments into the trust, those funds are no longer yours since the Kiss Trust is irrevocable. This means that they are safe from bankruptcy, divorce and most tax liabilities. Much like a retirement plan, you can decide how the funds will be invested. There are a host of mutual funds and annuities to choose from, with annuities providing the added advantage of the trust growing tax-free until a payment is made to a beneficiary.

Although the trust is irrevocable, the money is not the property of the person receiving it. Because of this, a child applying for financial aid would not have to claim these funds as assets. As a result, there will be no impact on their eligibility for needs-based financial aid. The trustor can also establish trusts for future generations of children, making the trust a lasting legacy for an indefinite amount of generations.

Finally, for a family who would like to set up a trust where more than one person can contribute to it, the Kiss Trust allows for an infinite amount of people to become trustors.

The Bottom Line

For those who don’t have a high net-worth but wish to leave money to children or grandchildren and control how that money is used, these trusts offer a low-cost way for the trustor to protect their assets long after they pass on. (For some related reading, see Live A Rich Retirement Or Leave A Legacy? )

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