The Best Ways To Learn About Investing

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

The Best Ways To Learn About Investing

There are plenty of fancy tools out there but, like any form of education, time and effort go a long way in learning about investing. Image via Wikipedia

David Goldenberg was a metallurgical engineer and served in the Air Force as he pursued degrees in finance and economics, then wound up on Wall Street as an analyst and trader at firms like Citi and Credit Suisse, before leaving the business in 2009 when banks’ proprietary trading came under threat from regulatory reform. Now, the 54-year-old Long Island resident is investing for his own portfolio and says he’s made good money in recent years with contrarian bets on everything from small companies shunned by analysts to leveraged plays on Latin American debt.

At this point Goldenberg is hardly a novice, but the self-taught investor — he started investing at 19 when he read a Wall Street Journal article about a takeover and decided to snap up shares of the target – says his savvy is just a reflection of putting in the time and effort to learn, not some divine gift.

It’s incredible, Goldenberg says, that people can name every starting pitcher for the Yankees but know so little about their finances and how easy it can be to become informed.

To Charles Rotblut, vice president of the American Association of Individual Investors, it all starts with a notebook. For all the new gadgets and technology that can help people learn about investing, he likes to start much simpler, with paper and pen. Just writing down “why you’re buying something and what would cause you to sell it” can play a crucial role in helping narrow the focus on what is important and block out all the noise that complicates investing.

Goldenberg and Rotblut’s common-sense advice is valuable for anyone starting out, especially since the sheer volume of information and access available to individual investors today dwarfs what was available even a decade ago and can make maintaining discipline a challenge.

Once investors have committed to increasing their knowledge of what to do with their money, there are a multitude of options to expand their education. Brokerage firms like online shops E*Trade Financial, TD Ameritrade and others, have turned their websites into virtual classrooms, offering everything from basic explanations of different types of investments to video tutorials.

E*Trade’s Chris Larkin says the investor education side of the industry has grown by leaps and bounds since the turn of the century. At that time, many companies saw such efforts as something to do just to appease regulators, but improved technology has created an opportunity to deliver education in more appealing and relatable. Whether it’s through web seminars, videos, or investor events held in different cities, “people can learn at their own pace,” Larkin says.

The company offers a number of videos tailored to different strategies and degrees of expertise, as well as live investor events with speakers like Standard & Poor’s chief investment strategist Sam Stovall or Jim Cramer.

All of the education offerings from E*Trade are tailored to giving investors the tools to succeed, Larkin says. The firm also believes investors need to understand crucial themes like diversification, risk/reward, rebalancing and perhaps most importantly, discipline. Given the volatility of recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for investors to stick to a long-term plan in the face of short-term turmoil.

Ted Bloomberg, who heads up education for TD Ameritrade, thinks about investor education at three levels: providing basic information (what is a stock, what is a bond type stuff), followed by further engagement with tutorials and ultimately in-depth training with coaches or teachers.

The Best Ways To Learn About Investing

TD, which picked up Investools and its suite of offerings when it acquired thinkorswim in 2009, believes getting to the third level is great for any investor, but Bloomberg says the first two are absolutely essential.

Equally important is confidence, and the belief that investing is not some great mystery best left in the hands of the professionals. Bloomberg says one of the biggest challenges he faces is convincing people they have the ability to be a participant in their investments rather than just a passenger along for the ride. That is not to say that everyone should be a day trader or start buying and selling commodities, of course, but rather an effort to demystify the sometimes overly-complicated world of investing.

Like any other type of education, learning about investing is not something with a beginning and end. By way of example, Bloomberg says he knows seasoned investors who thought the options market was some type of Wild West, but have come around to its use as a way to define risk. “It’s incredible to see the light bulb go on for some of these folks,” he says.

TD Ameritrade and E*Trade both host options-centric events in Chicago several times a year that sound almost like fantasy camp for investors. The programs bring traders onto the floor of the exchange, into the pits where options are traded every day, and include classroom sessions on everything from the history of options to lessons on selling covered calls. TD’s three-day version includes a team-based trading competition.

Such programs can be an interesting way to learn about new products or different parts of the investing landscape, but having a game plan, sticking to it and remembering that life is a “continuing education program,” as Goldenberg puts it, is far more important.

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