Should You Pay Someone To Manage Your 401k
Post on: 13 Июль, 2015 No Comment
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With the stock market reaching new highs. you may be wondering what to do with you retirement plan investments. Should you add more to your winners, take your profits and run, or do nothing at all? Many confused investors are turning to managed accounts in their 401(k) plans in which they pay a fee to have professionals make these decisions. According to this article. assets in these managed accounts have surged.
However, this professional management comes at a price. Depending on the service provider and how much you have to invest, a managed account can cost you 0.15% to 0.7% a year. That may not sound like much but add in the higher expense ratios of the actively managed funds that managed accounts tend to use and you’re starting to talk about real money. It may be worth it if they could boost your returns but there’s no evidence that active management can do better than a simple portfolio of low cost index funds. In fact, the evidence is just the opposite with even managed-account provider Morningstar admitting that low cost was a bigger indicator of superior performance than their own mutual fund star rating.
That doesn’t mean that managed accounts don’t have value. In fact, a new study shows that those who used managed accounts earned 3.32 percentage points more on average than do-it-yourselfers net of fees. That’s probably because of the tendency of investors to chase performance, becoming aggressive when the stock market is doing well and more conservative when the market is down, which leads to buying high and selling low. Many investors also leave their money in cash, either because it was the default option when they started and they never changed it or because their unfamiliarity with investing makes them too afraid to do anything else.
So should you invest in a managed account if you’re looking for help with your retirement? I recently got this question on our Financial Helpline. Let’s compare it to some of the alternatives.
Target Date Funds
These are becoming increasingly popular and are now often the default option in many retirement plans.
Pros: These funds work similarly to managed accounts in that you have professional money managers doing all the work of designing and managing your portfolio. With a target date fund, your portfolio is re-balanced for you and gradually becomes more conservative as you get closer to that target date so you can set it and forget it. While they’re often more expensive than regular mutual funds, the additional fee is generally less than what a managed account would charge you.
Cons: The biggest mistake people make with target date funds is not using them as the one-stop shops they’re designed to be. According to this article. more than 60% of target date investors only invested part of their money in the fund, with an average allocation of just 35%. In addition, target date funds aren’t customized to your particular risk tolerance the way a managed account is. A younger conservative investor may find their target date fund to be too aggressive while an older but more aggressive investor may find theirs to be too conservative. You can compensate for this by choosing a different target date than your actual retirement (earlier to be more conservative and later to be more aggressive) but you may still be unsatisfied with the fund’s glide path or how it changes over time. There’s also a question of whether the target date fund strategy even makes sense as some researchers argue that you’d actually be better off increasing your allocation to stocks throughout your life.
Model Portfolios
Your retirement plan provider may provide you with suggested portfolios based on your risk tolerance and time horizon or you may use a “lazy portfolio ” put together by one of several investment experts.
Pros: The main advantages of using a model portfolio is that you can minimize costs by avoiding management fees, choosing low cost mutual funds, and using your retirement account for the most tax-inefficient investments. If you’re not coordinating it with outside accounts and your retirement plan offers an automatic re-balance feature, you can essentially set it on auto-pilot.
Cons: These require more time to put together and possibly maintain and are particularly subject to being over-ridden by emotional reactions.
Online Advice
Some retirement plan providers offer free online investment advice tools like Financial Engine’s Personal Online Advisor and Schwab’s GuidedChoice. There are also independent providers like FutureAdvisor that can provide recommendations on your 401(k) plan for free. Just be aware that many of them sell managed account services as well.
Pros: If available, you can get free personalized advice that takes into account your risk tolerance, time horizon, and outside assets. Many of these programs will also recommend the lowest cost options in your plan.
Cons: If it’s not offered by your retirement plan provider and your plan isn’t covered by a site like FutureAdvisor, you may have to pay for it. It also takes time to learn and use the software, which not everyone is comfortable with. Finally, while the sites will make recommendations, it’s still up to you to follow and implement them.