Understand your investment options term deposits savings investment accounts managed funds

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Understand your investment options term deposits savings investment accounts managed funds

What are my investment options?

With so many investment options to help you grow your wealth you’ll need help to find the right one for you.

Consider some of the following options available to help you move towards achieving your financial goals.

Investment options

There’s a range of investment options available to you. Your financial planner can help you choose an appropriate solution for your situation.

Term deposits and savings and investment accounts

Term deposits and traditional savings and investment accounts can provide you with a competitive interest rate for short term investing.

Shares generally represent part-ownership in a company. By owning shares, you share in that company’s performance through the payment of dividends or through capital growth in the value of those shares. Direct ownership of shares can have tax advantages due to the imputation credits associated with franked dividends.

Review your options for share trading.

Managed funds

Managed funds enable you to invest in shares or other assets chosen by professional analysts. By investing in managed funds, you can add regularly to your portfolio, diversify your investments, and receive simple, consolidated tax reporting.

Review your options for Managed funds.

Managed accounts

Managed accounts work a lot like a managed fund, allowing you to invest in shares or other assets chosen by professional analysts. The difference is that instead of pooling your investment with other unit holders, you have direct ownership of the underlying assets. This can provide transparency and possible tax benefits, as any dividend payments and associated imputation credits will be paid directly to you.

Review your options for Managed accounts.

Wrap platforms

Wrap platforms wrap your investments together, offering you a single point of access to a wide range of investment options, such as an extensive selection of wholesale managed funds and direct shares including ASX listed CHESS sponsored securities.

A key feature of Wrap products is consolidated reporting — with everything in the one investment Wrap account, you get access to a range of reports for your individual investments, or your entire investment Wrap portfolio together.

Wrap options are also available in relation to your super and pension investments.

Review your options for Wrap products.


Superannuation is a tax effective environment in which you can save for your retirement. It can be quite complex and it is important to know that your super is working effectively for you so that you maximise your income in retirement.

The investing concepts relating to general investing also apply to superannuation. There are added considerations when making contributions to your super, accessibility, and what super fund is appropriate for you.

Investing lending is borrowing money to invest in shares or managed funds. You use your existing cash, shares or managed funds as security and we lend you more money to invest. It is similar to buying a house, where you provide an asset in the form of the house, and the lender loans you money to pay for the house.

Review your options by browsing our borrow to invest products.

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