FINRA s New Suitability Rule Doesn t Go Far Enough
Post on: 12 Июнь, 2015 No Comment
A large percentage of investor arbitration cases involve claims that an investment recommendation was unsuitable. I first wrote about the concept in July 2009 (See, “Suitability Claims .) The concept is important because it is in many respects the key measure of a financial advisor’s duty to his or her customer. This long-standing rule is about to undergo a major modification, as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority proposes to amend its suitability rule for the first time since it was created in 1990.
In response to FINRA’s announcement last May that it would amend its suitability rule, FINRA received more than 1,000 comments from interested parties. Most came from folks affiliated with the securities industry, although a few came from investor advocates and regulators. Then, on July 30, 2010, FINRA filed a formal application with the Securities and Exchange Commission seeking permission to change the Rule. FINRA’s application is under consideration.
FINRA’s proposal is good but it could be better. While it adds important language to cover situations as to which the current rule is ambiguous, the proposal fails to adopt a fiduciary standard and it leaves out things that ought to have been included. But before getting to the good and to the disappointing that is in the rule filing, a brief description of the current suitability rule or rules.
FINRA and NYSE Rules
Until June 2007, the NASD and the New York Stock Exchange each served as self-regulatory organizations (SROs) for the securities industry. Authorized by the SEC pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, these member organization each had rules defining the standards required of their members and each had a (different) form of suitability rule. In June 2007, the NYSE withdrew as an SRO (to become a pure exchange), and the NASD, which subsequently took the name FINRA, assumed the NYSEs former regulatory jurisdiction. In other words, there were two suitability rules, but since June 2007 they have both been administered by FINRA.
The current NASD/FINRA Suitability Rule, Rule 2310, has two components. The first part states, “In recommending to a customer the purchase, sale or exchange of any security, a member shall have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for such customer upon the basis of the facts, if any, disclosed by such customer as to his other security holdings and as to his financial situation and needs.” This part of the rule is a customer-specific reasonable-basis rule. It requires that every advisor making a recommendation have reasonable grounds to believe the investment is appropriate for the client.
The second part of the rule is the due diligence component: “Prior to the execution of a transaction recommended to a non-institutional customer…a member shall make reasonable efforts to obtain information concerning: (1) the customer’s financial status; (2) the customer’s tax status; (3) the customer’s investment objectives; and (4) such other information used or considered to be reasonable by such member or registered representative in making recommendations to the customer. This part of the rule requires a broker to know the customer.
The NYSE rule, Rule 405, is also a due diligence rule. It says that a broker must “use due diligence to learn the essential facts relative to every customer, every order, every cash or margin account accepted or carried by such organization and every person holding power of attorney over any account accepted or carried by such organization.” The NYSE rule focuses only on due diligence, but its rule omits the (additional) reasonable basis requirement.
FINRA Proposal
FINRAs proposal is to meld these two rules into a set of consolidated rules. The new suitability rule will retain aspects of both rules, but it will be more specific as in several ways:
- It will expressly apply to recommendations as to investment strategies, not just recommendations to buy or sell or sell individual securities. This addition, FINRA explains in its rule filing, will capture recommendations to hold (i.e. advice to not sell), an important improvement from the existing rule.
- It increases the criteria for measuring suitability (and due diligence) to include age, other investments, investment experience, investment time horizon, and risk tolerance. This addition is an improvement because these factors are obviously appropriate criteria for measuring the performance of a broker in making a recommendation.
- It extends the requirement of due diligence as to the opening of accounts (e.g. the extension of margin) and to holders of powers of attorney, a requirement that was in the NYSE Rule but not formerly contained in the NASD/FINRA Rule.It creates what FINRA is calling a quantitative suitability requirement, capturing (for the first time) within the suitability obligation, recommendations that amount to churning.
- It enhances the suitability obligation as it applies to institutions, requiring brokers to meet the suitability obligation unless the institution affirmatively states that is exercising independent judgment when transacting business.
These are meaningful improvements but FINRA should have done more. Some of the shortcomings of the proposed rule are:
- It does not impose a fiduciary duty on brokers, although FINRA states that application of a suitability standard is not inconsistent with a fiduciary duty standard. The North American Securities Administrators Association, an organization representing the securities regulators in the 50 states, urged adoption of such a standard. At the same time, 1632 brokers and financial services firms and representatives sent in form letters objecting to imposition of the standard. That tells you a lot. Among other things, a fiduciary duty would, e.g. prevent securities firms from selling investment products that that firm created or for which it is receiving extra compensation. In the past, this type of thing has been an area of abuse;
- It could expressly state that it applies to recommendations to hold. Why should an investor in arbitration have to conduct research to find this declaration? Recommendations to hold have been the subject of numerous arbitrations. The issue is important enough that it be resolved clearly in the new FINRA rule (or at least into FINRAs formal supplemental materials);
- It does not expressly apply the Rule to non-investment products, like recommendations to use outside money managers, borrow money, make withdrawals, buy real estate, or buy certain insurance policies; and
- It should provide greater guidance on the meaning of the important predicate recommendation, a term that, while appropriately flexible and fact-based, is not defined anywhere in the rule or the supplemental material.
The SEC received a paltry 22 comments on the rule filing, mostly from investor advocates, but also a few from industry trade organizations. The SEC has the power to ask FINRA to make changes, but the lukewarm comments and the clear advances that the rule filing offers augur for a fast approval. After 20 years, its about time.
Seth Lipner is professor of law at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY. He is also a member of Deutsch & Lipner, a law firm in Garden City, N.Y. that represents investors in arbitration.