Dividend ETFs

Post on: 29 Май, 2015 No Comment

Dividend ETFs

Dividend ETFs News:

Exchange traded funds are one of the best tools to access dividend-paying stocks. They can help mitigate the risk of a single company while offering a decent yield.

Chasing high-dividend-yielding stocks can skew a portfolio toward distressed companies that have high yields only because their fundamentals have deteriorated. Because these stocks may underperform during market downturns and remain out of favor for several years at a time, diversified dividend funds that balance yield with quality can provide a better way to gain access to equity income, Michael Rawson wrote for Morningstar .

Yield-chasing is a dangerous sport. However, ETFs manage to give investors exposure to high quality companies, while cutting out the risk of a single stock, reports Jeff Reeves for InvestorPlace. The following ETFs give a yield over 6% and can bring much needed diversification to the table:

Market Vectors Preferred Securities ex Financials (NYSEArca: PFXF ) yields 6.1%; For those investors who are not convinced that the financial sector is safe yet, this ETF covers most areas of the market, minus the financial sector. Preferred stocks are known for decent payouts, and top holdings such as General Motors (NYSE: GM) are a great bargain at the low prices of 0.4% for PFXF. [Preferred Stock ETFs with High Yields ]

PowerShares KBW High Dividend Yield Financial (NYSEArca: KBWD ) yields 8.2%; The focus of this ETF is the financial sector, which was highlighted a few years back for high high volatility. The slow rebound of this sector, mixed with more regulation, has put the sector back in the interest of investors. Mortgage Financing companies and REITs are top holdings, which are supported by the rebound in the homebuilders and real estate sectors.

Dividend ETFs

Global X SuperDividend (NYSEArca: SDIV ) yields 7.7%; The high yield gives this fund allure, however, some of the stocks included in the portfolio are not very familiar, such as Navitas. SDIV is a global play on dividends, yet the assets are concentrated in the U.S. Australia, Britain and Canada. The ETF charges an expense ratio of 0.58%. The index uses an equal-weight approach to the 100 represented companies. [ETF Industry Trends for 2013: Bonds, Dividends and Emerging Market Debt ]

Tisha Guerrero contributed to this article.

Story updated to correct the expense ratio for SDIV, and ETF PowerShares KBW Bank Portfolio. Also corrects ETF name and ticker of PowerShares KBW High Dividend Yield Financial.

The opinions and forecasts expressed herein are solely those of Tom Lydon, and may not actually come to pass. Information on this site should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any product.

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