College town real estate advice 101 Real Estate Insider Magazine

Post on: 3 Июль, 2015 No Comment

College town real estate advice 101 Real Estate Insider Magazine

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Real estate agents who sell property in college towns have a unique opportunity to sell to a number of types of interested buyers. Older folks who are looking to purchase a rental property can do well renting their new homes to college students during the school year. Fraternities or sororities may be also be willing to rent or purchase property to serve as their headquarters throughout the school year. Open your books and pay attention as we begin a lesson in college town real estate.

Larger homes make the best rentals

College students who want to live off campus generally dont have a lot to spend on housing. Therefore, you wont rent a lot of two bedroom apartments that cost $1,000 a month. However, it may be possible to rent an apartment with five or six bedrooms for more than $1,000 a month because each person wont have to pay as much for rent and utilities. This provides an excellent selling point for any real estate agent looking to find tenants for their client.

Colleges may be willing to purchase land or property surrounding the school

Colleges and universities are always on the lookout to purchase more land to expand their campuses. A new frat house, science building or dormitory cannot be built unless the school first owns the land on which it is building. Real estate agents should understand this and try to develop relationships with school officials that can pay off for years to come.

Grad students may want to live close to work and school

Graduate students are usually employed by the school where they are doing their graduate work. This could entail being a teaching assistant or working in a lab while not in class. As grad students spend much of their time doing coursework or independent study work, they want to live close to where they are going to be spending a majority of their time. Due to the fact that grad students are usually older than other students and may have an income that better supports their lifestyle, they are the perfect candidates to rent or purchase nicer properties near campus.

College towns present a variety of opportunities for real estate agents looking to sell or rent properties. College students, the schools themselves and organizations related to the school are always looking for property that is off campus yet still in close proximity where everyone lives and attends classes. Therefore, as long as you expand your audience, it should not be difficult to find clients on a routine basis.

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