Trading Strategies for Beginners
Post on: 24 Июнь, 2015 No Comment
It is necessary to have some strategy while entering the stock business which is full of uncertainties. The trading strategies for beginners mentioned in this article will help in making life better for newbies in this business.
Planning is an important part/activity in all walks of life and stock investing is no exception to it. The basic things required in trading, just like any other activity are logic, discipline and control over emotions. Investment firms and traders adopt trading strategies which help in making wise decisions. The emotional aspect of trading is eliminated by following proper strategies.
Effective Trading Strategies for Beginners
Stock trading strategies can be devised on the basis of ability to handle/answer certain questions. These questions are of immense importance for becoming a good stock trader. Here are some of the important questions.
- Which of the stocks are worth investing in them?
- Which is the perfect time to make trade?
- What is the ideal time to engage in the futures trading ?
- How much amount of cash is taken out in a day’s trading activity?
These and many such other questions give direction to a particular trading activity.
The activity of buying and selling stocks within a single day’s working is known as day trading. The market commodities being traded during a day trading include currency trading, stocks, stock options and futures contracts. Equity index futures, commodity futures and interest rate futures are all included in futures contracts. Some of the trading strategies revealed in the points below, would help gain an insight into the stock business.
- It is not uncommon for day traders to trade for hundreds of stocks/commodities in a span of single day. Thus, a strategy of buying stocks and selling them within minutes to take advantage of price swings is adopted.
- The strategy of momentum trading can also be used by day traders. As per the strategy, stocks are purchased when an upswing begins. By the time the momentum is lost or upswing turn into downswing, day traders withdraw their shares.
- The resistance and support levels of stocks are also taken into account by day traders. The lowest possible price level (on the basis of history) of stocks is known as support level. The trader hopes that stock prices won’t go down than the support level and makes an investment.
- The resistance level is opposite to that of support level and is the highest price touched by a particular stock.
- Position trading is another strategy in which traders keep an eye on stocks which may rise, in terms of price, in the next few weeks/months. Such stocks are purchased and sold when a plateau (price level) is reached.
Beginner Stock Trading Strategies and Tips
One should start with stock trading in a careful manner. It is important to understand the tips regarding trading strategies for capital markets given below.
- It is advisable to track and purchase only a few stocks at a time, at least in the beginning. The criterion like share price need to be taken into account while determining the stocks to be purchased. One should always go for stocks having high volatility.
- Keeping oneself updated is crucial in the stock business. News channels which provide information about stocks may prove to be helpful in this regard.
- Regarding technical analysis, one should do the basic things such as calculating resistance and support levels for a stock. One can make use of ‘moving averages’, a momentum indicator to gauge whether price reversal may take place.
- Establishing a customized trading system of our own is always recommended. Two basic things like, minimum risk bearing capacity and methods used in entering and exiting the market should be determined or defined in this stock trading strategy.
Stock business is marked by fluctuations and the stock market is known to swing from high to low within no time. One should not only be vigilant while operating in the stock business, but also gain knowledge as he climbs up the ladder of experience. For the time being stock trading strategies for beginners mentioned in this write-up should help in gaining a toe hold in this field of finance.