OptionsMastery® Generate Monthly Income Protect Stock Portfolios Stock Option Trading Strategies
Post on: 8 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Minimize Risk and Maximize Returns
Many are touting their “secret” for “generating unlimited wealth”. Let us tell you their supposed SECRET. They’re using simple stock option trading strategies that you can learn and apply just like them. These strategies allow you to protect your portfolio, generate income, and make tremendous profits even if the stock market moves up, down or sideways.
You may have heard that Options are “risky”. That’s what the market insiders want you to think. All investments carry risk, but properly applied, these options strategies generally have less risk than buying Stock. Large corporations, financial firms, wealthy investors, and hedge funds use them to protect themselves against market fluctuations and to generate income. Now you too can profit from these techniques. We teach you how to make money in bull, bear, and sideways markets while knowing your possible profit and limited risk before you enter the trade.
OptionsMastery® offers an exciting array of products for all levels of investors, from novice to expert. Click here for a partial list of options strategies that we teach.
Why choose OptionsMastery® . Unlike the competition, we provide a complete integrated solution that includes Education. Analysis. and the ability to find the Best Trades in the market everyday.
Education: You can spend thousands for a seminar, or buy dozens of books to learn the basic options theory, and still be far from ready to start trading options profitably. The unique OptionsMastery Options University ™ product combines an on-line intuitive visual learning tool with interactive spot tests that automatically help you when you miss an answer. The OptionsMastery Strategy Guide ™ gives you detailed information for each of the option strategies .
Analysis: Unlike the competition, using the OptionsMastery Strategy Analyzer ™ you can analyze trades with data updated throughout the trading day. Don’t miss out on a possible trade waiting for the “end of day” data from the competition. The Strategy Analyzer™ serves as both a learning and a trading tool. If you try to incorrectly enter a strategy, the Strategy Analyzer™ will warn you and prompt for the correct information.

Trade Ranking: The OptionsMastery Tradefinders ™ sift through thousands of possible option trades and then e-mails you the highest yielding trade prospects on a daily basis. You can even customize them for your particular investing style. The proposed trades can then be instantly analyzed using the OptionsMastery Strategy Analyzer ™.
You certainly need to know the best Option Strategies to use for different market conditions, and we teach you that. But, what’s the point of knowing about Option Strategies if you don’t have a tool to analyze the trade for profit? Furthermore, what’s the point of being able to analyze a trade for profit if you don’t know what stock or index to pick in the first place? That’s why after years of personal trading frustration, we ’ve developed a product that provides all three.
No other product achieves the ease of use and integrated functionality of OptionsMastery’s comprehensive package.
For example, when your Tradefinder™ arrives in your e-mail on a daily basis, you review the list of trades and log in to the analyzer. Clicking on your preferred trade in the Tradefinder list will automatically load the trade into the Strategy Analyzer for immediate analysis with market data to display your projected profit curve. Independent analysis and earnings information are only a click away within the Tradefinder as well. If you ever need to refresh your knowledge, just click on the Options University or the Strategy Guide. Everything you need is in one place, not scattered among non related tools.
If you had known about these option strategies in late 2000, you could have protected your stock portfolio from the huge bear market of 2001. As Enron proved, even stocks of major bellweather corporations can drop all the way to zero. Smaller riskier companies pose even a greater risk. Even a long term buy and hold strategy won’t protect you against that. With the recent market gains, you need to know how to lock in your profits today. We have several Options strategies available to do just that, even without selling your stocks. Don’t wait until it’s it too late and the next market correction has wiped out your profits; protect yourself today. You already buy insurance for your car, now learn how to “insure” your portfolio. OptionsMastery will teach you how.
OptionMastery’s options strategies (partial list):