How to build Couch Potato portfolios with exchangetraded funds
Post on: 17 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

I really like your low-cost Couch Potato investing approach. I would like to implement one of your Couch Potato Building Block portfolios, and I am meeting with my Fidelity adviser to help me do this. Can you give me some tips?
D.Y. Paterson, N.J.
Here is what I suggest. Use a Fidelity brokerage account to create your Couch Potato portfolio. Build it with low-cost exchange-traded funds. Fidelity offers 65 such funds, commission-free. To build a basic Couch Potato portfolio, you could start with this list of ETFs, five of which are on the commission-free list at Fidelity:
iShares TIPS Bond
iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market
iShares Core MSCI EAFE
iShares International Treasury Bond
iShares U.S. Real Estate
Vanguard Energy Index
The last exchange-traded fund is not on the no-commission list, so a commission payment will be necessary. The cost of an online trade commission at Fidelity is $7.95.
These six funds will allow you to build the most basic five Couch Potato Building Block portfolios: the two-fund Couch Potato, the three-fund Margarita, the four-fund Four Square, the five-fund Five Fold and the six-fund Six Ways from Sunday.
For more information on simple portfolio building, you can visit my website,, where you will find a link to my Couch Potato Cookbook and a monthly update of Couch Potato Building Block returns over periods out to five years.

I have a question about my 401(k). It’s in my former employer’s system, the Boeing Co. I retired from Boeing in 2008, and I have about $145,000 in its diversified accounts. I keep reading that we shouldn’t leave money in a company after retirement. Should I move these funds to another broker that handles 401(k)s? If so, do you have any recommendations? I am a USAA member, and I am considering moving the funds there. I am also a Raymond James customer with an IRA with about $125,000 in it. What should I do?
D.C. Seattle
Many workers, particularly those who work for relatively small companies, can benefit by moving out of their employer-sponsored 401(k) plan because they can move to a lower-cost plan. Boeing, however, is a very large company. Its 401(k) plan can get in the ring with Exxon Mobil, IBM and Texas Instruments for its focus on low-cost index funds. Its balanced index fund, a 60/40 mix of equities and fixed-income funds, has a cost of only 0.08 percent a year. The cost of its domestic equity and bond index funds is even lower. So you shouldn’t be in a hurry to move — you’d save very little by moving, even if you moved to a very low-cost firm.
The biggest factor that determines your cost of investing is the sales and marketing distribution channel used by the firm you move to. Move to a brokerage firm like Raymond James (or Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, etc.), and you’ll face a high-cost distribution firm that will be targeting a “yield to broker” of about 2 percent — and that’s if you have enough money to make your account worthwhile to them.
But if you continue on the do-it-yourself path that you initiated when you started saving in your 401(k) plan, you can move to a low-cost discount brokerage firm. This would include Vanguard, of course, but it would also include firms such as Schwab, Fidelity and Ameritrade.
As I’ve mentioned in other columns, the advent of commission-free exchange-traded funds means that a careful do-it-yourself investor can truly minimize management expenses. That’s a good thing because it’s your money, and you need to make the most of it.
Scott Burns is a syndicated columnist and a principal of the Plano-based investment firm AssetBuilder Inc. Email questions to