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Are You Ready To Make Money — Forex Euro USD 6E Futures Daily Report 28t.
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Within the investment bank, the trading division is keen to implement synergies between desks, such as:
hedging the currency risk born from foreign exchange swaps or forward positions;
funding by the money market desk of positions left open at end of day;

hedging bond positions by interest-rate futures or options contracts.
Such processes require mutualisation of data.
Hence a number of package software come to the market, between 1990 and 1993. Infinity, Summit, Kondor+, Finance Kit,[14] Front Arena, (French) Murex and Sophis Risque, are quickly marketed under the umbrella of risk-management, a term more flattering though somewhat less accurate than that of position-keeping.[15]
Though Infinity died, in 1996, with the dream of the toolkit that was expected to model any innovation a financial engineer could have designed, the other systems are still well and alive in trading rooms. Born during the same period, they share many technical features, such as a three-tier architecture, whose back-end runs on a Unix platform, a relational database on either Sybase or Oracle, and a graphical user interface written in English, since their clients are anywhere in the world. Capture of transactions by traders, position-keeping, measure of market risks (interest-rates and foreign exchange), calculation of Profit & Loss (P&L), per desk or trader, control of limits set per counterparty, are the main functionalities delivered by these systems.
These functions will be later entrenched by national regulations, that tend to insist on adequate IT: in France, they are defined in 1997 in an instruction from the Commission Bancaire relative to internal control.[16]