How to Invest in Stock Market

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

How to Invest in Stock Market

How to Invest: The Stock Market and Exchange is a great alternative for the savings of people and institutions. It permits them to obtain an important profitability against other types of official markets even if it means assuming, possibly, a greater risk.

An example of the growing importance of the stock exchange at a world wide level is the existence today of millions of small and big savers that are willing to put part of their excess funds in the stock exchange markets. The stock exchange, then, is each time more and essential element for the regular functioning of the financial system of a capitalist economy.

With this site we pretend to contribute with the essential knowledge, which includes the functioning of the stock exchange market, as also to present the main techniques to invest in it.

In the following Section a general description of the stock exchange is offered, its functioning, types of assets that are negotiated in it and the agents that intervene, also the main characteristics and functions that defines them are resume and a review of its history is done.

In Section 3 the securities object of dealings in the stock exchange are described in detail and in Section 4 the different types of more frequent operations are studied.

In Section 5 the required requisites for institutions that want to quote in the stock exchange markets are analyzed and the official procedure of quoting is described. Also, the official security and supervision of the market and the intermediaries in it are discussed.

How to Invest in Stock Market

Section 6 presents the different techniques for analyzing the shares of a Company. The pretension is to answer the question of; what to do to begin to operate in the stock exchange? For it, the main sources of information from the market and other tools used by the stock exchange annalists is gathered to comprehend the market and to try to foresee its future. The fundamental techniques of analysis and technical analysis are studied and a final comparison about its advantages and limitations is presented.

Section 7 is dedicated to the types of indicators that are used to follow the evolutions of the stock exchange markets: the stock exchange indexes.

In Section 8, the profile of the investor in the stock market is tried to achieve, having in account that there doesnt exist any kind of universal description for them. Two types of investors are basically distinguished: according to its way of operating and according to its knowledge and financial capacity.

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