How It Works

Post on: 6 Июль, 2015 No Comment

How It Works

Unquestionably, the question we get asked most is, How does your program work?.

Fortunately, its very simple and there are two basic paths that both lead you to home ownership immediately.

Its important to understand who we are and what we do because our program and process are proprietary and unique and unlike anything else presently available.

The Virtual Real Estate Investor Association, Inc. (VREIA) is a professional real estate investment firm and RentToOwn.It is the retail marketing website for our wholly owned real estate acquisitions company, VREIA Properties, Inc.

In a nutshell, what we run through RentToOwn.It is a no credit qualifying rent to own* program designed for people that want to purchase a home but dont presently qualify for mortgage financing.


We dont care about credit scores or past derogatory credit.

Seems a little counter intuitive at first blush but we use an approach called Common Sense Underwriting when we set the policy guidelines so you could iApprove™ your own application.

Yes, you read that right. You approve your own application BEFORE you ever pay us a dime or waste time seeing homes.

No more filling out applications and then sitting on pins and needles watching the clock and praying for the phone to ring with good news only to be shot down once again and have your application declined.

Who has time for that?

Underwriting isnt rocket science and the guidelines dont need to be a mystery. Banks, mortgage lenders and credit companies do that to obtain psychological leverage and a competitive advantage over applicants.

Its a highly adversarial relationship designed to penalize people with prior credit issues with higher rates, higher fees and a highly degraded level of customer serviceand thats simply not how we operate.

As a paying client, we feel you should be treated with a Ritz-Carlton level of service, not beaten down and made to feel subhuman over a score on a credit report.

Buying a home is stressful enough and our goal was to make it as stress free and easy as possible. Judging by our raving fan clients whove been kind enough to provide testimonials with their contact information, its safe to say we accomplished that mission.

There are three criteria that you must meet to qualify:

  1. Do you have the ability to make the monthly payment on time? Were not in the foreclosure business and dont want to be.
  2. Do you have the funds for the down payment? Down payments pattern current FHA/Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac guidelines and range from 3.5%-30% down depending on loan amount
  3. Are you serious and committed to getting qualified for mortgage financing? The end game here is to get you qualified so you can refinance us out of the homes and get the deed in your name.

If the answer to all 3 questions is yes, youre approved.

Why dont we care about credit scores?

Quite frankly, because theyre not an insurance policy or guarantee of future payments being made. If they dont guarantee us that a future payment will be made, what relevance do they really have?

Additionally, by using our Mortgage Qualifier Fast Track Program, our clients have rehabilitated their credit scores by eliminating as many as 28 derogatory accounts and increasing the score by 191 points in only 69 days by sending two letters we provided. If a credit report can be legally corrected that fast and with that dramatic of a result, it provides some insight that the score modules used by Equifax, Trans Union and Experian are too easily illegally manipulated by lenders and creditors.

Why dont we care about past derogatory credit?

This may be hard to believe, but were real people, too, with real problems just like you. Weve been through our own four letter word called L-I-F-E and understand that sometimes things happen that are beyond your control.

The key now is to move forward and begin a new chapter.

Before we begin, its important to note that technically what we do isnt really rent to own.

In fact, its infinitely better than rent to own.

In a traditional rent to own scenario, a prospective buyer would enter into a lease option or lease purchase contract and pay an option fee or down payment and then make monthly rent payments until the buyer was qualified for financing, at which point they would then actually purchase the property using conventional mortgage financing and finally own the home.

Doesnt sound all that bad until you understand how they actually operate.

In the traditional lease option or lease purchase, youre simply a tenant, not an owner. And, you get to pay for maintenance and repairs just like you would if you were an owner without any of the benefits of homeownership, like the tax deductibility of the monthly payment, equitable title and other benefits associated with owning a home (like not having a landlord).

But that isnt what you want, is it?

We do things differently.

We structure deals and contracts that are in the best interest of our clients.

How do we do that?

By putting our clients into homes and properly structured owner finance contracts that are in compliance with the IRS Installment Sales Contract Guidelines where they become homeowners, with all of the legal rights and benefits of homeownership today.

Thats right!

These are bona fide sales in the eyes of the IRS and you legally become a homeowner today, not years down the road.

Isnt that what you really want?

Imagine becoming a homeowner today without all of the delays and hassles of the traditional home buying and mortgage experiences which are riddled with epic frustration and quantum disasters.

Once youve contracted on a home and moved in, well work with you to help get you qualified for conventional mortgage financing using our Mortgage Qualifier Fast Track Program and help get you refinanced into conventional financing with the mortgage lender of your choice.

To become a homeowner today using our program, simply pick your path below.

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